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  • Breastfeeding a toddler? ?

    My friend still breastfeeds her 18 month old. I have no problem with it, but I do have a question about it. I saw her last night, and he was on her boob at least 6 times throughout the night - maybe 4 hours total. Is it just a comfort thing between the two of them? I know when my son was that age, he didn't need drinks of milk every half hour.

    Anyone breastfeeding their toddler and if so, do you nurse him/her continually throughout the day?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Reception held two years after wedding?

    My husband's cousin got married in a private ceremony in July of 2008. She lives in Texas (we're in NJ) and none of us even knew about the marriage until much later. This Saturday, she's having a "reception" in celebration of the marriage. We're debating what to give as a gift! Since we live in North Jersey, it's common to give $200-$250 cash as a wedding gift. But, this is not your typical wedding. Their lives are already established, they've been married over two years, and I can almost guarantee that she and her husband are not paying for the majority of the party.

    What kind of gift is appropriate for this situation?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Shorter cycle on fertility drugs?

    We've been TTC for more than 18 months. In March, we had our first round of fertility drugs plus IUI. For five months, we used fertility drugs (Clomid three of the months and Follistim the other two.) The last few months I've been tracking my cycles on an iPhone app, and I've had 26 day cycles the last three months.

    We took August off for various reasons, so it was the first month in five months where I didn't take any fertility drugs at all. I'm now on day 27 and still no sign of my period. Generally, I spot for several days before my period starts, and I haven't even seen spotting yet. I did take a pregnancy test this morning, but it was negative.

    Is it possible that my cycles were shortened by the fertility drugs?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • IVF at age 35? How many embryos transferred?

    Hi, I'm 35 and we're moving to IVF. My FSH has always been ok, and my hubby's got superstar sperm. I had one child naturally and pretty easily (he's 2 now). I got pregnant a second time about a year ago, but I lost it. For whatever reason, we're just not getting pregnant again. After 5 cycles of IUI (with different meds) we're moving to IVF.

    My question for you over-35 IVFers: how many embryos did you have transferred? We are meeting with our doctor in a couple of weeks and I'll definitely talk to him about the right number to transfer, but I'm just curious about your experience. many cycles of IVF did it take for you to be successful?


    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Please tell me about your saline ultrasound!?

    We're taking the next step and moving to IVF. Next week, I'm scheduled for a saline ultrasound. The nurse told me it's not as bad as an HSG, but I might be crampy. Tell me how your experience was! Just the fact that she was relating it at all to an HSG means to me that it won't be too fun. Thanks!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How many cycles did you do injectables?

    We did three cycles of Clomid with IUI. No luck. We just did one month of Follistim and IUI. No luck. We're going ahead with another cycle of Follistim and IUI. Just curious how many cycles you did injectables and what was the next step, IVF???

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • No follistim pen!!!!!?

    So this is the first month we're doing injectables with IUI (did 3 cycles of IUI with Clomid). I went to give myself a shot tonight, and all I got from the darned pharmacy were the cartridges! No pen!!! I'm SO frustrated.

    I called the answering service for my fertility doctor, and a nurse called me right back. She said it should be fine if I start a day late (because I can get a pen at my doctor's office tomorrow.) My question is: anyone have any insight into this? Is it really ok to start a day late? I hate to think that we're just starting a day late because they don't want to lose a month. Help!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Should I get the injectables?

    I've gone through three cycles of Clomid/IUI. I am due for my period any day, but I haven't seen a sign of it yet. I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm going for a blood test on Sunday if I don't get my period by then.

    However, here's my dilemma. If this month didn't work out, we're moving to injectables. I can get the injectables by the next business day from when I order them. I will take them on day 3 of my cycle. I don't want to get them if I don't need them, but if my period comes tomorrow or Saturday, I'm in trouble because I won't be able to get the meds by day 3 (which would be Sunday or Monday.) question to you I just call and order the injectables today just in case or do I take my chances? I don't even know how much they are, and the cost doesn't matter if I need them.

    I keep going back and forth on it. I think I'm jinxing myself if I get them, but then I think I'm jinxing myself if DON'T get them. *sigh*

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Who has words of encouragement?

    We're on our third Clomid/IUI cycle. I'm on day 20 and had my progesterone check today. My progesterone was a little low, 7.49, and I gave myself an Ovidrel shot as instructed by my nurse.

    Just need some words of encouragement. My nurse told me it's not a bad sign, but I can't help but worry. Did anyone successfully conceive even with a slightly low progesterone level?


    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • IUI questions........?

    I had my first IUI today, we are doing it again tomorrow. I have some questions for you!

    1. Did you successfully conceive using IUI?

    2. How many tries at IUI did it take for you to conceive?

    3. Did you have multiples with IUI?

    Thanks!! I'm excited, but not getting my hopes up.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Employer taking money out of check for gift?

    I'm in NJ. Someone in my office decided to buy our boss a bracelet to congratulate her on an accomplishment. At the time (five months ago) an email said contributions were welcome. I tried to give a cash amount ($5 or $10, I don't remember) but I was told the total amount wasn't determined yet and to hold off on contributing. I never heard anything else about it, but I do know the bracelet was bought.

    On Thursday, March 18, our most recent paycheck, $12.84 was taken out of my paycheck, and it was listed as "loan deduction." I, of course, immediately questioned this. I was told it was money to go towards the bracelet, it was just put in really late!

    Is this legal? They didn't notify anyone of the deduction ahead of time, they just took it out.

    I'm not objecting to contributing, but I'm strongly objecting to how it was done.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • TSH high, T3 & T4 normal, trying to get pregnant - meds or no meds?

    I am 35, and as part of a normal blood work up as part of a physical, my family doctor found my TSH to be high. They redid the test to confirm, and the TSH was high again, 6.23. My T3 and T4 levels were normal.

    My family doc diagnosed me with hypothyroidism and started me on 25 mcg of Synthroid. I asked for a referral to an endocrinologist, and I went to see him today. The endo says there is no need for medication at this point. I don't have symptoms and since my T4 was normal, my TSH level is not high enough to warrant medication.

    The thing is, I'm trying to get pregnant, and currently seeing a fertility doctor. The fertility doctor feels it's important to get TSH level down for pregnancy and thinks I should be on medication. When I mentioned that to the endo, he just brushed it off, saying, 'he doesn't know about the thyroid.'

    So the endo says I should stop the medication and I don't know what to do. Can anyone help me? Should I see another endocrinologist? Listen to the endo and ignore the other two? Ignore the endo and listen to the two who "don't know about the thyroid?"

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • TSH high, T3 & T4 normal, trying to get pregnant - meds or no meds?

    I am 35, and as part of a normal blood work up as part of a physical, my family doctor found my TSH to be high. They redid the test to confirm, and the TSH was high again, 6.23. My T3 and T4 levels were normal.

    My family doc diagnosed me with hypothyroidism and started me on 25 mcg of Synthroid. I asked for a referral to an endocrinologist, and I went to see him today. The endo says there is no need for medication at this point. I don't have symptoms and since my T4 was normal, my TSH level is not high enough to warrant medication.

    The thing is, I'm trying to get pregnant, and currently seeing a fertility doctor. The fertility doctor feels it's important to get TSH level down for pregnancy and thinks I should be on medication. When I mentioned that to the endo, he just brushed it off, saying, 'he doesn't know about the thyroid.'

    So the endo says I should stop the medication and I don't know what to do. Can anyone help me? Should I see another endocrinologist? Listen to the endo and ignore the other two? Ignore the endo and listen to the two who "don't know about the thyroid?"

    7 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • TTC for over a year, period is 8 days late, negative pregnancy tests....?

    *sigh* So frustrating, if I'm not pregnant, I wish my period would just come so I can move on and start a new month!

    Anyone have any words of wisdom for me? I am sure I am not pregnant (the two times I've been pregnant, I got a positive test when I was late for just a couple of days), but the lack of period is cruelly keeping my hopes up.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Progesterone level of 4.9 on cycle day 23??? Low, right?

    My hubby and I have been TTC for about a year, and my doc had my blood drawn on CD23. I called yesterday to see if the results were in. The nurse said yes, they were in, my progesterone level was 4.9, but the doctor had to do calculations and then would call me back, probably not until Monday.

    So I'm going nuts trying to understand the results myself. From what I've found, I think this is low. Am I correct?

    I know, I am trying to patiently wait to talk to my doc, but I'm sure at least some of you can understand the anxiousness I'm feeling. I wish the nurse hadn't given me ANY information, then I would have nothing to obsess over the next three days.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How long do the effects of caffeine last?

    I drank a large cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee last night about 8 pm. I went to sleep about midnight, slept fine, woke up this morning about 7:15 am. Now, it's 9:30 am and I'm so jittery, I'm about to jump out of my skin! Could it be the caffeine last night? I haven't drank any caffeine since then. Why would it have such a delayed effect?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How long do the effects of caffeine last?

    I drank a large cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee last night about 8 pm. I went to sleep about midnight, slept fine, woke up this morning about 7:15 am. Now, it's 9:30 am and I'm so jittery, I'm about to jump out of my skin! Could it be the caffeine last night? I haven't drank any caffeine since then. Why would it have such a delayed effect?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Disney offering refunds for Baby Einstein?

    Did you hear about this?

    What do you think about it? Do you use Baby Einstein? If so, do you feel scammed?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Best bank for free no minimum checking?

    I already have an internet checking account, and I want a good brick and morter bank that offers free, no minimum checking. I don't want free checking for 6 months or a year, I want it for good! I'm tired of my bank charging me $12 every month my balance falls below $99 even for a day!

    I know Capital One and Chase are two that offer free checking with no minimums. Does anyone have experience with either or others? What can you recommend and why?


    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Why do people have to be so exclusive?

    I don't want to be a part of this nonsense known as "NBM" and I didn't know anything about it until just now. I just don't get it. Every message board I am on ends up to be the same. Petty garbage that has nothing to do with the intended purpose of the message board, and people who like to make themselves feel good by by being part of some sort of exclusive group. It just seems so sad that mothers feel the need to take part in this kind of nonsense.

    I just don't get it. Can anyone explain it to me?

    20 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago