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  • In Portuguese, a female monster?

    Perhaps this should be in the "languages" category but I seem to be having a problem with Yahoo's search feature. The smallest child in my avatar, Rafaela, lives in Olhos De Agua Portugal. She is a rascal. She likes to throw bolas, kick futbols, yell at people who come to her grandmother's bar/cafe and don't say ola, hello or anything. Many of us who know and love her agree that she is a monster, however, I call her minha anjinha. Google translate makes no distinction between monstro and monstra. But, if I call her a monster, uma monstra is more correct than um monstro, sim?

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Can a filly beat the boys in the Belmont?

    Unlimited Budget gets a 5 lb. weight break which is big in a 1 1/2 race. Of course the Pletcher, Rosie, filly factors mean we will not get the 8 to 1 ml odds. I'll be in for a couple of bucks.

    4 AnswersHorse Racing8 years ago
  • Who was Lasorda talking about?

    A reporter once called a player a dog. Another reporter later asked Lasorda if he thought this player was a dog. Tommy replied "no, a dog is loyal and will go hard after a ball" Anybody remember who the player was/?

    1 AnswerBaseball8 years ago
  • How do I delete/uninstall a program?

    I am trying to get rid of Uniblue Speed up my pc. When I go to start, control panel, uninstall a program, highlight the uniblue item and click uninstall, I get the error message:

    Messages File "C:\Program Files

    (x86)\Uniblue\Speedupmypc\unins0msg" is missing. Please correct the problem or obtain a new copy of the program. How do I correct it?

    4 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Have any of you had problems with British Airways loyalty program?

    I posted this question in the air travel section and got one answer so I won't repeat it all here. After joining the Executive Club, I got credited quickly. I flew a partner airline last year and still do not have my credits. When I tried to use the so-called avios that I do have, they were useless. No matter what dates I entered or which departure/arrival cities it came up "no seats available".

    1 AnswerSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • Has anyone had trouble with British Airways loyalty program?

    Two years ago I joined BA Executive Club. The first time I flew BA Seattle to London to Lisbon and return and got my so-called avios quickly. Last year, I flew Aer Lingus, a partner airline and still, seven months later, have not received my avios. Even though I submitted my boarding passes, with the flight status on them, I'm being told that I need to submit proof that the flight I booked was the same as the flight I took. The BA Executive Club rep in New York was a real jerk and finally just quit answering my phone messsages and emails. After I submitted a complaint to the Better Business Bureau,I was contacted by a BA customer service rep. She said she would contact Aer Lingus but it might take six weeks for an answer. After seven weeks, I contacted her again and she told me that she had gotten no answer and would contact Aer Lingus again but it might take six weeks to get an answer. Bottom line - seven months since I took qualifying flight I still do not have my credits.

    2 AnswersAir Travel8 years ago
  • Do you think that the Algarve is becoming more Portuguese/?

    When I first visited the Algarve, five or six years ago, I read something that said "The Algarve is not the real Portugal". My first thought was, I'm sure that it can be. I immediately tried to learn a bit of Portuguese, asked local people where they would go for a drink or a snack and avoided the English bars. I soon found small local bar/cafes where the food and drinks were less expensive and the people were friendly. Language was never a problem although we had fun sometimes. I have been going back to the Algarve each year for two months em autum and I seem to think that I am seeing more places owned and managed by Portuguese people. Perhps that is just because that is what I want to see Any ideas?

    4 AnswersPortugal8 years ago
  • Is it not frightening when you realize how many simple-minded people there are in the world?

    I just submitted a question regarding a young man in Indiana who was given a job opportunity because he stopped and asked for information from a business owner. It is a great story that was on Yahoo news and my reason for submitting it was to alert other people to it. Two YA users answered with thanks then the question was deleted because the "community" complained. I suppose my sin was that I referred to all of you as Yahoos. I have pretty much quit participating in YA because of situatuions like this. I have noticed over the past few months that fewer of the old timers who were regulars on YA post anymore. It is sad that a few thin-skinned individuals with fragile psychs can screw it up for those of us who have been down a few rocky trails and want to have some fun and hopefully lend support to other "older' citizens.

    4 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • Since all of you are yahoos, you probably saw this one about the kid in Indiana. What do you think?

    A young guy in Indiana is walking to a job interview and a chance encounter with a business owner ends up getting him much more than he hoped for. It obviously is a win-win situation for both parties. The kid gets a decent job and the businessman gets a hard-working employee who will be forever loyal.

    2 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • Can an owner/trainer also be a jockey?

    Looking up some info the other day, DRF had Kent Desormeaux listed as the trainer of a horse. Keith Desormeaux was actually the trainer. If a horse owner was also the the trainer and was a licensed jockey, could he/she ride that horse in a race?

    3 AnswersHorse Racing8 years ago
  • Are jockeys still called boys?

    Looking at the Handicapper report for Santa Anita today I saw that the exercise rider was referred to as "the boy". I know that Jockeys were called boys, apprentices, "bug boys" per tradition. With the proliferation of so many great female jockeys, has that changed? In baseball, we still call a female player a third baseman, for example. I just cannot imagine calling Rosemary Homeister Jr. "the boy" or even "the girl".

    PS: my early pick for the Derby is Kochees.

    1 AnswerHorse Racing8 years ago
  • Why can I not look at questions in the category travel/continental Europe/Portugal?

    When I click on travel/continental Europe/Portugal I get a message that something has interrupted the question supply. I tried refreshing the page, as Yahoo suggests but still get the same message.

    1 AnswerOther - Europe8 years ago
  • Anyone interested in the 2012 Algarve sand sculpture festival?

    If you will be in the Albufeira area this Summer, you may be interested in the sand sculpture festival. I messed up last year as I took the wrong route. I did see some local artisan's displays in Albufeira and have some pictures if you are interested. Sand sculpting is an old tradition in Southern Portugal but gets little publicity.

    2 AnswersPortugal9 years ago
  • What are some must do experiences in Dublin?

    Flying from Seattle to The Algarve Portugal I have a long layover in Dublin this month and a longer one in November on return. I only have a few hours each day but hope to squeeze in a bit of Irish culture. I was last in Ireland in 1969. Any ideas as to what I must do? Please don't suggest squeezing an Irish colleen. I've done that and thoroughly enjoyed it but now the mind is willing but the body is unsure. I don't like Guinness nor do I drink much whiskey but could be talked into sampling some top shelf Jameson or Bushmill. Any food I should try?

    4 AnswersDublin9 years ago
  • Is there a place in Southern Portugal where I can watch cheese being made?

    In two weeks time I will be in the Algarve. I love queijo Português and would like to visit a place where it is being made. There are tours to wineries and even medronho stills but I have never seen a tour to a cheese factory, probably because it is mostly hand crafted by small, local producers. Thanks to people like Raquel and Paoulo, I have confidence now that I could take a bus from Albufeira to any small village and not have a problem with the language.

    3 AnswersPortugal9 years ago
  • Why are so many of our legislators lawyers?

    At one time one may have argued that we need lawyers to write the laws they enact. That is false. Logical thinking citizens can enact laws and a few lawyers could write them to fit the rules of our complex legal mumbo jumbo.

    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • Have you been watching the Olympics?

    I have always been a fan of the Olympics and usually have spent hours watching. For some reason, I have not watched a moment and cannot explain why. I live in America but the time difference is not an issue, I'm retired. I think part of it is that in 1972, 1976 and 1984 I was living within a few hours drive of the sites but could not afford tickets to even minor events. Perhaps also I'm just tired of all the politics involved with sports.

    4 AnswersOlympics9 years ago
  • Why do I have so many female zucchini blossoms?

    Every year I grow one zucchini plant. Usually the first blossoms to appear are male and outnumber the female blossoms. This year I've had six or seven female blossoms and no male. The first few fruits were short and seemed to stop growing so I cut them off. I read that lack of pollination can cause this. I now have two male blossoms starting and about six female so hopefully I will get some larger fruits.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Are you proud that you can speak more than one language?

    Many young people in the USA speak one or more languages, particularly Spanish. Many people say, oh, it's no big deal, they learn it at home. This morning, I was on a bus and a lady who could not understand English had a small problem. A young latino translated for the bus driver and the lady and we were quickly on our way. My opinion is that speaking a second language is a big deal and it doesn't matter if that was your first language growing up.

    6 AnswersLanguages9 years ago