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White house situation room why no photos of President Obama viewing 9-11-2012 Benghazi attacks?
We were privileged too see photos of the President in the situation room watching seal team six take out Bin Laden. More recently we saw pictures of the President in the situation room less than 12 hours after hurricane Sandy's land fall. Why no photos of him viewing events on the ground in Benghazi? There was a live feed and the President was at the White House so why have the pictures not been released of that event?
4 AnswersPolitics9 years agoWhat is the specific law the US Senate is breaking by not passing a budget?
For more than 700 days the the US Senate has not passed a budget I hear constantly they are breaking the law. Can any one please tell me which law is being broke thanks.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoWhy is NASA's "foremost" mission to reach out to the Muslim world?
How far have we fallen? From making it to the moon to hitching rides from Russia. From a President who asked "what can you do for your country" to one who is willing for America to be a follower in all things instead of a leader in any.
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy is NASA's "foremost" mission is to reach out to the Muslim world?
Why not build a new maned vehicle that can reach the moon and beyond? Heck why not a replacement for the shuttle?
5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade agoWould you support an independent council investigation into Fanny and Freddy?
Every economist says that Fanny and Freddy were a major part of the financial meltdown yet the federal government has done nothing to penalize or prosecute in any meaningful way those who were in control of those institutions at the time. If you support a independent council call or e-mail your federal representative
or senator ask them to get to the root if the problem Fanny and Freddy the two institutions that created sold and traded more bad mortgages than any other institutions in America. I do not normally ask questions but why is it that that two of the main culprits are not being questioned by the Government.
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoShould questions on Affirmative Action be deleted by Yahoo Answers?
Some one asked a question on affirmative action. I responded when I went to enter my reply I found the question deleted. Having taken the time to write a thoughtful answer (no profanity) that was real world based I posted the question again with my answer attached. My question was deleted. Once again no profanity no name calling. Is affirmative action such a divisive issue that the Yahoo community can not handle a thoughtful debate? I received 3 answers but was unable to read them because of the deletion of the question by Yahoo. What do you think? Is affirmative action to hot of a topic for us?
3 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy have you stopped watching Hardball with Chris Mathews?
I stopped watching him today. He has many times now indicated that people who do not support President Obama or say anything disparaging against the first family are racist. Specifically today they were showing some Texas separatist (nut cases) and one lady was complaining about the cost of the first ladies staff. Chris then said the person must be a racist. I remember a lot of questioning about other first ladies expenditures in the past in fact their is an American tradition of questioning the first ladies expenses all the way back to Lincolns wife Mary. I agree with President Obama that we need a Budget neutral heath plan, that cuts cost, improves care, and creates competition. But the house plan as rated by the CBO does not meet those goals. Am I a racist to site CBO numbers that contradict the Presidents own Goals? Am I a racist because I have specific policy differences with the president on the stimulus bill that no one read?
22 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoThe house bill is not Obama's plan so how is it anti Obama to be against it?
I want what President Obama wants a heath plan that is budget neutral, bi partisan, cuts cost, and improves care ( these are President Obama's words repeated in his last three town halls). The house bill an senate bills do not do that according to the CBO. The majority has rejected all minority amendments and even most Blue Dog amendments.
How can working to kill a bill that does not meet President Obama's own stated goals be considered anti Obama or hoping the president to fail?
2 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoDo you agree that the heath care reform should be Budget Neutral, cut cost, and improve care?
These are President Obama's goals. I have read the house bill and one senate bill. Both have been given failing grades by the CBO all amendments from independents and republicans have been rejected by the majority. Given that is it time for President Obama to come forward with his own plan?
4 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoDoes anybody have a copy of Obama's Health care plan?
You know the one he talks about all the time that is budget neural, cuts cost, and improves care? (As rated by theCBO)
Does it have any of the 50+ ideas independents or republicans put forward in the house or senate, all of which were blocked by the dems who control the house and the senate, i.e. is it bipartisan ?
I have only been ably to find and read the first house bill and one of the senate bills and according to the CBO they are not budget neutral, will not cut cost or improve care.
President Obama has said he will use the best scientific evidence to make policy should he give us such a heath plan or continue to make a moral argument when he has said we are a secular country and derided those who cling to the bible?
5 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoHow do scientist currently determine the level of CO2 from the past?
Does the scientific community have one method that they agree on?
Do they use the same method to determine the current CO2 level?
While a link to a site with CO2 levels would be nice what I would really like to know is what method they use to determine the CO2 Level. This is not for a test or school just an old dude who wants to know how the scientist are collecting their data.
3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade agoShould police ask every driver they stop if they are a citizen?
If every body is asked than it could no longer be profiling. Every time I have been stopped I have been asked for ID, insurance and registration. I would not be upset if they added are you a citizen. The only people who would be upset would be people who did not have ID, insurance, registration, or were here undocumented.
12 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoAmieriCorps why do we need it? Why do we need to pay volunteers?
I am perhaps to jaded but I just do not understand why we need this program. We have HUD to deal with housing, we have public schools to teach our citizens civics, we have the EPA to protect our environment. Why is the Government forcing every individual that is paying taxes to pay for these programs that are all ready covered by other government agencies or existing nonprofits? It is not just the Democrats voting for this stuff remember Bush's faith based program? You get paid to volunteer? The pay from all indications is better than minimum wage but the job does not count as a government job. Is this a way to hide government expansion? When everybody is a community organizer and is getting paid by the government who will pay the taxes to pay for all the community organizers or will they all voluntarily give all their pay back to the government so we can have a closed loop community organizer state?
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHate crime are you more dead if you are killed for hate than for greed?
Please let me know how different penalties for the exact same criminal act can be considered constitutional.
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoWhy does the press stand up when President Obama enters but did not for the last president?
Is their different protocol for Democratic Presidents than Republican?
10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWhere can I find the full DHS left wing extremist report?
I have heard from the mainstream press, the secretary of DHS, and quite a few people on this site that the right wing report is no more offensive than the left wing report released under the Bush administration. I am not saying that they all are liars but I would feel much better if I had the opportunity to review both reports. One person who answered said they had read both in answering one of my earlier questions if that individual could send me the link to the full left wing report I would appreciate it. If not it would seem that the right wing report is less specific, and more political positioning.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago