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Are we heading for mob rule?
I have not been a supporter of the bailouts for the banks that were "too big to fail" (i.e. AIG, Merrill Lynch), but the specter of threats against the AIG employees who received bonuses, as well as their families is more frightening than the bailouts themselves. Chris Dodd and others have finally admitted that they deliberately inserted language in the last TARP to allow these bonuses and now are considering making public the names of the people who received them, even in light of the serious threats against these employees. The ones who should be recalled and lose their lifetime income are members of Congress.
3 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHow do I stop my dogs from digging?
I have 2 dogs that have just recently discovered the "joys" of digging up the backyard. I have repaired several places on the fence where they have dug out; they aren't really trying to escape because when they do get out they just come around to the front and bark to be let back in.
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoAre you willing to sell your security for $20-$40 per month?
Under Obama's wealth redistribution (tax plan) if you earn up to 75K your tax savings will be $500 per year and up to 100K $250 per year. This information is directly from the tax calculator on Obama's site. I, for one, am not willing to sell out my country for such a pittance.
1 AnswerElections1 decade agoWhat is the best weapon for self-defense and home protection?
I'm retired military so I am familiar with the M16; however, that is obviously not a practical (or desired) personal weapon. I am 62 years old, work nights and live alone and am looking into getting a handgun for protection. I am also considering a stun gun. Other than safety, of which I am well aware, what would be the best choice for me?
9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWho offered Obama a "six figure job right out of college?
In order to turn down a six figure job, you must be offered one.
1 AnswerElections1 decade agoHave you noticed Katie Couric's repeated use of the word "coronation"?
Apparently they aren't even paying lip service to Democracy; I realize that Obama wants to be King of the World, but he first needs to be nominated not coronated.
1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade agoIf you have had a beloved pet die, have you seen this?
My Cocker Spaniel passed away in Dec and I found much comfort in the "Rainbow Bridge"; but, today a friend sent this email and it brought tears and comfort to me as well.
12 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow would an older person learn to drive/ride a motorcycle before making the decision to purchase one?
When I was much younger I rode on the back of bikes on occasion, but have never driven one. With the cost of gas I have seriously considered purchasing one, but don't want something that I then find I can't handle.
8 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago