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Lv 31,436 points


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  • whats the name of this country song that i heard a woman sing? 10 pts?

    the songs chorus was something about i love or honestly love you and then the verse said something along the lines about the good and the bad or their relationship. it sounded like an older country song...i honestly don't know much more than that...but it was beautiful to me...and i would love to find this song. Please any help would be much appreciated....i don't listen to country....

    7 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • who do you think is hot and sexy and why?

    ladies and gents i would like to know who you think is the hottest person? And what makes him/her so hot and sexy! Pictures of that person would be great. I will decide who is the hottest person of all the choices....will it be a male or female? check back to find out. Pictures would be great if your talking about a have fun with this and enjoy the results.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • who is the hottest person you know?

    ladies and gents i would like to know who you think is the hottest person? And what makes him/her so hot and sexy! Pictures of that person would be great. I will decide who is the hottest person of all the choices....will it be a male or female? check back to find out. Pictures would be great if your talking about a have fun with this and enjoy the results.

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • easy 10 questions...Deep Creek Md?

    I want to go to Deep Creek Md. I want to know where the best place to stay at would be. as well as what are some fun things to do.

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Please help broken heart hurt soul.?

    how do you heal a broken heart? i am so destroyed right now i've lost the love of my life. the man i wanted to marry. please help me...i'm not a child im in my late 20's so i know what love is. please help me...i'm so hurt.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i don't know what to do please help?

    So i've lost everything in my life...the man that i love today, i have no job, no place of my own. I really hurting...i've been crying my eyes out for days. I'm 7 months unemployed and can't find work even though i've been looking for months upon months. I'm in my late 20's so it's not like i'm a kid. i really can't deal with what has happened to me recently with the job and now the man i love. everyone close to me keeps telling me that i'm psycho, and crazy and need to be hospitalized...i've lost the man i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I don't know what to do...i've never been this beat down in my entire life....i've never felt this way. please someone just tell me where should i begin? cause right now i'm ready to give up.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am I being unfair to my boyfriend?

    I have a great boyfriend he spends the night at my house a lot! I'm 28 years old...i recently had to move back home with my parents. I'm extremely upset and embarrassed about that. Well here's the problem, I'm really uncomfortable to spend the night at his house. I have a few times. But i'm extremely uncomfortable. I get anxiety real bad i have a horrible time falling asleep, and i tend to wake up a lot through out my night there. basically i don't sleep well most of the time and have a horrible time falling asleep. His family is wonderful! they are kind warm hearted people! so it's not the family that makes me feel uncomfortable. oh yeah he lives at home with his parents too. he just recently had to move back home as well. and he is 5 years younger than me. I just can't stress it enough but i am just extremely uncomfortable spending the night at his house. I can hang out there a lot but i am just uncomfortable. Is this really wrong of me? He gets really upset with me because I don't want to spend the night 90% of the time that he asks. But i get so uncomfortable. please help.

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need help with a tattoo idea. 10 points.?

    I want to get a small tattoo behind my ear. I'm not 100% sure as to what to get. I'm a sporty person, i love music, i don't want anything big, i want something kinda girly, maybe sexy, and sporty all rolled into one. any suggestions would greatly help and pictures would be better!!!! Thanks

    6 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • What type of piercing should I get?

    I want to get a piercing. I already have 10 earring in my left ear basically the entire way up the ear from the lobe to the top of the ear. and i have 6 piercings in my right ear 5 from the lobe up in a row and then 1 at the very top. I also have my belly button pierced. I want to get another piercing but i don't know what to get. I don't want anything on the face because you can't hide it, and that wouldn't be professional having facial piercing visible. So can you tell me of another piercing that doesn't hurt all that much and that is cute? And let me know how bad it hurts. thanks

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • I need help with the metric system?

    95 grams is converted to how many milligrams?

    and if something is 8 meter and 47 millimeters how would you write that in all meters? would that be 8.047?

    and same thing for this if something is 1 meter and 7 decimeters would that be written as 1.7 meters?

    Thanks for all your help!!!!

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Will someone help with a metric system question for school?

    if something is 8 meters and 47 millimeters how many centimeters is that?

    and if something is 1 meter and 7 decimeters how many centimeters would that be?

    Thanks for the help

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Am I considered mentally crazy? if you not nice don't reply this is a real touchy subject.?

    so i'm really hurt right now emotionally...i have bipolar and an anxiety disorder. i'm not really bad like most people and if you seen me or talked to me you would never know. i've been on medication for these for awhile. but here is the boyfriend calls my psycho.. and my parents have made fun of me for it...and even have gone as far as saying i need to be in the hospital. Am i really crazy? i mean i get upset a lot and cry. but i don't throw tantrums or fits or anything like that. i don't get physical...or my head doesn't do a 360. I went to school with this disorder and i graduated with a degree. I was on the deans list all through out college. im really starting to believe that i'm nuts...having bipolar does that make you crazy? having anxiety does that make you crazy?

    11 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • healing a broken heart?

    how do you heal a broken heart? i know it takes time but how do you actually make it whole again?

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • is this really cheating? please answer!?

    I had the perfect boyfriend. he was the love of my life! we had planned on getting married. i'm 28 years old so this isn't a crush or infatuation. but here is what happened. this guy who i have been friends with for almost 3 years added me to his myspace. we known each other through our bowling league and no other way, and we only see each other on Friday nights at bowling. and we talk but nothing in the lines of romance or flirty. well we were talking via myspace im and my boyfriend also logged onto my account without me knowing and watched our entire conversation. there was no flirting but i vented about the fight we had earlier in the day. when i was finished with the conversation my boyfriend confronted me and was extremely upset.

    a couple days later i blogged about having a sleeping issue and my best friends husband told me, joking around, to do something that was sexual and that would help me fall asleep. knowing it was a joke and that it was funny, i told my boyfriend what was said. he was furious. he started posting horrible things about him in his status on myspace using my best friends husbands first and last name. this really made my best friend and her husband pissed at him and really upset with me.

    Then the final issue i was talking to another friend a few days after that on myspace im and he was asking for advice about relationships and women, and i gave it to him. then he started making sexual remarks. i didn't say anything back i just ignored them. i then vented about the two events that i described above and how hurt i was about them. and then all of the sudden i get a text from my boyfriend asking what i was doing and i said taking to my friend and i said his name. and he asked about what and i said women problem, relationship problems, you, etc. no response from the boyfriend. so my friend who i am talking to via im, we were talking about relationships and i stated joking around if we aren't married in 5 years we should just marry each other. then we talked about his problem with the girl he is currently dating. well after a few minutes of chit chatting i told him about the issues i was having with my boyfriend and i was telling him just looking for advice. and i said how he was getting into my myspace after i would change the password and would watch my im conversations, and the only reason why i changed my password was because of the incident that happened with my first conversation my friend being an idiot said some sexual things. i didn't respond. he went offline and that was the end of the convo

    my boyfriend called and said i was cheating and lying about what we were talking about because i didn't explain the etc part. he called me all sorts of names and we broke up. i'm devastated. please tell me did i really do something wrong other than venting to my friends about our issues? was this really grounds for breaking up? im miserable please help.

    24 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is love enough to stay in a relationship?

    is love enough of a reason to stay in a relationship? When do you know to call it quits? me and the guy i'm with is going through a tough time and i really love him with all my heart...but i don't know if i should work things out or leave. he doesn't abuse me. and we want all the same long term goals...a family, marriage, house, etc.

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Problems with taking a breath in.?

    I am occasionally having issues with taking a deep breath in. i will try to yawn to get a deep breath in but that doesn't work. this doesn't happen all the time it just happens occasionally. and it's out of the blue, there is no rhyme or reason for it. im 27 years old. and i used to smoke, although i don't anymore. it's not painful to breathe in or out it's just hard to take a deep fulfilling breath in at times. does anyone know what this could be? Also i'm on a couple of different meds. i prefer not to list them. i have an inhaler that i received when i had bronchitis and i've used that but it doesn't help and there is no cough with this or weezing.

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • H-pylori what is it all about?

    So im looking for some professional insight. I don't drink, smoke, or use illicit drugs and i was just diagnosed with h-pylori. How would i have got this? is this contagious? when should i go to the hospital cause i keep getting stomach pains. i cant eat or drink, i have no appetite. ive told my doctor but they don't seem to worry. i have loss 10 lbs already. is this normal for h pylori?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago