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Greetings, I'm mid 40's, married, 2 young kids, full time chemist. I enjoy science, political theater, diving, biking and different types of beers

  • What do people think about Obamacare?

    I went on to the 'cover California' website and found it easy to use. I am covered by my employer but there was a time a few years ago that I was a temp employee after losing my job due to the recession. I entered some numbers and I would have had a much better deal than the option I had to choose back then.

    I am certainly a fan of Obamacare so far...what are other people's experiences today with it?

    8 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Is the GOP on the wrong side of history?

    "President Barack Obama praised the court's ruling on the federal marriage act, which he labeled "discrimination enshrined in law."

    "It treated loving, committed gay and lesbian couples as a separate and lesser class of people," Obama said in a statement. "The Supreme Court has righted that wrong, and our country is better off for it."

    House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he was disappointed in the outcome of the federal marriage case and hoped states continue to define marriage as the union of a man and a woman."

    Did Boehner hurt the GOP's chances of presenting themselves as a relevant political party in the long run? Don't these two quotes tell us which party is the party of the future and which party is the party of the past?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Should Holder resign?

    Obama supporters, if the latest revelation that Eric Holder signed off on the search warrant of Rosen is accurate, should Holder be let go? If not, what justification for Holder staying is there?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Yahoo conservatives: Is the tea party irrelevant as a political force in the American political landscape now?

    With Demint resigning and Boehner removing tea party favorites from leadership roles, is the tea party revolt now dead?

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will the GOP now work with congressional democrats and the president to fix the flawed but good and legal ABA?

    Although I am an Obama supporter and progressive and therefore have an obvious bias, I think that any serious observer will concur that the GOP congress has been so concerned in dealing Obama a political defeat that they have lost sight of their primary mission, to enact legislation in the best interest of all Americans.

    Will they now work with the Democrats to provide reasonably priced and effective healthcare for all Americans? Or will they continue to ensure that Washington is mired in partisan gridlock?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why is the GOP against alternative energy?

    I can understand a rational person not being for alternative energy. After all, it may never be cheaper than pumping fossil fuels out and converting them to useful work; especially if the effects of man made CO2 emissions are not factored into the price of said fossil fuels. Who knows, maybe all we need to do is rigorously increase the efficiency of the processes that we employ to derive useful work from fossil fuel to drastically reduce CO2 emissions (and thus, price of energy).

    My question, though, is why the witch hunt? Why be against the PV technology. Seriously, they are talking about a 1.6 billion dollar loan. That is pennies compared to the size of our national debt. That aside, maybe a combination of alternative energy sources will work! Why is the GOP wasting time nit-picking whether a solar tracking system is "innovative"?

    25 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Can Romney win the general election without the enthusiasm of the GOP base?

    Assume that the economy continues at this slow but steady recovery and there are no major blunders by the Obama administration from now to the election

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If Romney believed his health care plan was good for MA, why does he not believe it is not good for the nation?

    The whole Romneycare/Obamacare issue was brought up again by Perry during the last debate. Romney's answer seems to be that his plan works on the state level but it does not work on the national level. My question to GOP supporters is 'What is the difference?'. Surely, if it was a good plan for the state of Massachusetts, it is fair to say that a national plan based on it will be equally good for the nation.

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why is Solyndra still being brought up?

    For a little perspective, please check this out.

    Why is Solyndra still being brought up? Non partisan researchers concluded that global warming is a result from man made emissions and a logical course of action is to curb greenhouse gas emissions, most importantly, CO2. Photovoltaic are a legitimate pathway to develop an alternative source of energy. It is in the interest of the government to promote development of these alternatives. Money was lent to Solyndra for development of their approach. It turned out to be the wrong approach at this time. What is the big deal.

    And what about a little perspective here?

    7 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Who is going to represent the GOP against Obama in 2012?

    This question is more directed to the conservatives who post here. It seems like when any candidate gets close to Romney in the polls, he/she self destructs. If Romney is nominated, will he be able to energize the conservative base to vote against Obama? Is there any conservative politician able to articulate a sound philosophy and set of ideas to present as an alternative to Obama? Is there any conservative philosophy and set of ideas other than "we hate Obama"?

    Or has the country swung so far right that the true "center right" party IS the Democrats and the GOP has been reduced to just a right wing extremist party?

    9 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • To Perry supporters and Cons in general: Was Perry out of line when he accused Ben Bernanke of Treason?

    U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Section. 3.

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

    Does instituting monetary policy as the chairman of the Fed constitute Treason according to the constitution?

    18 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • What ever happened to "Reagan proved that deficits do not matter?"?

    Paul O'Neill claimed that Cheney has said this. Conservatives, was Cheney wrong? If he was not, why is deficit spending to get us out of a recession wrong? Is it only wrong with Democrats engage in it?

    7 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Is WOW still worth playing?

    I have been a semi regular player of World of Warcraft since TBC. I took a hiatus from it since right before Cata came out. I feel the itch to play again. I understand major changes came with the expansion. Is it still a fun game? Are there better MMORPGs out there?

    1 AnswerPC10 years ago
  • Does it concern Y/A posters that the judicial system is biased?

    According to this article the constitutionality of the Heathcare Reform Act (or Obamacare, depending upon your party affiliation) has ben ruled either constitutional or unconstitutional depending upon the judges party affiliation. As a Y/A poster, we are generally pretty partisan. Does it concern you that all judges seem to be partisan? If the constitutionality of the Healthcare Reform Act were decided unanimously by the supreme court against your particular party's stand, would you be satisfied?

    I'll go first. Yes it does greatly concern me. If the supreme court decides in an 8-1 or 9-0 against the constitutionality of the Healthcare Reform Act, I would be satisfied. We need men and women on the court who are not swayed by partisan politics or party allegiances!

    9 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Does it concern Y/A posters that the judicial system is biased?

    According to this article the constitutionality of the Heathcare Reform Act (or Obamacare, depending upon your party affiliation) has ben ruled either constitutional or unconstitutional depending upon the judges party affiliation. As a Y/A poster, we are generally pretty partisan. Does it concern you that all judges seem to be partisan? If the constitutionality of the Healthcare Reform Act were decided unanimously by the supreme court against your particular party's stand, would you be satisfied?

    I'll go first. Yes it does greatly concern me. If the supreme court decides in an 8-1 or 9-0 against the constitutionality of the Healthcare Reform Act, I would be satisfied. We need men and women on the court who are not swayed by partisan politics or party allegiances!

    8 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Republicans, does Sarah Palin "struggle" with the facts?

    This analysis of Palin's speeches leads is readers to believe that she does not know what she is talking about. Is this analysis fair? If it is not, can you provide a rebuttal? If this analysis is essentially correct, will you vote for her in 2012 if she is the Republican nominee?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is with all the criticism of the Obama administrations handling of the UBL operation by conservatives?

    I have read things from it being illegal, immoral, a hoax, not a capture. Why so much criticism on Y/A? What exactly was the administration suppose to do?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago