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scubalvr (formerly blah)

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  • Does anyone have anything to add to my list?

    It's of dumdum flavors that never went through... yes I was bored when I made this

    tuna salad

    spoiled milk

    cherry cough syrup




    crystal meth


    dog food



    dirty diaper





    rat poison


    steak fat

    canned peas

    mmm... yummy... so does anyone have more suggestions?

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does ethanol burn cleaner than gasoline?

    Or is it's only advantage the fact that it is made from a renewable resource?

    4 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade ago
  • What should I put in my 30g aquarium?

    I just moved all of my fish from my 30g to my new 90g aquarium. Now the 30g needs some fish, but I'm not sure what to put in it. I don't want another tropical peaceful community, or a salt/brackish water tank. What kind of fish should I get for it?

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with my fish?

    I recently bought a new 90g aquarium, and I got it 2 100g canister filters, 2 heaters, all that normal stuff. i filled it, put the correct amount of water conditioner in, and put the ph down 2 units (the old aquarium was too akaline). the temperature is down from 80 to 78. i put a little air bubbler in since the live plants i ordered haven't arrived yet. i just moved my 6 red eye tetras in the big aquarium, and it has been 3 days since the move. they still won't eat, they hide all the time, and 2 of them look bloated. is it just stress, or could there be another problem?

    The nitrogen cycle isn't done yet, but i don't think that's the problem either because those fish lived through the cycle in my 30g.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Help, friend needs a new tree?

    One of my friends in VT had to take down a really old butternut last year (it was sick), and she wants a new tree for the spot. It can't spread out too much (it will be placed 10 feet from her garage), it can't be too tall and leafy (a garden is 15 feet away and needs sunlight), it must be tolerant of Vermont's winter weather, it can't need constant care and pruning, it should have a long lifespan, and it needs to be deciduous (there are no evergreens on the property, so if there was one it would look out of place). does anyone have a reccommendation for a tree that fits the guidelines?


    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Aquarium sucker fish question?

    I just got a 90g aquarium (soon to be live-planted). My old aquarium had a bit of a black (or brown?) algae problem, and my red tail shark and otos didn't fix it completely. are there any freshwater, plant-safe aquarium sucker fish that will eat that?

    10 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • which one is better??

    yes, im bored. pick one of the two.

    computer or tv?

    card games or board games?

    theme parks or fairs?

    city or country?

    fruit or vegetables?

    cool colors or hot colors?

    fast food or sit down restaurants?

    hot drink on a cold day or cold drink on a hot day?

    peanut m&ms or regular?

    water park or beach?

    mashed potatoes or baked potatoes?

    scuba diving or sky diving?

    surfing waves or surfing the web?

    shower or bath?

    drawing or coloring?

    57 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • power plant question?

    if power plants burn coal to create steam that turns generators to make electricity, why can't they boil water on huge heating grids? that makes steam too.

    7 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • which is better????????

    popcorn or poptarts?

    green or blue?

    pacific or atlantic?

    hang gliding or scuba diving?

    pencil or pen?

    socks or bare feet?

    roses or daisies?

    novels or comic books?

    moose or deer?

    sunrise or sunset?

    cucumbers or pickles?

    crackers or cookies?

    i wonder if anyone will get the same answers as me... best answer if you do!

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • is it possible to change my avatar?

    i'm sick of this grey thing... is there any way to change it to something new?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • which of these scenarios sounds worst to u?

    a-you were going down a tube slide at the water park but someone got stuck and now people are piling up behind u and its getting stuffy and hot in there

    b-you were going up in an elevator and then the power goes out for an hour trapping u between floors and you have to go to the bathroom

    c-its a sweltering hot day and you were at a theme park so u go in the huge lot and u look for ur car but its not where u thought so u check some othere areas but u completely forgot where you parked and there are a lot of other cars the same color...

    d-ur camping and its time to go to bed so u get in ur sleeping bag then ur leg starts to itch and u look down and realize ur bag is full of little baby spiders that hatched from a nest in there

    i'd say a because i'm somewhat claustrophobic

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • would u rather be a vegan or give up computer, phone, cellphone, and tv?

    i would be vegan... ha can't stay off the computer... but also animal rights

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • best cookie recipe you have ever tasted?

    it seems like all the recipes i get off the internet turn out dry and bland. does anyone have a really good family cookie recipe?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • food with lots of iron???

    i recently stopped eating red meat/fish (and later learned that they are good sources of iron). can anybody name some foods that are have a lot of it (preferably 10 or more)?

    15 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • scuba diving???

    has anybody dove one or more of the "atlantic graveyard" wrecks off the outer banks? what kind of marine life have you seen there?

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • what's ur favorite ice cream brand/flavor? Neapolitan?

    i like edy's slow churned neapolitan (and sometimes i put rasberries/banana slices in) and is pistachio ice cream good? i've always wanted to try it, but i never got around to it...

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago