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  • Is there anything else I can do?

    I have a room mate,who is a alcoholic,drug addicted moron. I felt bad so I let him take my extra bedroom if he paid half the rent,well now he flicks ciggerette ash into the carpet and rubs it in is drunk almost every night and puking his guts out,Aparantky he has lung cancer and liver necrosis at age 26 and a heart infection,I told him he has until the end of the month to leave because he s just covering everything in ash and puke and I catch him falling asleep with lit ciggeretes in his hand. His slobness aside the original issue was I spent over 200$ on groceries since he paid the internet,and he ate everything and drank a gallon of milk in 2 days bought drugs and started to complain I don t buy food,so he buys fast food for himself then I buy more food which he eats while I m at work and sleeps 17 hours a day so I told him he has to go,so now he made a like of ash 4 inches thick and was mixing water into it and rubbing it into the carpet saying he was doing experiments,and he has jars and water jugs and milk jugs filled with pee and ash in his room like lining the walls and stacked inside his closet. I told him not to pay rent this month so he cant make any claim to keep him here and hes not officially on my lease anyway. But I m going to have to clean up this psycho mess I m guessing and shampoo the carpets etc. Can I sue him? For trashing my apartment on top of kicking him out? I want him to have to clean it up. Or pay damages.

    Law & Ethics2 years ago
  • Is there anything else I can do?

    I have a room mate,who is a alcoholic,drug addicted moron. I felt bad so I let him take my extra bedroom if he paid half the rent,well now he flicks ciggerette ash into the carpet and rubs it in is drunk almost every night and puking his guts out,Aparantky he has lung cancer and liver necrosis at age 26 and a heart infection,I told him he has until the end of the month to leave because he s just covering everything in ash and puke and I catch him falling asleep with lit ciggeretes in his hand. His slobness aside the original issue was I spent over 200$ on groceries since he paid the internet,and he ate everything and drank a gallon of milk in 2 days bought drugs and started to complain I don t buy food,so he buys fast food for himself then I buy more food which he eats while I m at work and sleeps 17 hours a day so I told him he has to go,so now he made a like of ash 4 inches thick and was mixing water into it and rubbing it into the carpet saying he was doing experiments,and he has jars and water jugs and milk jugs filled with pee and ash in his room like lining the walls and stacked inside his closet. I told him not to pay rent this month so he cant make any claim to keep him here and hes not officially on my lease anyway. But I m going to have to clean up this psycho mess I m guessing and shampoo the carpets etc. Can I sue him? For trashing my apartment on top of kicking him out? I want him to have to clean it up. Or pay damages.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • Can I press charges against a student for auditory assault?

    I work 1 on 1 with a student as a teacher a aid,however I come up with my own curriculum and teach everything I make, I think its just so they do not have to pay a teachers salery.well every day for 7 hours straight my student on his iPad plays the same video clip of jack frost singing Mr ice Christmas, it never stops or changes.....he used to use head phones but the port on the iPad broke. So going on 3 weeks now all day every day I hear this song and I feel like I am going to snap,if we take it away he harms himself,if we make it so he cannot listen to that song he harms himself,if as far as to strangle himself unconcious. The place I work has it so I cannot take it away indefinitely so no matter what i have to listen to it, don t they play songs over and over to force people to vacate a building, well its been 3 weeks of this never ends :( its not even a good song......what can i do, quitting is not an option.

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • My girl friend won t touch me?

    We have been dating 2 months, her kiddos used to me and trusts me, she says she feels safe around me, I have met her parents her 2 best friends, and she won t even kiss me or snuggle, like I m 26she is 27, I m paying for our dates driving everywhere, at the end of each date she gives me the most rushed.hug she can, and I tell her that it bothers me, she says I am reading too much into it, she s already kind of implying I should buy her things if I care about her, or when I come over to just hang out she wants me to drive her like 45 minutes to meet her mom at work half the time, and I tell her I just want to ,spend time together for an hour and not do errands, she is not cheating, I m not expecting sex or sexual touching after 2 months, but I find it

    Weird she does not want to be held or if I do touch her back to comfort her she tells me she is not ready, and I m like who is not ready for a back massage?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I am a guy with no sex drive, is there anyone else with this issue?

    I have had sex many times, but I find that I attract unstable women, so I no longer get into relationships as often as I used to. I am 25 and while I have sex It feels good but I don't normally orgasm from sex, I can still pleasure myself, but If I am not physically with a person I won't get any urges to have sex with anyone, I have currently gone over a year without sex, and 4 months without a relationship. btw I am straight and I do find women very attractive, so its not a lack of interest, I don't however wish to procreate, only because I feel there is enough people on earth already.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I think My mother needs help.?

    My mom has always had mental problems, when I was a small toddler she beat me, I have micro fractures as well as abnormal bones in my wrists from having broken them and never having them taken care of. and most of my childhood I was verbally abused, she intentionally got into abusive relationships, or became friends with people who obviously used her. Since my brother and I have moved out she started hoarding gifts, for people but then never send them out, she will get mail and tear it up then keep it, and throw away her own new clothes only to buy worse ones, or keep older clothes that have holes in them. or when she goes grocery shopping she makes a list but only gets things like butter or cheap juice, but never gets real food, or she gets food from a restaurant, then doesn t eat it and leaves it to spoil, and if me or my brother don t check up on her it will sit out and rot. I am reminded of being inside a hamster cage when I visit her, because she just shreds things and leaves it and eats and doesn t clean up, yet she works as a care taker, and from what I am told she does pretty well, and she has always been off personality wise. I feel like she is wallowing in self-hate, we took her to therapy years ago, and she has serious issues with admitting she has issues, is there a way I could have her committed, or require her to retire,or provide in home assisted living to her?

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • are their laws against knowingly infecting animals with diseases?

    My dog is 12,recently we had a friend who is a nurse and owns a farm,drop our dog off at a highly recomended kennel called pet spot,if they had told us anything about the dogs in their kennel having any known illnesses we never would of left him there while we were on vacation.when we came back apartantly he had a good report but then they decided he may of come into contact with kennel cough,I have taken a tech course in veterinary assisting,and apartantly the kennels are required to disenfect as well as maintain recent medical records and health inspections,and this kennel being what it is this just shouldnt happen,so my question is did this company violate any laws for taking my dog in without telling us they had been contaminated when they knew they had sick dogs?and or can anything be done about this blantent disreguard for animal safty?

    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • im a man,is it normal to feel this way?

    Ok so iv had sex,and aparantly im good at it,but recently I find that the act of sex is gross to me,like I enjoy it,itl feel good,but during and afterward my mind will start to affiliate it with something like sneezing or after ill feel like I need to distance myself or ill think people are discusting and feel unclean. in no way am I a clean freak but these mental images almost attack me during and after sex making enjoying it and my life quite difficult.

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • why am I a super natural magnet to stupid crazy people?

    Every girl I dated trned out to have really bad ex bf issues,or one even had multiple personality disorder that did not show up for 4 years and waited to reveal itself a month beore we were married on top of a whole seperate dimension of drama,when I went to trade school I met a guy who became student vice president who genuinly believed mars was a made up planet,invented by white people to be able to tax black people more. I try to only be around at least mildly inteligent people but with work and going it its difficult to not be bombarded by stupid and or crazy,im a big guy with autism,but iv neverhad any trouble finding people to hang out with or date,yet every date I go on reguardless of how long it lasts eventually there is something to the degree ofthey were raped abused or they miss their ex. that being said no matter how crazy it gets I break up with them,iv never had anyone complain about me in a relationship. is it really to much to expect to meet a mildly emotional not quite normal but certainly not insane women in this life?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I want to join the military?

    I am 25 when I graduated high school,I took the asvab and got a near perfect score,however at the time I took it because it was mandatory for my high school mcjrotc program,I was getting calls from recruiters saying how with my scores I could be a military doctor,yet I was obese and while im regularly active with backpacking every weekend,im still obese any tips for joining at 25?

    7 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • is this a common thing?

    I used to work with this guy who was like the poster boy for sad and alone,imagin a 7'5" really fat back guy with glasses and the strings to keep them on his head,a t shirt that rests above his belly button,and wear short shorts with long white socks and flip flops,to top it off aparantly he would make his own manga characters based off himself or at least how he saw himself,and gave them made up girl friends,and would then role play them into mangas that already exists. from time to time I would try to talk to him to be nice,I even invited him out for a drink with some friends but he told me his girl friend(made up manga) wants to have mind blowing long time love making with him,so he cant also his mom is making hot pockets for their date so hes not going to abandon the love of his life to hang out with homo are there alot of people out there this sad and lonely? or is he the only one also hes a devout broney as in he more than tries to smother his habit onto other people

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • should I leave her?

    So I have been dating this girl for about 4 months,and it seems like there are alot of iffy situations piling up one after another,for instance,her ex who she was with for 8 years is dead,yet he supposedly abused her and caused multiple miscarriages,yet she stayed with him for 8 years,shes like 2k in dept and needs me to buy her 3 kids pizza each week,and when we have gone out she has me meet her at a place that isnt hers,her father has told her kids im going to be their new daddy without confiding in me,and at first she kinda expected me to get her a car and pay off her loan,yet when I told her in not comfortable buying her a car or paying off her loan when she cant even be honest about were she lives,we get along fine but these trust problems are really bothering me

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • please help this is serious?

    My penis ripped off,im in like a diaper bandage atm,and iv dialed 911 like 5 seperate times but they keep hanging up on me,I was haing sex for the first time with my girl friend,and I started to get really sore but she wouldnt let me gore even though I begged then I shivered and my penis tore,and we were both screaming and I was grabbing myself screaming I need help!

    3 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • what am I doing wrong?

    I have a job,as to were I am not alloud to use the name,but it is a store,I have 3 tech degrees in architechual engineering,vet. assisting.and welding,as well as anassocioates Iin english lit,in my spare time I write books that people actually buy,I like to work with my hands it keeps me from getting depressed,I have had many jobs randing from 1500 a week to 8 and hour, however my current store job has given me a severe limp, and I have asked on multiple occasions to be moved to a different task that is less physically demanding so my body can heal,and I not wind up a cripple before I turn 30,yet im ignored constantly, I do belong to a union however I rarely have an opportunity to speak to my represenative,and with each day my pain in my leg gets worse and worse,also even though I do have alternatie sources of income if I take more than 2 days off a month I am put on complete suspension without pay,wich is not an option at the moment due to the fact I do not hae medical insurance. I used to until I turned 21,and the job was supposed to be able to switch me to full time,but they litterally refuse because then they would have to provide full benifits even though I have worked there for the minimum alloted time,I feel like quitting,but thats not really in my nature. however im limited by traveling because my car broke down,so this was the closest place I could find work im not sure what I should do,were I dont wind up a cripple

    3 AnswersFood Service6 years ago
  • am I seriously crazy?

    I am 24, high function with autism,im pretty good at telling jokes,iv had alot of girl friends with unhealthy personalities,I make friends here and there. yet I cant get over how stupid I see people as,I wish I could be on the same level as everyone else,but litterally its like they have 2 heads one they dress up and show around and the other they hide under a paper bag.I read people like a open book,when I have a friend I know exactly how they will **** up their life over the next month,and ill try to indirectly help them,because if I do it directly I always get blamed for their matter were I go or what I do,I feel like there are people and then people like me,it feels like down to the genetic level people resent me.I will hold a conversation with a stranger,but after so long im thinking just shut the heck up.I feel like the world is a chicken with its head cut off,and I was one of the few who actually ducked as the axe it just me or the the world going nuts?

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • I think I might subconciously be stealing people life force?

    So this has happened at least 12 times before,ill get in a relationship and things will be perfect,but then theres like a change were they will start to first get whiny then overall they will let themselfs just go,and when that starts to happen ill find myself getting better. I will get sick less often if not at all. also I should mention I can already read auoras and manipulate people quite easily also im very good sexually without really trying hard,and the better I do the worst they become,yet the entire time they swear they are happy. at one point one woman I dated developed alternate personalities and seriously began to lose her sense of who she was and had to be put into a mental hospital. I do my best to go out of my way to make sure people around me are happy but if I ever et into a physical relationship things quickly began to go down hill health wise for them,as far as I know I am in decent physical health,no ilnesses that could be transfered. has anyone heard of something less common more possibly mytholical that could be causing this. I have never entered into a contract with anything,though as a kid I was abused and used to talk to people no one else could see.

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore6 years ago
  • what does she want?!?

    So I have been dating this girl for almost a month, we get along very well most of the time, she finds me hilarious and we like almost all the same things and we are both great in bed, she has a kid from a previous relationship but im more than ok with that,and she wants me around him and thats just fine with me. but one time I went to see her at work and I accidentally took her purse home so I had to drop it off and while we were hugging good bye she admitted she txted her baby daddy and said she wanted him to drive down to suck his dick,yea I got pissed and said **** you I dont need this, so on my way home cussing up a storm she calls me and begs for me back I tell her ill give her one more chance im not going to stay with sombody who is going to cheat on me with a guy who walked out on her and her kid so since then almost every day she does this thing were she pretends to dump me or friend zone me and ill hang up and say fine and she calls back and says why wont u be my friend and ill say if you cant respect me as your boy friend then what makes u think we can be friends? so she keeps calling back and all that and eventually will tell me she loves me and expect me to kiss her after said thing takes place, I do love her but im sick and tired of her play dumping me she laughs but its not funny to me at all what should I do is there any hope of keeping her without this stupid game?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • can Job corp legally drug test me?

    When I entered job corp I sighned a paper saying they can drug test me when we enter job corps and if im under suspicion, I have been here over 10 months and alot of the new students are being idiots and smoking weed on campus or coming back to the building blasted out of their minds, I have never been on suspicion or been in trouble for that matter since I have been here. yet our ra is telling people all of our dorm floor is going to be drug tested because of how many students are supposedly being caught, if I am not personally under suspicion can they test me for the hell of it? or are they just blowing hot air? and making my stay here that much more tedious?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • what does she want?

    Ok so I'm a writer and I post sometimes on this site, I honestly want to change websites, but my fans are located there and moving elsewere would mean i have to start over my foundation, so there is this women whos only 4 years older, I guess you could call us friends, we have a simular past, but we don't live close to eachother and she already told me she has a boy friend, and I am currently complicated status, but she talks to me every day works a full time job yet as soon as shes off shes messeging me askign me about my day, and is interested in everything I talk about and is aware of what I look like, she also posts on every story I post, but if she has a boy friend he must be getting neglected because she is always talking to me. I'v been in online relationships before and it kind of gives me a vibe liek thats what she wants but then why would she tell me she had a boy friend for a few years now, or if she broke up with him why wouldnt she tell me. Or am I looking at this the wrong way all together?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago