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♥♥Scarlett The Princess♥♥

Favorite Answers13%
  • Does anyone think that the internet is just not fun anymore?

    I mean I went to go visit all of my old haunts and they are all gone.

    No more mahalo. No more grooveshark. No more myspace. No more singingfool.

    Chat Rooms are almost non-existent.

    The internet just seems dead.

    Other - Internet2 years ago
  • can someone please judge my singing properly and tell me my precise vocal range?

    hi, i have once again made the unbelievably dumb mistake of recording my own singing voice. i just need someone to give me honest criticism. i need someone to tell me what my vocal range is. i need someone to tell me what i need to work on. i have recorded 3 covers and i would like for someone to listen to them and judge them and tell me what needs to be fixed.

    2 AnswersSinging5 years ago
  • can someone please give me an honest opinion about my singing?

    hi, i have officially done the dumbest thing ever and decided to record myself singing. i stupidly asked my friends for their opinion and they said my voice was good however i am sure they are lying. i sound like a ******* dying duck. can someone please give an honest opinion of whether or not my voice is good? oh and if you could tell me my vocal range, that would be super. thank you.

    4 AnswersSinging5 years ago
  • How to remove limitations from my paypal account?


    I just recently started selling items on ebay. I found out about an hour ago that my paypal account is limited. I basically just refunded $3 Grand and probably pissed off a lot of customers. I don't have invoices because I don't know what those are. I really don't even have a business because I just resell things sometimes that I have. I can't provide shipping info because I never got to ship anything.

    Can someone tell me what I have done wrong? Because I would really like to get back to selling things.

    Small Business5 years ago
  • Does anyone know if Check N Go has W-9 forms?


    I really need a W-9 form. I have a job that I am trying to get online but my usb is not being read by my computer and therefore I can't place the file on it and have it printed. I need a W-9 form like really quickly.

    If Check N Go does have W-9 forms, how much will they charge me to buy one?


    6 AnswersUnited States5 years ago
  • Where can I find a writing partner for my fanfic?


    I'm trying to write a anthology series that follows a couple through 10 years of their relationship.

    I have terrible grammar and I suck at writing scenes.

    I am however great at writing dialogue.

    I need a partner that has good grammar and experience with writing emotional and erotic scenes.

    I already know what I want to see written and have an idea already planned out.

    Where can I post an ad for a writing partner?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What do you think of my story idea?


    I need to know what people think of my story.

    It's for a particular fandom that I have chosen to not name due to fear of someone stealing my idea.

    So I'm using alias for all of the characters at the moment.

    Jamie is in love with Nickie. Nickie became a call-girl to pay for her older brother's tuition.

    Jamie hasn't been in her life for a while but randomly keeps tabs on her through friends.

    Jamie found out that Nickie got herself into a bind and went to Siberia to rescue her.

    Nickie is being held hostage by a guy named Larkley who is her client.

    Larkley has done business with Jamie before and isn't found of him at all.

    He's using Nickie to get even with him for a bad business deal that was made.

    Larkley says something about money being wasted and then shoots Nickie.

    Nickie is taken to hospital and recovers from her wound and Jamie forces her to tell him what Larkley was talking about and she reluctantly does so.

    Jamie calls her a whore and criticizes her for not coming to him for help and then he tears off his wedding ring and throws it at her.

    He informs her that they are through and then walks out the room before he throws something.

    A year passes following that and Jamie gets himself in some trouble and ends up in a coma.

    His friends call Nickie to help handle Jamie's affairs and she's immediately met with hostility from Lauriellen who is Jamie's new girlfriend.

    Nickie takes over Jamie's business and does a pretty good job until he wakes up months later.

    Jamie knows that she's going to leave since he's better now and so he fakes a terminal illness in order to keep her around for a while.

    She finds out what he's doing within a few weeks and also that Lauriellen was a big part of how he got into the coma.

    All of this is revealed at Vienna Evanston Marasculo's graduation afterparty.

    Nickie leaves for the airport soon after and Jamie has a huge argument with Lauriellen.

    He ends the relationship and catches the first cab that he can find to the airport and gets back his Nickie.

    Their relationship resumes and Lauriellen vows revenge on Nickie.

    A year passes after this and Nickie and Jamie are in business together and planning a re-wedding.

    Jamie informs Nickie that he doesn't want kids because he doesn't feel worthy of being a father and she goes off her birth control pills and gets pregnant anyway.

    Jamie tells her that to get an abortion and Nickie tells him to go to hell. Their relationship ends again.

    Nickie spends the next 8 months begging him to re-consider and he tells her that it's better if he's not in the baby's life. He falls for the baby but strays away from it.

    He hooks back up with Lauriellen who secretly has every intention of making Nickie have a miscarriage.

    But all her attempts fail and she soon pushes Nickie down some stairs and the baby is stillborn.

    Nickie leaves for NYC soon after and moves in with Vienna.

    Vienna is a gold-digger who believes that work is for the desperate and has no desire to conform to modern standards.

    They open a nightclub and on opening night, Nickie finds out that Jamie was the silent investor for it.

    Nickie storms out of the club with tears in her eyes and tries to hail a cab back home.

    Jamie spins her around and pulls her into a kiss that she's not expecting.

    She pulls back from him and informs him that she's moved on and that she's happy.

    Jamie tells her that he's sorry for all that happened and that she belongs with him.

    She allows herself to fall apart on his chest and he hails a cab and takes her home.

    Nickie tells him that he can stay at her place for tonight but leave her life forever in the morning.

    All is going well until the middle of the night when he is being awoken by the sound of her vibrator being plunged in and out of her ***.

    Jamie decides to stand outside of her bedroom instead of interrupting her.

    The thought of Nickie making her own self orgasm repeatedly has always made Jamie hard as a rock.

    After a while, he goes into her bedroom, grabs her hair, throws the vibe out of the way and buries himself in his favorite place in the world. Her slick wet center.

    They make love for hours and even wake up in each other's arms. It's magical until reality sets in for Nickie and she tells him that they can never be together again.

    He begs her to re-consider and she tells him that she's healing and that it would be foolish to return to him now.

    I've got a lot more than that but obviously I couldn't fit it all in.

    What does everyone think?? Is it a good story or a big mess?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Can my high school hold my transcript?


    I graduated from high school in 2011.

    I requested my transcripts to be sent from there to HFCC on September 20th.

    It is now October 21th and their arrival hasn't shown up on the webadvisor.

    I put in the request months ago and it was only on the 20th that they so called sent them.

    I didn't exactly do well in high school and my guidance counselor told me that I shouldn't even attempt to try a CC.

    But I want a chance at a better life and I'm sick of depending on other people to take care of me.

    Please tell me if legally can the school withhold my transcripts?

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • How to write an emotional scene in fanfiction?

    Hello I am new to the world of fanfiction and I need help. I need to write an emotional scene and the words aren't coming to my head. I'm going to describe what's going on but I 'm not going to use the real names of the characters. The fandom that I'm writing this in wouldn't be too accepting of my story. But I'm writing it anyway.:) Artie has just found out that Nadine has been a call girl for a year. Artie is secretly married to Nadine for a few years but has his own reasons for not revealing the marriage to the public. Nadine mainly became a call-girl to put her sister through college. Artie loves Nadine but neither of them have been able to accept each other's life choices. It's a huge reason why they aren't together. The problem that I'm having is the call girl reveal takes place in a hospital. Her leg is broken and she lost some blood during an explosion. I want Artie to throw things and scream and make Nadine absolutely terrified of him. Terrified of him but not afraid of blaming him for putting his work before her for an entire year and basically pushing her into that profession. Artie has asked Nadine to go back with him to his hometown and she refused to do so and told him that she's happy with her job and her life and that she isn't giving either of them up for him. Artie informs her that it's either his plan or divorce. Nadine reminds him that she sent him the divorce papers months ago and it's his stupidity and possessiveness that is keeping him from signing them. Artie grabs her chin and savagely attacks her mouth. She pulls back from him and turns around so that he doesn't see her cry. Artie tells her that the kiss was the end of them and then he walks out the room before he starts to cry. She wants to go after him but she knows that it wouldn't change anything. How do I describe this scene?? What should follow this scene?? Is this scene terrible?? .

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • How can I get my high school transcripts?


    I strongly believe that my counselor is withholding my high school transcripts from me.

    I would like to know if there is another route that I can go through to get them.

  • Can't install updates on HP, Please help?

    I have a Hp Pavillion Dv6 laptop(64bit) that was given to me as a Christmas present.

    I haven't even had it a whole year yet and it's giving me a million problems.

    I attempted to install the updates today and 5 of them failed.

    I have been looking through manuals online all day to solve this problem and nothing is helping.

    The error code is 8E5E0147 and it's not allowing me to update the NET Framework or the definition for windows defender or KB948465.

    Please tell me how to fix this as I have recently run out of aspirin.

    Thank you.

    Software8 years ago
  • Letters on my keyboard stopped working. Please Help?


    I had a Popcorn Kernel data error thingie a few days ago and it basically ruined my computer for 3 hours.

    I cleaned the majority of it up and now some of my letters aren't working.

    I have a HP Dv6 Computer,

    Please help!!!!!

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • What is going on with my body?


    I decided on 7/11/13 that I would finally stop drinking soda after being addicted to it for 20 years.

    I have a doctor's appointment on the 8th of next month and I wanted to at least loose a pound by then.

    I haven't made any other signifcant changes to my diet but I am drinking a lot more water.

    My problem is that I woke up in a boatload of sweat this morning and it freaked me out.

    Was that my body's way of telling me that I should stop attempting to kick my addiction?????

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How long does it take for a h&r tax refund to be direct deposited?

    I went to h&r block and filed taxes on feb 1st. The irs accepted my return on feb 6th. When should i be receiving my refund? I'm supposed to be having it direct deposited into my bank account.

    9 AnswersUnited States8 years ago