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  • I need some serious advice. My daughter wants to move in with her dad and I'm not sure what to do.?

    She has lived there for the past year and her grades were not good there. He lives out of state and has a toxic girlfriend. She screams at everyone in her household and bullies everyone, including my ex-husband. My daughter wants to move back there, with the promise of good grades, etc. She swears that the girlfriend is being more friendly and trying to quit screaming. She has lots of friends there and has more of an opportunity for exercise and extracurricular activities there. Just not sure what I should do. I hate to make her miserable, since she's had a history of suicide attempts, but I miss her like crazy when she's gone. Help??? Please, only serious answers. I don't need to be "beat down". Thanks!

    6 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • I am having a hard time today. I need to get some advice.?

    I told my husband that I sometimes wonder if he's depressed because I make his life miserable. He told me that sometimes that is true. What should I say about this? It really hurt me, because I live my whole life doing what he wants me to. I don't try to cause him trouble and he still has so many issues with me. I just wonder if this is all worth it or not. Please help me out!

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question about clots...TMI, I know.?

    My 17 year old daughter is almost constantly on a period and she's passing kind of big clots. She has constant headaches, stomach aches and throws up a lot. Any idea what this could be? She is going to the doctor later this week, but I want to know what to expect. Thanks!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Baby's chances of survival if born at 26 weeks?

    Can anyone tell me what the chances are that my baby would survive if I delivered today (26w3d)? I am worried that the back pains that I'm having is back labor and can't see the doctor until tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck that that's not what is happening. Maybe with a little rest, I will be able to sustain the whole pregnancy. Thanks for your prayers!

    23 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant (26 weeks) with extreme back pain?

    Can anyone tell me something to do with back pain? I've tried Tylenol and resting, etc. and it's not working. I can't really afford to take off work, but I need to be able to get through the rest of this pregnancy without debilitating back pain. Anyone that can help, I would appreciate it.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Depression during pregnancy?

    Have you ever been really depressed during your pregnancy? I can't seem to stay on an even "kilter" lately with my moods. I am so depressed today that I would love to have stayed in bed all day long. Can anyone give me some ideas of things to try to keep my moods more positive? I'm happy about the baby, just have a lot going on in my life right now and not sure how to handle it. Thanks in advance!

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 17 year old daughter with anxiety about school?

    My 17 year old daughter doesn't want to go to school anymore. She says that she hates being around people and she's afraid if she goes to school, she will have a panic attack. She's already missed 14 days of school this year (without me knowing until last week). What can I do to get her motivated to go to school? I've already told her how very important it is to have a good education. It doesn't seem to matter to her and now she thinks that I hate her. What do I do? Please, no mean answers. It's hard enough already!

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Anyone else 20 weeks?

    I am SO tired the past week or so. Is anyone else in this week (20w3d) and feeling this way? I hear so many women talk about getting a lot of energy after the first trimester and I'm not getting that. I guess I need to know that I'm not alone. Have a great day!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Fibroid while pregnant?

    I was told that at my last ultrasound they found a fibroid while checking out the baby. What does this mean and how dangerous is it? I am currently 20 weeks along. Thanks!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Hard, fevered breast during 5th month of pregnancy?

    I woke up this morning with my right breast feeling hard around the nipple and it was pretty warm. I don't know if I have a fever or not, but I'm pretty sure that it was feverish, too. Anyone else have this problem. I'm at 19 1/2 weeks pregnant. Thanks!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone else get migraines at 19 weeks?

    I've just started having migraines and I can't get rid of them, no matter what I do. I am taking Tylenol as frequently as the label and my doctor says that I can. Any advice?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 19 weeks pregnant with pain?

    All day today, I've been having pain when I urinate. It feels like a "pressure" from the time I sit down until I stand up. It doesn't hurt other than when I'm squatting down to pee. Any suggestions or ideas as to what's wrong? I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow, but I wanted to get some idea before I go. Thanks!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of these names?

    If we are having a girl (and we're not sure yet), we like the name Emily, for sure. I would like people's opinions on which of these you like:

    Emily Grace


    Emily Jane.


    19 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Relationship question. Please help me!?

    I am in a relationship with a great guy. He's very detail-oriented and organized. He expects everyone else to be the same. He's not a procrastinator and I am. I have 2 children (from previous relationship) and pregnant with this man's baby. He pretty much is always asking me to improve myself and my kids. Am I ever going to be good enough for him? Right now, I'm SO tired with carrying this baby (17 weeks), working 2 jobs (65 hours a week total) and taking care of my 2 children. I want to rest when I have a night off or time off from either job. Is that so wrong? He thinks that I should be doing something productive every minute of the day. I can't get him to understand that I just need to relax. I have gotten to the point that I don't know how to relax anymore and I think it's due to his high expectations of me. Once again, I ask, will I ever be good enough or work hard enough for him? I need some serious advice. I'm pretty emotional, so no rude comments please.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Depression in pregnancy?

    Your mood swings ever get so severe that you get really depressed? I'm trying so hard to stay optimistic and upbeat, but some days are just so much harder than others. I'm a Type 2 diabetic and since being pregnant (15 1/2 weeks), I've had to switch to insulin shots 4 times a day. I'm also currently working around 65 hours a week and raising two other kids. It's getting increasingly harder to be optimistic. Any advice? I know that I should be happy and thrilled that God has allowed me the opportunity to carry this life inside me and I really am thankful. Thanks in advance for all advice!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Insulin help? I am 15 weeks pregnant.

    I have just been put on insulin for the next 6 months during my pregnancy. Does anyone know of an organization that would help with the cost of this?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Elevated protein in urine??

    I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant and my doctor said that my protein in my urine is "elevated". It is 221. What does that mean? And, has it happened to you?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What can you use for gas when I'm 14 weeks pregnant?

    I have excessive bloating and need to know what I can take to relieve it. Any positive advice would be great!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 13 weeks, 4 days pregnant and have a really hard stomach all over.......?

    I am 13w4d pregnant and my stomach is so hard and full feeling all over. I was overweight when I got pregnant (5'2" and 150 lbs), so I had a belly before I got pregnant. But, it wasn't so hard and "full". Is this normal? I wonder if it's bloating, but it's kind of uncomfortable, for sure. I've had 2 other kids, but I can't remember this feeling. I am a lot older and bigger than I was back then, though. Any serious opinions appreciated!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago