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Runescape server down on one account but when I log into my other account it works?
Ok I logged off for a second and then tried logging back in and it didn't work...So I tried my other chracter and it logged in easily.. I can't get online support or any support unless I can log in on the site and not to play and I can't even do that. It still says error server down... I know it could be the world I am in but, why can't I switch worlds.. I did that on World of Warcaft if a server was down I could choose a different one... Anyone know why???
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoI don't understand what is happening why there is stuff coming out of me...?
Ok everyday at least twice a day there is the big ickey glob of really stickey whitish yellowish goo coming out of my vagina and its not because of my period I just got off it a couple days a go... I don't understand its been happening sense I got off my period too... What is that or better yet why is it happening???
8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoHow do I keep going after I ***?
Ok this is Giggleboxes new Husband I asked her if I could use her account to ask a question sense I don't have one...
But no I love pleasuring her but after I *** I just don't feel like I wanna keep going but she is down there suck and trying to keep it up
I want to keep going but I just can't most of the time...Its pretty much I am not horney any more She turns me on but after sex well its just =( Can someone give me advice on how I could stay horney after I *** and wanna keep going?
Thank You
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoMy bf wants to keep going after sex but can't How can he go longer.?
Ok My bf and I were talking and he is coming down in a week to move back in with me....Long story anyways he is mad because last time I saw him every time he came I wanted to keep going and he just wanted to stop.... He told me he feels bad that he can't keep going and he wants to know how but we can't think of anything ..... He also said no more sex till he think of anything
Lol please help cause I havn't had sex in 2months and I am ready for more ;) ;) lol and He wants to be able to pleasure me longer and they way I want please help ='(
How can he keep going after he cums?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDoes anyone know where I can find a free self hypnosis Download?
I need a self hypnosis for my compolsive lying and to embrace love. Please does anyone know where I can get one please ='( Or have a download thank you
1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade agoSurgery on tonsils while being a carrier!?
Ok my bf is having surgery soon...but he is a carrier meaning he has strep throat very badly and this year it almost killed him. He is getting his tonsils taken out here August 10th and I won't be there! We both know that the surgery is more riskey cause on top of being a carrier he has overgrown tonsils. He had adult tonsils at the age of 7! We he be ok? I am scared and I won't be there he is in another state...
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade agoHow do I cheer up my pissed off Boyfriend!?
Ok here is what happened. I love my boyfriend do death but he has been pretty upset with me lately. I can't do much right it seems. I uber love him and I show him that too but I can't make him happy when he gets pissed off. Every time I try to cheer him up he throws it in my face. He was angry forever and then I came along and made him happy then hurt him but now all I wanna do is make him happy. How do I? How do I make someone that is completely angry with me happy! PLEASE HELP! ='( I want my bf to be happy again. Thank you
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoAnyone Play Conquer I wanna know about guard!!!?
I have a Ninja then I wanna reborn into a Warrior and then into a Archer what guard would I get?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoTeen Pregancy Risks!?
Ok I am 15 and may have a child but the child won't be due till i am 16 but i am still scared because my friend just got done telling me that 90% of teenage women go into a fatal coma and then 9/10 don't make it. Is that true.
6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoI might be pregnate but I don't know how should i know!?
It is 3days after i may have gotten pregnant and my stomach is upset my vagina is sore and swollen and tight but lose inside I am dissy and my lower back is killing me! I don't know if that means i am pregnant or not! =/ Help!!!
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoMy boyfriend and i are having problems HELP!!!!
Ok here is the problem I Love him with all my heart but its a long distance serious relaitonship and i can't take it anylonger he alredy left me once but i begged for him back and he i think is gonna take me back but now that i think about it i don't want him back just yet but yet i don't wanna hurt him at all ='( i am too nice i don't know how to handle this please advice help i need someone's help!
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoMy boyfriend left me but we both stil love each other.
Ok my X and i are still madly in love with each other but i thought i needed time alone to figure things out for my self on like how not to hurt him but i was wrong i can't live with out him but he won't take me back but he is still in love with me idk what to do or say or uhh anthing someone please help
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago