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I am a 68 year old Grama. I have 18 grand kids and one great grand kid. I love dogs and if I had a big enough place and money was no object i would probaly have a dozen or more. Dogs are the best friends you can have. They don't lie, cheat or steal and they always appreciate what you do for them. They are always happy to see you. Yup, I love my pups.

  • I have a little female Pomeranian who hasthe dryest skin I have ever seen.?

    It just flakes off like bad dandruff.I have used various dips, sprays and shampoos in case she had some kind of parasite. None of my other dogs have this problem. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Dogs killing puppies?

    Does any one have any idea as to what would make one female dog kill and eat another females new born puppies? This is very disturbing and any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago

    This past weekend my daughter had a little party. She invited several friends and family for a cook out and an evening of playing games. One of the friends she invited has been her best friend for 30 years, since they were 4 years old. This friend proceeded to get very drunk and began ripping my daughter apart verbally. She said vicious, cruel things to my daughter and my daughter was devastated. She cried all night and was physically sick the next day. She doesn't know what to do or how to handle this. She and her husband are buying a house from this friend and she doesn't want to mess that up but still feels she needs to address this situation. She loves this friend and they have shared so much through the years. How would you address this so that the friendship can be salvaged and yet let her (the friend) know just how hurt she was?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Was Linda Hunt ever in Northern Exposure?

    Did she play a recurring roll as the store keeper. If not who did?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What is de ipo macious and where can I get some?

    I was told to buy de ipomacious powder to use for fleas. I really don't know what this is or where I might find it. If anyone knows what and where please let me know.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I bought a second hand lap top?

    It seems like a nice little computer but it has an operating system called Kubintu. I want to take this off and put Microsoft windows on it. Does any one know how to uninstall Kubuntu? Please give me as much info as you can as I am no expert. Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I am looking for a specific cake recipe using nuts and meringue?

    My mom used to make a wonderful cake. It was two layers. Each layer had finely chopped pecans or almonds sprinkled in the bottom of the pan. Meringue was spread over this and then a type of sponge cake. This was baked so the meringue on the bottom was brown and crispy The layers were turned out on plates to cool. When they were cool the cake was filled with a delicious custard flavored with almond extract or vanilla depending on which nuts she used. The whole cake was drizzled with chocolate and served with whipped cream, I don't remember what it was called but I have been looking for something like this for years. If it sounds familiar and any one has the recipe I will be forever grateful. My mouth awaits this treat.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Pomeranian with bent ear.?

    Does any one know why a Pomeranian puppy (she is pure bred) would have the tips of her ears turn down? I've never seen this before and wondered if it is common and if she will grow out of it.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Problem with Pom getting hair stuck in his teeth.?

    I rescued a sweet little red Pomeranian from a very abusive situation. He had several teeth knocked out and now his teeth are kind of crooked and slid over to fill the empty spots. He chews on his fur like he is combing it and gets hair stuck in his teeth. He really fights me when I try to remove it. Once I have it out he seems to be really grateful but he just goes wild until I do. Any one have any ideas of how I can make this easier for both of us. I do brush him every day so it isn't because he doesn't get brushed.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of fleas?

    This has been a terrible year for fleas and we got an infestation from a friends dog. Now my dogs have fleas and we Have tried every thing I can think of. I have used several different shampoos, sprays, powders and even a dip to no avail, I have washed every thing in the house and used sprays. yesterday i bought a flea bomb for the house. i have been picking them off the dogs with a tweezer. I haven't used the bombs yet but plan to tomorrow. Can any one please give me a sure fire way to get rid of the fleas on my dogs. We have never had them before. Thanks every one. I really need help.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My terrier doesn't like her puppies?

    They are only a month old and she doesn't want to feed them. When I mix puppy food with water for them she growls at them and tries to chase them away. She even snaps at them. My little Pomeranian also has puppies but they are two weeks younger. The terrier want her puppies instead of her own. We have them separated and I am supplementing her puppies with puppy formula. Does any one have any idea of what is going on here? Thanks. Oh yes. please be decent. I dont need the dog mafia on me.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this poem?

    There Once was a Boy

    There once was a boy so blond and fair

    It's so sad, he had no one to really care

    He smiled and laughed and cried with joy

    This once sweet blond little boy

    He ran through the fields ripe with grain

    Clapped his hands when it began to rain

    He loved the rainbow in the sky

    Some times he thought he could fly

    His happiness was so serene

    He didn't know they could be so mean

    Darkness enter d his little life

    He didn't dwell upon the strife

    Against this giant he stood no chance

    The could have seen with just a glance

    The blows cane hard and often

    Finally put him in a coffin

    Gone is that child so blond and fair

    He who only needed care

    Now on the wings of a silver dove

    He is carried to the Lord above

    Rest sweet oh little boy

    May you always laugh with joy

    This world is a sadder place

    with out the smile of your little face.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Politics at high school graduation.?

    Hey folks please tell me if I am over reacting or is this a breach of ethics? Should a high school principle make political remarks or statements in a high school commencement ceremony. I found the remark offensive and inappropriate, Thanks

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Why don't you use birth control?

    I asked this question before and it was taken down right away and I don't know why. Any way, so many women on here are concerned about being pregnant when they don't want to be. We all know what causes pregnancy and birth control is so readily available and easy to get even for teens, so why don't you use it. I really wonder about this.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why does my Pomeranian?

    I have a sweet male Pomeranian and he does something I think is weird. He will lay on the floor with his front legs straight out in front of him and his back legs straight out in back of him then he will look at me and inch his way across the floor. Any one else have a dog do that or know why they would do that?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I have a question about grapes?

    I have a small dog who just loves grapes. I used to give them to her and then I heard that grapes are not good for dogs. She used to eat a lot of them and she never got sick. What is the deal with grapes? Why aren't they good for a dog. She will sneak them every chance she gets. Also two of my small dogs love salad with lots of greens, tomatoes and green onions. Will this hurt them as I have heard that onions are bad for dogs. Thanks for any advice you can give.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • If you keep one puppy from a litter will it prevent the mother from going into another heat for a while?

    I was told that if you keep one puppy it will help to keep the mother from going into heat right away. Is this actually true or is it an old wives tale?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Have any of you ever had something like this happen?

    I have two little dogs that have puppies close to the same age. I have kept them in different rooms for the most part. Today the terrier decided she wanted all the puppies. She grabbed one of the pomeranians puppies and tried to run off with it. I took the puppy away and put it back in iy's basket. The pom started to get in with her puppies and the terrier attacked her, growling and biting something fierce. She bit and scratched me when I pulled her off. She has never done this before but once before she ever had puppies she adopted a kitten whose mother had died and nursed that kitten until it was really big and still acts like she thinks it is a dog. Has anyone had experiences like this and if you did what did you do about it. Thanks in advance. Oh and please no nasty answers.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do dogs know one color from another?

    My little mixed terrier loves her little Beanie Baby hipo. It is pink. We have several other pink toys as well as some other colored toys. She always chooses a pink one and usually it will be the pink hipo. If you try to get her to take a different color she will drop it or push it away and go for a pink toy. She also has a pink coat and a green one. If I say outside? she will run and get the pink coat, always the pink one. Is this unusual behaviior?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What do you think of not registering purebred dogs?

    I have a pair of purebred registered Pomeranians. Now I have come to realize that every pet store and puppy mill also has registered dogs. Many of them are so overbred and inbred that they have many things wrong with them. People pay large amounts of money for these dogs only to be heartbroken when the dog sickens and dies. Now this is what I am doing and I wonder what others think. I am not registering my puppies. I make sure they get the best of care, shots, vet checks etc. I also have been having them neutered and spayed before I sell them. I sell them for a reasonable price to people who really want a beautiful, healthy pet. I have had nothing but good words from the recipients of my puppies. My customers are happy, I am happy and best of all the little dogs have good homes.

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago