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i just hang around.

  • spanish: juevate? huevate? what does this mean?

    i have heard the phrase "juevate (or maybe huevate)" before, but i can't figure out what it means. something to do with "you". if i don't find out soon, i may go crazy. please help. :)


    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • go ahead and try to guess what the g stands for in g-string.?

    well...go at it. i know the answer. do you?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what is your favorite day to have off work/school?

    i love having thursdays off. don't know why, it just feels good. having weekends off isn't bad either.

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • how hot do you like your salsa?

    personally, i like it medium. anything too hot makes my teeth hurt, and besides, there is a point where you can't even enjoy the flavor anymore because it is so hot.

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • my first move- any tips?

    i've lived in the same place my whole life, and now i am moving to maryland in a matter of months. i will be renting an apartment, and of course i do not expect to strike gold on my first move. but i would like some suggestions so that i'm not in a complete shithole. i've researched my target places online with apartment ratings websites already. when i go to visit them before moving, what are 'good' and 'bad signs' that i should i look for? what types of questions should i ask? i don't even know what to ask you guys, any type of advice at all would be welcome. thanks!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • lymes disease symptom onset?

    i found a deer tick on me last night on the back of my knee, my mom took it off and today my neck has been stiff, my throat is really sore, i have a bad headache and all my joints are aching. am i just getting sick with a cold or flu or something benign like that, or could this possibly be lymes disease symptoms? (i have not gotten the bullseye rash yet) i'm only asking because we learned in school that it takes a couple of weeks to feel symptoms, and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet. thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • now errybody in the club get tipsy?

    that is an ORDER. >:O

    (2 points festival for everyone yayyy)

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • i just saw a person with the same exact avatar as mine.?

    i probably sound like a loser, but it was really creepy. happy 2-points festival.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • motivate me?

    i have to write 3 pages (6 pages actually, but that has to be double spaced, so 3 pages non-double spaced) analyzing a speech that ben franklin wrote. i can't stand ben franklin and the only reason i'm even doing this is because the teacher i have to do it for is a fine piece of ***. motivate me to get this done before 12:15am. it's 11:20pm now.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • weird lamictil side effect- eye rolling?

    i recently started lamictil for bipolar disorder, and i like it a lot, i haven't felt this good ever in my life and i'm pretty sure i'm going to stay on lamictil. the only thing i don't like is that it makes me roll my eyes a lot, much like a tic. i have pre-existing tics that i've had since i was young, so i'm sure that made me more prone to it since the literature on lamictil lists it as a relatively uncommon side effect. it's driving me pretty insane though, i'm constantly (quite literally every few seconds) rolling my eyes, and if i resist the urge, i can't stop thinking about it and wanting to do it. has anyone else ever experienced this with lamictil, and if so, did it become less of an urgent need as you stayed on the medication longer?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • effect of a mood stabilizer on birth control?

    i recently started lamictil to help my bipolar disorder. i know that my birth control pill decreases the amount of lamictil i actually recieve, so i have to take a lot more than if i weren't on the pill. but does lamictil decrease the effectiveness of my birth control pill? i'm not on a 'permanent' dosage of lamictil yet as i just recently started it, and my birth control pill is loestrin24, if that makes a difference. thanks.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • sucessful antidepressants?

    i'm about to undergo treatment for depression/bipolar and i wanted to see if anyone had been on a particularly effective and sucessful antidepressant/mood stabilizer/atypical antipsychotic. i know they work and all, i'm not one of those people that is skeptical of them, but i know that some consistently do not work as well as others and that it depends on the person and all that. the whole suicidal thoughts thing doesn't matter to me, i already have those and i have certain factors preventing me from ever following through. what i'm mainly concerned about is general effectiveness, with lack of weight gain and sexual side effects. the last two wouldn't prevent me from using a medication that otherwise worked, but it would be nice to not have to deal with it. so if you've ever been on an 'ideal' antidepressant/mood stabilizer/atypical antipsychotic such as that, i'd like to hear what medication it was and your story (whether you're still on it, quit from a bad side effect, etc..) thanks!

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • "amphetamine omelette on a cold summer day,?

    polyurethane toast, and a dirt flambe."

    i will give best answer and therefore 10 points to the first person who tells me what song that's from. just because i'm feeling good tonight.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • subliminal messages- do you think they work?

    i downloaded a subliminal audio thing and i am listening to it just for's relaxing music with subliminal messages on "how to get what you want" (some type of self-help crap) imbedded. i wanted to know if any of you have had success with subliminal messages or just whether you think they work or not. no hard evidence is requested- i just want to know what you think.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • how soon can i re-dye my hair?

    i know, i know, i saw the 'similar questions', but none of them really did it for me. i'd like to get a new set of answers, and it's my points i'm wasting anyway.

    i dyed my hair last sunday (april 8, today is the 17) and it didn't come out as light as i wanted it, so i bought a lighter shade, and i'd like to know if it's okay to re-dye it tonight. a little over a week is fine, right? i don't care about damage- my hair is pretty strong and i take very good care of it (other than the dye, but i also bought a (supposedly) very gentle one this time, killed me cause it was more than i'd usually pay for hairdye..but oh well) so as long as it's not going to make all my hair fall out, i can deal. also, dark golden blonde over medium golden brown won't cause any tonal screw ups either, right? (as far as the undertones and all go) i shouldn't think so, since they're both golden shades.

    thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • dehydrated oranges- what the heck?

    okay, so i just bought this bag of navel oranges today. i had 2 oranges out of the bag earlier today and they were both great, all plump and juicy and yummy, but i get an orange out of the same bag now, peel it, and it's all dehydrated, the skin on the sections of oranges was all loose and saggy, and they tasted dry. what gives? why do oranges do that? was he just old? maybe not ripe enough, or overripe? i get cross when i get an orange like that, i'd like to at least know why they do it.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • loestrin 24 fe, period won't!?

    i've been on the pill since i was 12, because i have cysts on my ovaries that cause me painful and heavy periods..i've been on 3 different pills so far and one that i was happy on recently was aggravating my depression beause it was too high dosage (ovcon 25), so my gyn went the opposite direction and put me on first month was decent, no first month on a new pill is ever great, but i just finished my second month, started the first week of my third month this sunday, and my period still hasn't stopped. my cramps are in full force, even through a vicodin and a heating pad, and i'm still bleeding heavily. should i call my gyn tomorrow if it hasn't stopped by then? has anyone else had this problem with loestrin? i'm not worried really, i'm just in a lot of pain.

    thanks, in advance.

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • high school diploma vs. ged?

    i don't want a lecture, so don't waste your breath.

    this year i've been forced to come to terms with my "demons" and its making high school pretty impossible for me. i'm in 2 AP (read: college level) science classes and an AP english course, plus history, band and gym. i already dropped math, thinking that because that takes so much effort for me to begin with, getting rid of it would make it easier, but it really didn't. i'm riding on class participation for my (pretty lousy) grades because homework rarely gets done, not due to laziness, but complete incapability. i can't do this anymore, and quite frankly, i think getting a good score on a GED would look better than crappy grades in a high school diploma.

    all i want is advice. is a GED really so bad? i don't have aspirations of becoming a nuclear physicist or anything, and money doesn't matter to me since i was poor most of my life and i can deal with (extremely) tight budgets.

    thanks, in advance.

    6 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago