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  • My dog suddenly drools alot?

    Everything was fine and suddenly, we realized our dog has been drooling so much, even when he was sleeping. The would be a puddle and his fur is all wet. We suspect its indigestion but we wanna observe first before we being him to the vet. Any ideas whats wrong with him?

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Will protein shake increase female hormones in your body?

    Heard some rumors, that in a human body a person has both male and female hormones, but as guys drinking too much protein shake, it will increase your female hormones level?

    Another question, what's the difference between protein shake and mass building shake or something like that?

    I dont know how true is this? That's why I'm asking:)

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Single Phase Induction Motor?


    A manufacturing company uses some two hundred single-phase induction motors in its production operations. The motors deliver a constant load torque of 0.8 N-m while in operation. In order to cope with the increase in production output, the company needs to install an additional eighty similar motors. However, the additional motors will cause serious current overload to the factory electrical power installation.

    The company does not intend to replace the power cables and installation gears as the move will disrupt the tight factory production schedule and involve substantial cost. If the motors used each draws less than 1.5 A, the current rating of the power cables will not be compromised.

    Problem Definition

    Your may assume that the capacitor-start induction motors in the laboratory are similar to those used in the manufacturing company that operate at 230 V ac supply. Find a cost effective solution that minimizes disruption and cost.

    Please help me in this, how would my circuit will have to be and how to do. useful links would help too! THANKS

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • Turkey,Istanbul( what shld i do or not do?

    Im going to Istanbul with my family this weekend, we are not going with the tour, so any ideas where/what should i do and not do, should buy or visit. Cause overall it is a muslim country, so im not sure what im not suppose to do! thanks alot!

    6 AnswersTurkey1 decade ago
  • Im from Singapore,studying Electical & Electronic Enginering,which 10 university in the world is best for that?

    I would like to knw which country/university is BEST for the degree of Electrical & Electronic Engineering?THANKS!

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • I heard egg facial helps blackheads too!?

    i heard egg facial helps blackhead too.but what do you mean by egg white facial.means that you crack the egg and extract the egg white and put it on your face?thats it?can you explain to me??thanks=)

    8 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • is it true that whatever you dream will be the opposite?

    me and my friends always say that dreams will always be the you dream of not being with that person then in reality you will be??

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • dreams that make you feel that you had a daja vu?

    few months ago,i went to cambodia for programme with my school.but when we where at this old and tattered primary school,which there classroom is made up of only wood and leafs,and i had a daja vu that i saw this place already.then it was like i dream abt that place before...can any 1 tells me what does it meant.its really freaky!

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • help abt blogs?

    does anybody know any good websites that is similar to blogspot??

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • the country of turkey?

    tell me everything about turkey.what is the capital of it still in war.everything!and please show my some pictures.i had never been to turkey and i wanna go i need some details.thanks=)

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • grand canyon?

    is grand canyon from u.s.a really filled with water few thousand years ago?please explain

    1 AnswerGeography1 decade ago
  • ideas please!for long black hair=)?

    okay.i have long and black hair.any ideasssssss??

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago