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Trouble with the big O?
My husband just recently found out that I was faking orgasms. Now I know your thinking that its really messed up but I have a reason. I have never been able to have an orgasm while having any type of sexual intercourse, forplay, nothing. Only when I masturbate. I'm not a chronic masterbator, just everyonce in a while. Its not my husband either because the sex is phenominal. I just don't know what to do now. My husband is pissed off and hurt and doesn't believ me that its not him, its me that has the problem. He won't believe me. He thinks that I'm lieing and have had them with exex's and teying to make him feel better when I'm not. I seriously not lying. What do I do?
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoPuppy problems Please Help?
My 5 1/2 month old husky will not EAT. She is so picky!!!! Everytime we get a new bag of dog food she scarfs down the first few bowls then with not touch it. She won't eat for days. She has an appetite and drinks LOTS of water but she's so finicky and picky. We can't afford to keep switching. She was first on beneful, switched it. Then science diet, switched that because it was aweful for her... she ate then though. Then Purina. Hated that. Now on Blue Buffalo. Will not touch it anymore. I'm going crazy. Please give me advice! Thanks
3 AnswersDogs8 years agoI need some tattoo ideas?
My husband and I just went through a very traumatic event and I want to get a tattoo showing how much I love, need, and cherish him. And good serious ideas? Open to anything. Not a really religous person though. Thank you :)
2 AnswersTattoos8 years agoPuppy advice. Very urgent?
Any advice on how to get Luna completely potty trained? She has awesome days and then theres days like today where I wanna kill her. Idk what to do anymore. I reward her when she goes outside and punish her when she does wrong. Idk what to do anymore. I'm exhuasted cleaning up after her. I had to strip and wash my bed twice today. It's too much. Please give me advice!!!
8 AnswersDogs8 years agoMy body is acting odd?
My breasts have been really tender and my nipples have been getting hard very frequently the last few weeks. I don't have to be aroused, cold anything and they get hard out of no where. Also I'm not sure if its related but everytime I orgasm lately it feels really tender deep inside far from where my husband's penis reaches. To the left and right of the uterus. What could be going on?
2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoEMERGENCY!!! PLEASE HELP!?
Today my 3mth old husky pooped out a large white worm that was wrapped up inside her stool. She has not been de wormed yet. And she has a vet appointment on Wednesday. I'm just really qorryed and need some peace of mind to know she's okay. Whats wrong with her???!
12 AnswersDogs8 years agoIs my husband falling out of love with me?
I've been married to my husband for a few months, yes I know it hasn't been that long. Things just aren't the same. He is SUPER loaded down at work and his bosses are complete asses and seem like they try to set him up for failure. He comes home all the time frustrated from his day which is understandable. But I used to be able to calm him down and be something that he had to look forward to after his long days. Now he just stays in a bad mood about 99% of the time and there is next to nothing I'm able to do to cheer him up. Even the sex is like it's just a release for him and he doesn't want to make love to me. With all the negative energy all the time I'm becoming grumpy and I snap and get frustrated with him which makes his life worse. I really try to stay positive but it's beginning to take a toll on me. Today he even told me this is the first time in his life that he is considering suicide. He's VERY dramatic but this bothers me. It's like I'm a burden to him and he just doesn't want to deal with me anymore. I really am trying to keep a poker face on for his sake but I don't know if I can take faking any longer. I want to talk to him and I've tried but it seems to make him more edgy. So my question is what the heck can I do? I don't want to lose the love of my life but I fear I'm just another task on his checklist rather than his wife.
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoTo get a dog, or not to get a dog?
Okay, my husband has been promising me a dog fr sometime now. Maybe three months or so. Anyway, I've been wanting a dog to keep me company because I'm home alone alot, don't have a job, and just got stationed at a new military base. I've also heard that there has been quite a few break ins in the neighborhood. Everytime I've brought up the subject of the dog my husband agrees to go with me to get one and then flakes out. It's so frustrating. I do not ask him for anything at all, materialistically. He always ends up backing down and saying he doesn't want to rush into it, or we can't afford it, which we can. Now I filled out an adoption form and got approved. Should I go get the dog while he's gone and not tell him till he comes home? (He's out of town until the 28th) I'm dying to have this beautiful puppy but I dont know if she'll still be there after I wait on my husband to let me get her.
3 AnswersDogs8 years agofamily is coming into town, what to cook?
My family is coming into town and i have no idea what to cook? any ideas???? help!
8 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agowhy cant i sleep.. help?
I feel like I have anxiety for no reason. Bills are paid with a steady income from my husband's job. I just got married 3mths ago. I moved to a different city. I'm truely happy for the first time in my life. But at night I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack. What's going on?!
3 AnswersMental Health8 years agoNight Sweats? Keeping me awake.?
My husband is soooooooooo freaking hot at night! I don't understand. We sleep with a fan and window open. He's not overweight and is hot before I even get in bed. (he goes to bed first usually) It's really starting to get uncomfortable and keeps me up because I'm now hot and sweaty. We both sleep naked to and under a sheet and light blanket. What's going on?
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago