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The chris
i know every thing!
Is t-rex a good.brand of guitar pedals?
I found this pedal made by t-tex. its the tap tone delay. Does any body know how good t-rex is? And 1-10 what would you rate then as
2 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years agohow to dance like at prom?
i have a problem with dancing! i am not loose enough and dont know what to do ??? its very upsetting! my gf tries to get me to move my hips and jump around . and i try! but i just look stuped and im not sure what to do. we have taken classes for more fancy dancing and im doing good with that but when it comes to dancing by my self or next to her. i have no clue what to do. please help?
no stuped answers
3 AnswersDancing9 years agowhat time of a girls cycle is "ovulation" ?
what time of a girls cycle is "ovulation" ?
is it right after her period?
no stuped answers. thanks
5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agocan a AR15 hand guard ris fit on this other gun?
first of all, no stuped answers!
now, im looking to get a matrix or echo 1 airsoft M4 full metal, and im looking to replace the hand guard. my question is, would i be able to put a real AR15 hand gaurd on to the airsoft gun?
5 AnswersHunting9 years agowhat are some job / trades that are like this?
i like working with metal and im intrested in working with machines, such as (welding , grinding) or any other types of machines like that.
my quuestion is, what other kinds of machines / trades that i could do? and how hard would it be to learn how to do that? like what kinda degree do you need??? also. i like working with guns. like i would like anything like they do on that show "sons of guns" lol
NO stuped answers
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years agoif some one tells you what they want for a presant?
if your girl friend tells you a couple things she likes ( for a presant for christmas. ) after you asked her.... should you get her that exact thing?>??? cuz it doesnt seem right. or is it just me????
3 AnswersChristmas10 years agohaving sex for the first time?
me and my gf are gonna have sex soon, we both have never had sex. and she says shes never even touched herself.(masturbating) and i believe her.. so how shouuld we go about it? what are some things to keep in mind also? things i should tell her? i know more about the female body then she does lol. fyi.... no stuped answers. thanks
3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years agohow to ask this girls father if i can see her.?
we got caugh by her father a while ago. and i have met her parents way bfor that. and i want to ask her fathers permisoion if i can see her again. maybe come over there house and get to know every body more..... if i ask to meet him some where to talk. what should i say
??? should i tell him im sorry about sneeking? no stuped answers. help!????
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoshould i get my gf a present for christmas?
well. my gf does christmas. but i dont. i really really dont like christmas due to some belifes of mine. should i buy her a gift anyway?? no stuped answers.. please see where im coming from?
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years agoasking her parents if we can see eatchother?
ok. so me and this girl have been together for a while but her parents didnt know about it. then they caught us. and they said she cant date a while ago so we kept seeing eatchother in secret. but we dont want to do it any more and i want to talk to her parents about us. we love eatchother very much! how should i ask her parents if i can see her??? what should i say?
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years agotouching my girl friend while she sleeps?
when i go and stay at my girlfriends apartment for the night. (we have been dating for over a year) i know i would like it if she touched me while i was sleeping. but would she injoy waking up to me touching her? licking her down there????
25 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agowhen motorcycles are going fast?
when a motorcycle is going very fast down the freeway , why does he turn his left blinker on (hes in the very left lane) can any one give me some info on this subject?
9 AnswersMotorcycles10 years agogirlfriend almost got raped?
my girlfriends ex tryed to rape her when they were together, luckily she wasn't actually raped. but she was and is still tromatized by this terible thing... she and i like to mess around (not having sex tho) but just fondlingng eatchother, but she said she is scared that somthing will happen, and she also says she trust me and she knows nothing will happen, but yet shes still very scared of what happend,what can i do to help her through her past and be ok with everything? she wants to give me her body but is scared . no crapy answers. please help! i think i coverd it all. il post more if i think of anything els.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agowhat to do when you get caught by your parents?
me and my gf were secretly dating. and we got caught by her parents. what should i do? we do?
4 AnswersFriends10 years agowhat state would be best for this kind of living?
what state and where in that state would be good for this.... has mountains near by , has lots of trees. some where out west. lots of land avalible. some where to be able to have a house . so not like on the peak of a mountain. any ideas???
4 AnswersOther - United States10 years agoshould you give jewelry when you ask a girl to be your gf?
im going to ask this girl to be my girlfriend. we love eatchother and we say it and what not. anyway.would it be ok if i gave her a ring or a necklace or somthing when i ask her? just like if you were to propose to her? except just asking her to be my girlfriend?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agohow thick should a steel plate be for .300 win mag?
i want to get a hardend steel plate for my .300 win mag 180 gr. how thick should it be to last along time/? i dont want it to put any dings in it or anything. so how thick should it be? shooting at 500 yards minimum.????
1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation1 decade agogiving my friend a massage?
ok first off i dont really know anything about giving massages but i told this girl i like and she likes me too.i told her i would give her a massage. we are both under 18 . do i give her one with her shirt off? or with it on? i think if her shirt was off it would feel better but then if some one saw(her or my parents) we could get in trouble.who knows why that's just the way they are.. so any tips or suggestions anything that could help
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agowhat do i say if a girl says "im fine" or "ok"?
most of uss know that most of the time if a girl says "im ok" or "im fine" it means that somthings wrong. am i right!? well if you could tell something is wrong and she says"im fine" or "ok" what can i say to get her to talk about it. cuz most of the time girls wonna talk about it. so how do you get them to open up and talk about it?
girls answers please .. guys to . but girls what would get you to open up. and if i have the wrong idea then help me out /
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agowhat is a good code name for this girl i talk to?
ok so i talk to this girl. normaly through txt msg. and somtimes my friends will use my phone or hers will use her phone . so what would be like a good secret code or name or somthing to put in a text so that way we know its me and her. and not some one els? any ideas
5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago