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Mummy2Damien2yrs & 2 in heaven

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  • Repost. Can someone have a look at at my chart and tell me whether it's looking good for pregnancy?

    Can someone have a look at at my chart and tell me whether it's looking good for pregnancy?

    Just wondering if someone could have a look at my chart and tell me whether it's looking good for pregnancy. took a test this morning at 9dpo and I thought I small the smallest of faintest lines, but I'm going to wait another few days before I test again. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Can someone have a look at at my chart and tell me whether it's looking good for pregnancy?

    Just wondering if someone could have a look at my chart and tell me whether it's looking good for pregnancy. took a test this morning at 9dpo and I thought I small the smallest of faintest lines, but I'm going to wait another few days before I test again. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How do I link my Fertility Friend chart on here?

    Hi, I wanted to link my chart to a question I want to ask but not sure how to. Can anyone explain to me how to do it? thanks in advance

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever had 2 miscarriages in a row after having a first full term healthy pregnancy?

    I have a 3 yr old son and had no problems with his pregnancy. Last year I fell pregnant and had some spotting and then they did an u/s and there was a heartbeat. I then had more spotting at 14 weeks and had another ultrasound and there was no heartbeat and bubs measured 9w1d. I fell pregnant not long later and I had a tiny bit of spotting at 6 weeks and had an ultrasound at 10weeks only to discover there was no heartbeat yet again and bubs measured 8w5d. I am O+ blood type so its not a negative rhesus factor and the obstetrician thinks it's just bad luck because I had my son fine. I had a naturopath tell me (I was getting boils since I had my son) that the cause was the boils, so i went to the doctor and he tested me and I had a staph infection, which I took numerous antibiotics before they finally cleared up. With my last 2 pregnancies my initial HCG levels were pretty low but they were doubling fine and were in the normal range. I had a curette done with the first miscarriage and a D&C done with the 2nd one.

    I am now at 6dpo with cramping and a temp dip on my chart and have got fingers crossed that if I am pregnant that this one will stick. So my question is, has anybody ever had a healthy full term pregnancy with their first and then 2 miscarriages in a row and went on to have a healthy pregnancy again? Thanks in advance

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Can someone recommend a good humidifier for my 3 yr old son's room as he gets bad croup?

    My little boy gets croup, and it's starting to get bad. I take him to the doctors and he gets medicine for it, but he gets it so often in winter or in cold weather. I was going to buy him a humidifier for his room, but I'm not sure which one would be the best. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • HCG level of 6? Pregnant or early miscarriage?

    I had a positive HPT at 8dpo and then at 9dpo tested with a different brand and came back negative. 10dpo tested with the brand that came back negative and it was positive. I had a blood test done at 10dpo and my HCG level was 6. I have had a a full term pregnancy with my son (now nearly 3) and no problems with him but had 2 miscarriages at 9 weeks last year within 3 months of each other.

    If I wasn't pregnant wouldn't my HCG levels be below 6? Do you think I have had an early miscarriage or I'm very early in pregnancy? I am 11dpo today. Any answers would be appreciated

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Positive HPT test then negative the next day then positive again and now negative blood test?

    I took a HPT at 8dpo and it came up positive, there was no doubt you could see a coloured a line, it definitely wasn't a evaporation line. I took some more then next day at 9dpo and they came back negative, the same with early in the day on 10dpo, I took a couple more in the late afternoon on 10dpo and they came back positive, yet I had a blood test done on 10dpo and it has come back as negative and my HCG level was 6 at 10dpo. Was this a chemical pregnancy? I have already had a son (now nearly 3) and had no problems with his pregnancy But last year I had 2 miscarriages at 9 weeks, within 3 months of one another. What is going on?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Positive one day negative the next?

    Hi, I tested at 8dpo and I got a positive. It was faint but it was definitely there and it was coloured so it wasn't an evaporation line. I used internet tests that day, one's with the blue end and it was a pink dye test. The next day I used first morning urine to test again one with the same test and another with a different internet test which had a green end on it. The one with the blue end had an extremely faint line on it (you could barely see it) and the one with the green end I'm pretty sure was negative. I've been testing several times a day and also with my FMU and they all come up negative or with a really really faint line which looks suspiciously like an evaporation line.

    Today, I thought I'd go out and buy one of the most sensitive tests you can buy, it is a Forelife! and it's sensitivity level is 10 miU/ml and I'm pretty sure is negative. Can anyone shed some light on this, because I'm pretty sure you can't get any tests apart from a blood test that can pick up HCG levels below 10 miU/ml?

    Also last year, I had 2 miscarriages in 3 months, the last one being just over 3 months ago, both at the same stage and my HCG levels with both of them were low. For the first one they were 30 at 15dpo and the second one 15 at 12dpo. They ended up rising to what they should have and they were doubling but I still lost both of them at 9 weeks. I have already had a baby before and had no complications when pregnant with my son (now nearly 3). Could someone please help? Thank you in advance

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is it even possible to get a BFP at 8dpo?

    Well... this is a bit of a shock. I'm now at 8dpo and have been charting my cycles with fertilityfriend, this morning I took a HPT just because I could, lol. I have actually been getting pregnancy symptoms, but I wasn't actually planning on testing for another week at least, but I had heaps of pregnancy tests and just felt like it. Well, I did the test and an extremely faint line (I mean REALLY faint) come up within the timeframe and it is a coloured line and is definitely not an evaporation line. I didn't even realise it was possible to get a BFP at 8dpo. I am a little scared because I suffered 2 miscarriages in a row within 3 months of one another last year, but thankfully found out what was causing them. Any answers would be great, am feeling quite shocked and a bit scared.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Normal level of HCG at 12dpo?

    I did a pregnancy test at 11dpo and got a very faint positive, I wasn't sure whether I was seeing things so I waited another day and took another test which came up with a bolder positive on a 15 miu test. I had a blood test at 12dpo and am going back for the results tomorrow. I am just wondering what is a normal range for that stage of pregnancy as I am a bit worried as my last pregnancy a couple of months ago ended in a miscarriage. With my last pregnancy I didn't get a positive until 15dpo and you could barely see it. I tested at 12dpo in my last pregnancy and got a negative. My hcg level at 16dpo was 30 last time, which I'm not sure whether it was low. I'm a lot more positive in this pregnancy. I think if it showed up positive and was bolder 3 days before I tested with my last pregnancy maybe my HCG levels are higher. Anyway, if someone can tell me what a normal range for HCG levels would be at 12dpo, that would be great. Any opinions welcome. Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • BBT and CM both show ovulation but negative OPK's?

    Ok, I had a miscarriage 2 and a half weeks ago (it was terrible, ugh, never want to go through that again), and I started charting my cycle again when I got out of hospital.

    I am using BBT method, CM observation and OPK's. My chart has showed a big dip on Day 16 and then 3 days of sustained temp rises and i had fertile CM from Day 14 to 18. The problem is, is that I have been testing with OPK's everyday from CD9 and got a negative everyday, I even tested 3 times on Day 16 and twice on Day 15. I brought the ovulation tests off the internet in bulk, so I don't know if they are faulty or what, but I always thought internet ovulation strips were good. When we started trying last time (time I miscarried), I ovulated on Day 16 then and fell pregnant first month, I never used OPK's so I don't know what's going on. I followed all the instructions clearly as well.

    I am using Fertility Friend to chart my cycles and instead on a thick red line to show ovulation they have a dotted one on Day 16, because my OPK's are negative. I am on CD 19 or 3dpo if I did ovulate on Day 16.

    I am inclined to believe that I did ovulate because all my other signs showed I did.Can anyone help me work out why my BBT and CM shows ovulation and I keep getting negative OPK's? Thanks in advance, really appreciate it.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • HELP!!!! Due date confusion?

    Going from my LMP which was 28th April so going by that I would be 7w6d. I just had an ultrasound and the baby is measuring 6w3d and my due date has changed from the 2nd February 2010 to the 12th February 2010. I'm gathering the reason the baby is measuring 6w3d is because of the date of ovulation, but wouldn't that still make me about 8 weeks? The u/s technician said to go by the ultrasound date because that is more accurate.

    Any help would be appreciated, because I am so confused. Thanks

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does this sound like an ectopic pregnancy?

    The dull stabbing cramps have now started on my left side as well. Growing and stretching pains? They don't hurt at all though

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Morning sickness or gastro?

    I have been feeling sick all night and haven't been able to sleep. About 6am this morning I got up and vomited, I felt better afterward but then started feeling sick again. I then went back to the toilet and discovered I have diarrhea (sorry tmi!) . I am 6 weeks pregnant today, and I'm wondering is does this sound like morning sickness or gastro?

    If it is morning sickness, does anyone have any idea on how to settle my stomach and what works?

    Thanks in advance

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Not much morning sickness yet?

    I am 5w6d pregnant with #2 and I haven't had much morning sickness. I have felt a bit of nausea for a few days. I was feeling a little bit sick before I discovered I was pregnant. I know every pregnancy is different, but with my son I was getting morning sickness from before I found out I was pregnant until I was 9 weeks, I would just feel sick up until lunch time with no vomiting.

    This time, I have felt sick in the mornings for a few days, but not much at all. I'm starting to get a bit worried about it, I know I shouldn't, but I am. I still have my other pregnancy symptoms like tiredness, sore bb's, increased appetite, urinating frequently, and a bit of nausea and a lot of stretching pains and cramps.

    Maybe I am one of the lucky one's who doesn't really get morning sickness? Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cramping in early pregnancy?

    I am 5w2d pregnant and have been getting cramps. I have heard this is normal and I did have this with my son (now 2) and he was born perfectly healthy. I just need a bit of reassurance, because I seem to be a lot more worried with this pregnancy even though I have no reason to. The cramps are dull and achey and sometimes go around to my lower back. They feel like the cramps I got with my period. Also how long will they last, because I can't remember specifically when they stopped with my son, I think it was around 11-12 weeks. Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is my HCG level normal?

    I just got the results of my blood test (quantitative) back and my HCG level is 30. The blood test was taken on 15dpo, is this normal? I am now 5w1d.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When will I start showing in my 2nd pregnancy?

    When I was pregnant wiht my son I started showing around 3 months. I got big really early and then the growth slowed down and didn't get much bigger.

    I have heard that with your second pregnancy you will show sooner than with your first, so I'm just wondering because I showed earlier with my first pregnancy does that mean I'm going to start showing even earlier in my second? Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What should I expect at 6 week ultrasound?

    I have an ultrasound when I'm 6-8 weeks and I'm wondering what I should expect? When I was pregnant with my son, I didn't get my first ultrasound until I was 19 weeks because my doctor stuffed up. Could anyone shed some light on this for me? Thanks in advance!!!!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bloating early in 2nd pregnancy but not in 1st?

    I read on a website that women usually get really bloated around 4-5 weeks in their 2nd pregnancy more so than their 1st. I have noticed this myself. I am 4w3d and have really bad bloating, I never had this when I was pregnant with my son. Who else has experienced this and why does it happen?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago