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  • We have some questions/concerns about Havapoos/Poovanese. Owners, please help us.?

    We are recently retired, experienced dog owners, currently without a dog and are wanting to make a wise commitment to a new member of our household. Our research suggests that a Havanese/Miniature Poodle mix, a Havapoo or Poovanese, should be as close to perfect for us as is possible according to the formal breed descriptions. Problem is, the various "chatters," "discussants," too often say the opposite of the formal breed descriptions; i.e., too "barky," "bitey," impossible to "potty train," sheds all over the place, very stubborn, etc. How could this be? Actual owners or poovanese/havapoos, please help us! Before you attempt to help us, please know that we know that all dog breeds are actually "designer breeds." If not, we would all be living with wolves. Also, we won't be securing our next housemate from a shelter. Our children tried that many times and, essentially, nothing really worked out. The consequences were too many tears, monies spent, time wasted, and the dogs were returned. Our children grew up with well trained dogs and are patient, etc. We do not want to replay their experiences. Help please.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago