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  • Does anyone really like 30 Rock?

    I have tried many times to watch this show. I have not made it 7 total minutes before I change or just walk away. I don't mean to, it is just like something takes me over and makes me stopping watching. It doesn't seem like it is that horrible, and "everyone" loves it. Who actually enjoys it?

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else totally Apathetic about the inauguration?

    I mean, I just don't care. I guess maybe I would feel marginalized if I thought about how this is a Hollywood elite festival spend-a-thon. Or maybe I should feel oppressed since I am white, and the celebration is not very white at all. But I know that the President has very little impact on my life. So I don't feel like a victim, nor do I feel excited. I just don't care. Anyone else?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How long would it take for the economy to turn around if we called BS on global warming?

    Companies spend a lot of money every year on environmental compliance policies. Reducing emissions and power does not cause growth, it causes shrinking. Restrictions on harvesting our natural resources is like keeping money in the ground when we need it. The bottom line is that the economy needs growth, and a quick fix would be to let go of this Global Warming Dogmatic Religion.

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Conservatives: Are we in a win-win situation?

    Consider this:

    If Obama loses, then that is a loss for Socialism which is a win for the country.

    If McCain loses, will it prove that reaching across the aisle is not a path to success, and Republicans need to return to the Reagan style of winning through conservatism?

    I can see a silver lining on either cloud. But then again, that is one of the main reasons I am a Conservative.

    Don't get me wrong, if you have not voted yet, I am not trying to convince anyone it is worthless. In fact, if you would be convinced by my question, please vote McCain because I believe in fighting Socialism at all costs. I am just saying that even in a bleak world run by Socialists, there is always hope in America.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else concerned that Bush's former Press Secretary and Secretary of State are endorsing Obama?

    I hate Bush just as much as any good Democrat. So it really concerns me when two former very close advisers to Bush endorse Obama and are likely candidates for roles in the Obama Administration. I am tired of the past, and I do not want another 8 years of failed policies, after all Bush Lied and People Died, There were no WMDs, No Blood for Oil, Iraq had nothing to do with 911, etc,. I was hoping for a future of change, not more of the same. So when Bush Cronies who were the architects of the Iraq War are in Obama's beautifully enormous ears, that really scares me. Are any of my fellow Socialists out there also worried?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should America be about Equal Opportunity or Equal Outcome?

    Barrack Obama's tax plan is about "spreading the wealth around" and "fairness" (according to Biden). Are they therefore touting the concept of Equal Outcome? No matter how hard someone works, everyone should be entitled to the same amount of money? Is this the "change" we are voting for?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think it is cowardly to declare your support for Obama?

    To me, the bravest kind of person in America is the kind of person that is willing to say they support George Bush, because that person is openly ridiculed without remorse or delay. However, anyone who announces at a cocktail party their support for Obama would be praised for their open-mindedness and new-age mentality. How is that brave at all? To me, an Obama supporter is just someone who needs to feel loved and respected without doing anything worthy of love and respect other than supporting a candidate that has no business in the White House. The bottom line is that it is 'cool' to support Obama, and unfortunately, many Americans would rather look cool than try to do what is best for the country.

    As a caviat, I want to make clear that I have nothing but respect for those of you that support Obama because you understand and support Socialism. If you are honest with the moral contradictions that support "from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs" then God bless your honesty (even though you probably do not believe in God). So there will be three kinds of people that respond to me:

    1. People that agree with me (hooray!).

    2. People that support Obama because they, like he, are socialists (wrong, but respectable).

    3. The cowards.

    Which are you?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are the polls going to get this totally wrong?

    This may be purely anecdotal, but it seems to me that conservatives are embarrassed to talk about McCain for fear of being openly judged by others in the room. Whereas, since it is hip to support Obama, no one is really openly criticized for talking positively about him.

    So the result MAY be a magnified Brady effect. Between the Mainstream Media's open love for Obama, white guilt, and the coolness of supporting Obama the polls may be so skewed that we are going to get a totally unexpected result on election day. It was the handsome James Carville that said "There is a name for candidates who rely on the youth vote: Loser."

    The last two elections cycles have shown that polls have not been an indicator of results, not even exit polls (poor John Kerry). Are we setting the country up for another huge change on election day versus the conventional wisdom outcome? What kind of outrage is there going to be if Obama is ahead in every possible tracking poll, and then loses on election day?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What are the reprocussions for breaking campaign finance rules?

    I do not want this to turn into something it is not. I just want to point out that there may be evidence that Obama is being partially funded by non US-citizens, or may be exceeding the $2300 per donor limit. I am not for any witch-hunts. If McCain is being funded illegally I want to know that too. I think it is important to understand where the money for presidential campaigns comes from.

    So my question is, how, as a voter and taxpayer, do I get the FEC to do its job and give us a report on how both candidates are being funded?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why did 95 Democrats vote against the Bail-out bill?

    I don't understand why this bill does not pass. There is no fear of veto since the President will sign whatever he is sent. All it would require is a simple majority from Congress, which the Democrats have. There was no filibuster, no Republican procedural tricks, but 95 Democrats voted against it. Why?

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is the current financial crisis above Obama's 'pay grade'?

    Obama essentially said to call him if they need him in Washington. Does that mean he feels it should be someone else's decision where he belongs during a national crisis?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should Americans vote for their own best interests, or their neighbors?

    I am constantly faced with the realization that my life is good, but according to the news, everyone else's life is miserable. This leads to two possible democracy theories:

    A. Vote for what is best for me. If everyone does this, and life is miserable for most people, than the miserable people will get what they want. If life is good for most people, then the good life will continue.

    B. Vote for what is best for my neighbor. This theory would presuppose that either my neighbor does not know what is best for himself, or that their are not enough citizens in my neighbor's horrible predicament to change things.

    Which theory do you like and why?

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone out there making less money than they were 8 years ago?

    The contention of the DNC is that the American Dream is dead. To me, the American dream is that hard work leads to success. But it seems that Democrats are saying that everyone in the country is making less money now than 8 years ago. Is there anyone out there like that? I would really like to hear your story. Please do not tell stories about people you know, only your own.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are there any other Republicans watching the DNC?

    I firmly believe in listening to both sides of the debate. I have been a Conservative all of my life, and I watch both conventions with an open mind. I am re-convinced every four years to vote Republican. Anyone else do the same?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How is Karl Rove at the DNC and still alive?

    Behind only Cheney and Bush, Karl Rove is probably the most hated man in the world among Democrats. And with no secret service to protect him, how is he able to be at the DNC without fearing for his life? Does he have some kind of special security provided by Fox News? Ann Coulter cannot speak at a college without being attacked, but The Architect can go into the Lion's Den without fear? (Please note, I do not advocate any violence against any American Citizen. I have plenty of respect for Karl Rove, and even more since he is able to go to the DNC.)

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago