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The Sports Diddy!
Matt forte for mccoy?
I am trading Matt Forte for lesean McCoy. Trading Forte while he is hot after his week 1 performance. He always blows up the lions. Dont think he will do the same nxt few games. Plus his last few weeks of the season are tough. McCoy has better upside i think. What do you guys think about this deal? My other rbs are Mendenhall and Brandon Jackson.
4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade agohuge trade in a big money league?
I am giving up eli manning,ray rice,colston,crabtree for mendenhall,brees, andre johnson? do the deal ? ray rice gonna have huge season. eli career year possible. colston crabtree big years?
4 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade agoOccupant problem with apartments?
I visit my fiance in her apartment. I occasionally stay night. Mostly she stays with me. My apt. has no problem or even know or care. But her apt. is giving her lease violations for unauthorized guest. ? Saying that if somebody visits 6 times a month they need to be put down as an occupant. I find this hard to believe her lease says anybody that stays for 3 consecutive days. Nothing about visitors. If im correct an occupant is somebody living in the apt on a continuous basis. Im confused to why they are harrassing her for no aparent reason. We both are quiet people and are just waiting for our leases to be up so we can move in together. These people are saying if they see me one more time they will evict her. Can they do that to her for just having a visitor. First off they cant even prove when and if i have even stayed the night there! Whats going on!
5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoWhat is the right way to write this "No,literally,it is hot" Is that way correct?
Just wondering if the comas are correct. or do use just one after no or what?
1 AnswerLanguages1 decade agoFantasy football trade. Frank gore and Jason Witten for Matt forte and kevin boss? Go for it or keep who i got?
Frank gore and Jason Witten for Matt forte and kevin boss? Go for it or keep who i got. All are solid. Just hoping forte is not a bust this season
3 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade agoWhat should I do about a dispute with my apartment manager?
My fiancee and I have a townhome together. We have been having trouble with the manager and now she is trying to say if I get mean with her again (not cursing or threatning) she is going to kick us out. Now if im correct she cant do this right? We have given her two list of things that need to be fixed, two months later NOTHING! Now she promised to credit us rent, because the electricity went out(her fault she never faxed paper work) Rent time comes she says she never said that. So after hassel and calling the owners of the property she finally gave us the credit. Never had any problems with management anywhere else. But can she really kick us out for being rude?
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoWhat team is gonna be the big upset in the NCAA tourney this year? Who you guys think?
I am saying that Maryland is gonna upset alot of teams and take it all the way to the final four. The big upset is gonna be Pitt falling in the first round to E. Tenn. . I think Pitt is gonna take it too lightly and fall by 3 . I think the finals may come to Nova and Maryland.
6 AnswersBasketball1 decade agofantasy baseball trade?
I have been extended a trade offer. The guy wants to trade to me Albert Pujols for my Mark Texieria. This is a tough one! What should i do?
6 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade agoSo I shaved my head, like all gone! ?
Now I am having a hard time deciding what style of clothes looks best on me! Any suggestions, I am going out with buddies I have not seen in 3 years on the 21st and I dont want to look like a douche when we go out. I wear jeans that are not bagging nor tight, but like true religion jeans that are form fitting. but shirts are tricky now. Like regular A&F shirts look wierd cause the way they fit on my neck, makes my head look like a bubble. Maybe I need to wear v-neck style. Keep in mind im 28 and I look alot like jason statham and a mix of chris daughtry. So i have been told since shaving my head. Just need a good style now to go with the ol shaved noggin?
4 AnswersHair1 decade agoWas anybody else disappointed in the Academy Awards?
First off, I think they over did the whole thing of giving that crap movie Slumdog Millionair , so many awards. I did not like the whole non english India hindu music they had playing! I did though enjoy Hugh Jackman, he was good and did not try to be too over the top funny! This year they moved the stage closer to the crowd and celebs. It was a little weird. The Academy Awards this year just seemed a little un-american. What happened to all the good movies like Iron Man,Batman,WallE, Forgetting sarah marshall(great comedy), MamaMia,,... I dont know there is a long list of great movies from 2008,,Sorry Slumdog just dont fall into the category of a great must see! I think and feel that it got so many awards just to boost the moral of the people of India. I mean they brought the whole damn cast and families! Im glad angie did not win cause Changeling was not great. I think it should never been nominated. Pitts, Button, was great did not get much respect. I dont know,,,the Awards just dont seem the same as they did a few years back!
8 AnswersMovies1 decade agoTop 5 dude movies of all time?
Give me a list of your top guy movies!? Im just curious to see how many guys choose the same movies.
Mine are :
Bull Durahm
Fight Club
The program
8 AnswersMovies1 decade agoGuess you guys heard by now that Sam Bradford of the Okies is returning...?
Bradford is returning for his senior year as well as McCoy and Tebow! I think of the QB's returning that Bradford made a multi-Million dollar mistake! Tebow was gonna go low in the draft and is a college great. McCoy is still in the hunt for his Heisman and has alot of big time guys returning ex: roommate and reciever shipley. Tebow and the Gators are poised to win the Nat. Champ again. The Okies have lost alot of their fire power and will not be the big dogs they were in the previous years. I think Sam should have entered the draft, he would have gone top 5 easy. Now he holds out for another season, hoping no injuries and then in 2010 the NFL is imposing rookie salary caps. So Bradford may not get his big money that he would this season. I just think he is grinding his gears in Oklahoma and should have entered the draft! What do you guys think?
12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoGoing to Sante Fe,NM for skiing? I have been all over the U.S. to go skiing, but my wife and I are heading to ?
We are heading to Santa Fe this year and I have never been there, so just wondering what you guys think of it and what there is to do there? I know it want compare to Aspen or Breck, but its closer for us and we can save money !
1 AnswerSnow Skiing1 decade agoMild and Severe Knee pain?
I have been having bad knee pain now for a month. I usually run alot, but not since my son was born late august. I am active, I stand and walk all day at work and when time allows I play some basketball and workout. Not alot lately. I do remember back around June I was playing ball and in a steady run, my knee acted like it gave out on me. Since then it has been aching. When the incident happened it hurt bad for 2 weeks. Now the pain is back. Today it is mild not to bad. The past week it was bad though. Hurt to bend down and it hurts like throbbing at night. The pain seems to be located right in the middle of the knee. I hope nothing is torn from the accident in june and now the pain is coming back. I wanted to go to get an MRI , but my insurace i have through my work is crap and my deductible is 1000. I have not met a bit of that, so with that said. MRI is not an option. I have even went to the ER they did x-rays and those came back negative. They could not do the MRI though without at least half payment, cause it was done by an outside company! I dont know what could be causing the pain. I can walk, but very tenderly. If i bend it hurts and if i sit alot, like at a movie. It gets really stiff and hurts and pops when I bend it. Could anybody tell me what this could be and if they have had similar pains?
I am 28 and very active I hope its not me getting old and still going like im 18! The pain over the past month is really bad one day, then mild like it is today! Just to sleep last night I had to take 3 asprins and a shot of nyquil!
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoWhat was the most surprising game in week 14?
What game suprised you the most this week? For most I bet the eagles over giants. I was shocked the 49ers took down the Jets like they did? Texans and GB was shockingly good also!
16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoIs this normal for my 3 month old?
I have 2 questions actually! So my 3 month old I love him to death, I dont know if its normal for him to cry like screaming like he is being beatin when he gets hungry or im just changing him? I mean he goes into these crying rampages where he is crying so hard he is choking and coughing! Im not sure what to do or handle this. I start getting aggrevated cause I feel im doing something wrong? Is this normal? I watch our son while my wife works at night and feel like im just a bad dad because I get aggrevated and dont know why he has these fits. Do babies do this get overly fussy?
Question 2:
When I wake in the morning I try and play with my son, before work. He smiles and gets excited. But when im trying to get ready i let my wife sleep and I put him in his little boppy chair and I put on these learning videos on the pbs station and sesame street. I feel like im not spending quality time with him and he is not going to learn. I just have to get ready and eat breakfast and be on time to work. Is this bad to let him watch these little shows. He is really intrigued by them and is always eyes wide open and cooing at the tv! I just feel bad like im not spending enough learning time with him? I dont want to set him back from anything because im trying to hurry to work.
Kind answers please. Im not some kid with a kid. My wife and I are 28. Young adults with our first child. She is good and gentle with him, Im a guy and alot to learn and I worry alot!
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhy does this black guy that works for me keep?
This guy keeps talking about his people and the tough times they have had! Why does he talk about this every day. Its like he brings it up just to get me to say something bad! He is only 18, I am his manager, and he is always saying things like "yeah man Im proud to be a black man in college, all the tough times me and my people have over come and blah blah blah! " Im not joking he brings something like this up everyday! I dont know how to approach it without sounding racist or rude. I just need him to be quiet about it because other people that works for me are uncomfortable around him! It makes me mad, when its just he and I and he keeps going on for hours about it, and brings it up out of no where! I got mad the other day and told him, "hey man the jews had it really bad man, and those guys are not saying things about the holocaust and their people this and that" he got mad and asked to leave early. He said I did not care about the struggles of him and his peoples! Come on man, he did not struggle through nothing he comes from a rich family that put him through private schools and colleges! Seriously you are 18 and talking about struggles, but never struggled for nothing. Why does he always talk about this and how do I tell him to just be quiet without jepordizing my job by being called a racist? Help please, Im not racist and I would like good answers! This is a serious problem for me at work!
14 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoKanye West or Justin Timberlake?
Kanye West recently said he was the Michael Jordan of music and that Timberlake had the chance to become something, but failed to do so, because he played to much and was not putting out tons of albums. I think Timberlake is far more tallented than West will ever be. Just because Justin puts out albums every other year and West tries and push out 1 or 2 a year does not make West the best! Kanye is just full of himself and will never be as respected as Timberlake! Whats your take on it. Timberlake OR West!?
Kanyes last album was just garbage to me, he used the voice box thing a little to much. He is also not as talented as Ludacris, who I think is the king of Rap right now!
11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agotrying to figure out a country song? help please? no rude answers !?
The lyrics are something like ' I met you in a bar, drinking johnny walker red. I met you in a bar. ................ heard it once and liked it. A woman sings it! sounds like Dolly parton, but nothing comes up when I search for it!
thanks for your help!
3 AnswersCountry1 decade agoIs it normal for my 2 month old to be sleeping so much?
My 2 month old use to not sleep alot, but over the past week he has been sleeping so much. Is this normal, he is sleeping longer than his usual 3 hours. He is taking on 5 at a time now? He just seems sleepier than usual. I dont think he is feeling bad, cause he has no temperature, he is eating good(more actually) and not being fussy! Is this just part of growing for the baby and I should not be alarmed that he is sleeping alot?
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago