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Bright red, bloody stool?
I know that if you have a little bit of blood coating your stool, then it is usually from a tear in the tissue. However, I was wondering about stool that had blood, for sure on it, but I couldn't tell if it was in it from just looking; and it wasn't a small amount, but it coated at least half the stools, which were about medium size, I guess. I read a lot of answers to questions like this, and most of the answers said call your doctor now; why? I'm not trying to sound dumb, I know that there are many diseases that could cause this and it is best to get checked out; but I have had stool (a long time ago, when I was in grade school) that gave me a little bit of blood, and I didn't do anything because I knew that it was from constipation, because I had had a terrible time fighting that when I was young; which caused me to watch what I ate and now I exercise regularly.
The problem now is that it was not a little amount, it was a lot more than that. I was just wondering, if this is something that I can wait to see if it will clear up on its own; or how long can I wait to see if it will clear up, before I call my doctor. I know that I need to put my health first, and I really to try, but I am trying to stay caught up with my classes and working as well, that I barely have time to devot to sleep. And if I do wait, what exactly would I be looking for, I mean would I have blood with the stool everytime I have a bowel movement (but just have less and less until it is gone), or would it skip bowel movements. I guess I am also asking if there is a frequency pattern I should be watching for. Thanks!
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade agoStinky jeans after 3 washes!!!!!?
Okay, I bought these jean about 3 weeks ago, and I washed them right away, because they smelled horrible. I had a pair of jeans that I had worn before that smelt the same and my mom got the smell out with baking soda.
I first washed them with warm water and borax, and then I let them dry. They still smelled
Then I washed them with baking soda and warm water and let them dry, still had the smell.
Then I washed them with hot water and baking soda and let them dry, and they still smell horrible.
How do I get this smell out without ruining the jeans? I like how they fit and the are good jeans, but I can't get rid of the smell, and I am a college student with little money, so I can't really go buy another pair of jeans.
If you need to know, they smell like cow dung, and they have smelled like that ever since I got them.
5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoGeneral anesthesia/Endotracheal intubation/Asthma?
So, I am having Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in a few months. I also have asthma that acts up every time I get a sinus infection or cold, and I get sinus infections every 3 months (you can almost literally set your clock by them). Whenever my asthma acts up, it progresses very quickly, and most of the time my doctor can't hear a lot until a few days after I have been in the hospital (thankfully, it has been two years since I have had to be hospitalized).
Here are my questions, I know that people who don't have active asthma have a lower risk than people who do have active asthma with general anesthesia. If mine is active or if I am just recovering from it acting up, will they have me reschedule my surgery? We scheduled it so that I would have time to recover before school starts in January, however it is about two weeks after it might act up from a sinus infection (which, again, occurs about every 3 months). If they don't have me reschedule, what would they do?
My mom had the same surgery and she said they intubate you. My first question on that is: what do muscle relaxants do (if anything) to your breathing? Secondly, during what stage of general anesthesia do they intubate you? And, I am really nervous about a machine (or anybody, for that matter) controlling my breathing; what can they do if you are really nervous? I know that I will be meeting with the anesthesiologist before the operation; what do they do, besides ask questions?
I have tried to find info. about this, but they didn't really answer my questions; which I think is because a lot of it is really tailored to the individual patient. If you could please give me as much info. as possible (and websites or even reading or visual material), I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoDoes anybody experience pain during their gynecological exam?
I went to get my first gynecological exam today and it hurt really bad when she did the internal exam. I know that there was discomfort and pressure, but there was also a lot of pain. My mom told me that if I could handle a catheter being inserted, then I would have no problems with this. I have had several catheters inserted in the past and I would really choose having a catheter put in over the internal exam. The doctor was really nice and quick, but I couldn't believe it hurt that much and it still hurts a little. I might have a yeast or bacterial infection, and they did do a wet mount to check. Would an infection cause it to hurt like that? Any ideas? Thanks!
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoFirst time to gynecologist?
I am 25, and this is going to be my first time to any gynecologist; no specific reason other than I was told a long time ago that I should get a routine exam from a gynecologist, and now have the time and money.
I read the answers to a previous question, but I was wondering: if all you told the office was that you needed a pap, would they still do the internal and external exams? And do they also include the breast exam in that as well? Some sites I've looked at said that they also do a general physical, if your primary physician is also at the same clinic, would they still do a general exam? Do they always order blood tests and urine samples? Also, do they always do internal and external exams, or is that just for the first time? Just curious and a little nervous. Thanks!
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago