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  • What do you think of these names?

    For girls:

    Callie Marie

    Sophia Lynn

    Leila Morgan

    Delaney Elizabeth

    For boys:

    Logan Andrew

    Lucas Scott

    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • BBQ foods?

    I am graduating high school this May and it's a big affair since I am the oldest grandchild/neice on both sides of my family. We're planning it fairly early because we have to reserve the pavilion relatively soon, and I have a lot of out-of-town relatives. We need to feed at least 50 or so people, so we need to plan the menu now. A range of ages will be present, from toddlers to senior citizens. We need plenty of food to appeal to everyone. What types of food do you enjoy at BBQs that we are forgetting?



    hot dogs


    potato salad

    fruit salad

    green salad

    corn on the cob

    grilled veggies

    cole slaw





    iced tea






    jello and pudding dishes

    fresh fruit

    Anything we're missing? Thanks so much for your input!

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What's the most important item to bring to college that they never told you about?

    I'll be going to college in August and I'm REALLY excited. I know it seems a bit early, but I'm just trying to prepare myself the best I can. I'm a planner... I can't help it. =]

    Anyway, what one (or two, if you can't decide) item is the most important to bring to college that the school never told you about?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • High school kids? (Details inside!)?

    Hi! In a couple of weeks, I will be a senior in high school. I am planning on going to Northern Europe next summer. The cost is about $3,000, and I need to raise as much money as I can. My parents will then pay for whatever I can't come up with on my own. I have a few ideas, and I just wanted to run one by you. I am exceptionally good at writing papers. If someone at your school (even if you didn't know them) posted fliers advertising their skills as a peer editor, would you take them up on that offer? I was thinking of charging $1.00 per page, and an additional $.50 for 10 or more mistakes per page. So many kids at my school desperately need help fixing their papers, but I'm not sure if they'd be willing to pay for it. What do you think?

    Also, do you have any other fundraising ideas? I already babysit, so the majority of my babysitting money is going into my Europe fund. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

    9 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • 18th birthday party ideas?

    Hi! My boyfriend and I are planning each other's 18th birthdays. His is in November, and we live in the Midwest. I've hit a few snags trying to figure out what to do.

    1. I threw him a surprise party last year, so I don't want to do that again.

    2. I'd like to avoid having it at either his house or my house, because there will be many guests and we simply don't have the room.

    3. I wanted to have a bonfire, since it will be quite chilly here, but the only place I can think of having it is in my backyard. We go to different high schools and not all of his friends know me or like me, even though we've been dating for over two years and I knew him before even his friends did. To be honest, I don't like the idea of kids who aren't fond of me overrunning my house, so I'd like to have it in a neutral location. Also, I'm afraid that since I will be inviting many people, our late-night hooting and hollering will my bother my neighbors.

    Does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks bunches!

    6 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • What does "No section 8" mean?

    My boyfriend and I are going to college together in the fall, and we want to rent an apartment together. We've started looking around, and I've come across the phrase "No sec. 8" or "No section 8" quite often. What does this mean in terms of renting apartments, condos, or houses?

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I'm making a gift basket for my boyfriend's Valentine's Day present, but I'm not sure what to put in it.

    I've already decided on a framed photo of us together, chocolate, and nice cologne, but what else should I add? This is going to be a large gift basket; the kind you see at silent auctions and such. We're 17 and have been dating for almost two years. We're not sexually active, so obviously I don't plan on including anything that has to do with sexual intercourse. We do, however, engage in other sexual activities. He likes paintball, but to be honest, I know nothing about it and I have no idea what to buy him if I include anything dealing with paintball. I would like to include items that are practical, but also show that I love him and take notice of his interests. Any ideas, please?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago