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Favorite Answers29%
  • Can I convert an optical out to a digital in to get surround sound on PC?

    I have a Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer sound card with an optical out on it. I just bought theTurtle Beach Ear Force DSS2 Digital surround sound processor which takes a digital in. Is there a cable that will connect these two and will I actually get surround sound from my games this way?

    1 AnswerPC9 years ago
  • How do you load in a class file at runtime and use it in Java?

    I need to write a program in java where users can select a .class file in say another java project for instance and use its methods. Here is what I have so far:

    URL url[] = new URL[1];

    URLClassLoader ucl = null;

    final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(".");


    File f = fc.getSelectedFile();

    try {

    url[0] = f.toURI().toURL();

    ucl = new URLClassLoader(url);

    } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {

    Logger.getLogger(frame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


    Class c = null;

    try {

    c = ucl.loadClass(f.getParentFile().getName() +"." + f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().length() - 6));

    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {

    Logger.getLogger(frame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


    Constructor[] ca = c.getDeclaredConstructors();

    Method[] ma = c.getDeclaredMethods();

    This code only works for any class file that's in the directory of this project with the package name being the name of the directory the class file is in. I don't understand how you could possibly make it work for any class file.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Would you review my cover letter for me before I submit it?

    I am very interested in your student internship opportunity for the summer of 2012. It would be an honor to apply my technological and software oriented experience to a company that has been a part of my home at Erie for 85 years.

    I have been keen on working for LORD Corp. ever since I job shadowed at your facility during my junior year of high school. I was able to visit with the software engineers and I had the opportunity to really see what they do. Because of that experience, I was able to confirm my decision to become a software engineer with the goal of obtaining a career with the same focus and qualities that the employees at your facility had.

    During my 3 years at Penn State Behrend I have had vast amounts of experience working with the various programming languages and how to apply them to real world applications and systems. I feel that I am exceptionally skilled at object oriented design as I have completed many class projects that require a comprehensive understanding of this type of programming design. I have also made it a point to take leadership roles in many of the group projects I have worked on. I have had experience applying the extreme programming technique to projects as well as delegating tasks to group members to accommodate their strengths and weaknesses.

    I am confident that I will be able to bring a new and enriched mind to LORD Corp.; one with preparation, dedication, and determination. If you find this offer appealing, please contact me at your convenience at XXXXXXXXXX. I greatly appreciate your time and consideration.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Help with determining a file's extension in C#?

    I'm writing a c# program for an assignment. I'm suppost to use the builder pattern to allow users to open either a txt file or a jpg file and display either a picture if its jgp or text if its txt. However, even if a text file is incorrectly saved with a .jpg extension, or vice-versa, the program is suppose to still view it correctly. Here's a snippet of my code:

    if (Path.GetExtension(fdlg.FileName) == ".txt")

    fvb = new TEXTViewerBuilder(fdlg.FileName, panel);

    if (Path.GetExtension(fdlg.FileName) == ".jpg")

    fvb = new JPEGViewerBuilder(fdlg.FileName, panel);

    This is not correct. I can't use GetExtension to figure out the file type because it relies on the extension being correct. What can I do about this?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • c++ assertion: bitset index out of range? please help?

    Here's the portion of my code where the assertion is occurring:

    std::bitset<sizeof(pow(2.0,n))> bits(i);

    for(int j = 0; j < n && over == false; j++){ //sums up the appropriate items for that subset

    if(bits[j] == 1){

    totW += w[j];

    totV += v[j];


    When n is 8 and less it doesn't have a problem. 9 and up i get an assertion. What can I do about this?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Need help setting a method object to a class's constructor method in java?

    Class c = Class.forName(args[0]);

    Object o = c.newInstance();

    Constructor con = c.getConstructor();

    Method m = c.getMethod(con.getName());


    I need to run the constructor of the object o but I keep getting an exception saying the method wasn't found when I run c.getMethod(con.getName()); how do I obtain the class's the constructor and run it properly

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • whats the mass of one molecule of vitamin B12?

    I need to find it in grams. I found the molecular weight to be 1355.37 g/mole. I simply divide it by a mole which is 6.022*10^23 to get the mass in grams which is 2.251*10^-21g.


    1 AnswerChemistry10 years ago
  • Help with crashing hard drive?

    My friend can no longer boot his harddrive on his computer. We're all guessing that his harddrive has died. What troubleshooting methods can we use to confirm this/fix it?

    Would it be possible to plug in an external harddrive with an operating system on it, boot to that, and use a program or something to diagnose and fix the problem?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware10 years ago
  • Explorer refreshes constantly on win 7?

    Every time I start up windows, after about 15 sec, all my icons and the taskbar disappear and reappear quickly. This happens constantly and I can't get anything done on my computer as a result. I have an ASUS G51VX. I originally though the problem was related to the Splendid utility because it gave me an error every time I started up but I was able to uninstall it in safemode and the problem persists.

    Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • What type of bird did I see?

    I saw a grey bird with a black patch on it's chest. It also had a rusty-red color on the sides of it's head.

    I live in Pennsylvania.

    1 AnswerBirds1 decade ago
  • How do you say this in Spanish?

    As a baby, she was chubby.

    8 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Can you proofread my Spanish paragraph?


    Quiero para contar tú de los mascotas de mi familia. Primero, tenemos un perro se llama Gia. Su casta es lhasa apso. Es muy bonita con su pieles blanco. Le gusta jugar todo el día y no hace a cansar. Segundo, tenemos un gato gris se llama Gracie. Ella es molesta porque perde su pieles por todo el piso y sofá. No obstante, la queremos.

    ¡Hasta mañana!

    This is what it should say:


    I want to tell you about my family pets. First we have a dog called Gia. Her breed is a lhasa apso. She is very pretty with her white fur. She likes to play all day long without getting tired. Secondly, we have a gray cat called Gracie. She is annoying becuase she sheds all over the floor and sofa. Nevertheless, we love her.

    See you tomorrow!

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Can you proofread my Spanish paragraph?

    I know its full of errors. I'm still learning and I tried using some new verbs I haven't used before. Also, I don't know how to say "to end" so I left it in English.

    Este verano, tengo mucho planes. Primero, yo pienso dormir hasta la tarde todos los días (menos los días tengo que trabajar). Segundo, Quiero viajar a mucho lugares con mis amigos. No sé dónde exactamente todavía. Por último, quiero aprender a programar mejor para mis clases de el próximo semestre. Pero mayormente, quiero relajar. Este semestre es muy dificíl y no espero para lo (to end).

    This summer, I have many plans. First, I plan to sleep until the afternoon every day (except the days I have to work). Secondly, I want to travel to many places with my friends. I don't know exactly where yet. Lastly, I want to learn how to program better for my classes next semester. But mostly, I want to relax. This semester is very difficult and I can't wait for it to end.

    Please don't change it dramatically. I won't use it if you wrote it and its something we haven't learned how to do yet in class. I just wan't major problems fixed. Muchas gracias!

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Can you proofread my Spanish paragraph?

    This is an assignment for my intro Spanish class. I know it is full of errors and I know none of the words are accented, sorry. There are a few sentences that I did not know how to properly say so I gave it my best shot. I'm running low on time so I didn't have time to read over it well. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Hola. Me llamo es Joe. Mi familia immediata es muy unida. Tengo dos hermanas y mis padres. los nombres de mis pardres son a Marge y a Ken. Ambos trabajan en el hospital de Hammot. Mi primera nombre de hermanas es a Sara y tienes veintiseis años. Mi segundo nombre de hermanas es a Laura y tienes veintinueve años. Mis hermanas son mucho mayores que yo. tambien, son muy inteligente y bonita. A Sara vives con mi y mis padres actualmente. por otra parte a laura vives con su marido. su nombre de maridos (o mi cuñado) es a Jesse. Tienen una hija llama a Livia y tiene un año. Mi sobrina es muy bonita y graciosa. Viven en Indiana pennsylvania porque alli encontraron trabajos pero vijan aqui para todas las vacaciones. Mis hermanas piensan soy engreído por nuestro padres porque soy mas joven. es rediculo! Mis padres son estricto con mi. Me gusta vivir con mi familia. Nos preocupamos el uno del otro. Todas las noches comemos juntos y divertirse. Bien, ahora sabe de mi familia.

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Port forwarding help?

    I have Verizon DSL. I have a Westell modem connected to a Linksys wireless router. I am trying to forward a port. I understand that I need to forward the port on both devices right? I tried to do this and it is still not working. Is there anything else I need to know about port forwarding through multiple devices?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • How do you properly answer this Spanish question?

    ¿En qué está pensando José? (There is a picture of José thinking about dancing at a party.)

    Is this answer right?

    José pensado está en la fiesta.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Question about ray tracing in video games?

    I decided to do my senior project on the idea of implementing ray tracing in video games. If anyone has any information, websites, articles, or suggestions on the topic please share them with me.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Senior design project ideas for software engineering?

    I have to come up with a senior design project. I was wondering if anyone had any leads or ideas to get me started.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Question about the Onkyo HT-S5300?

    Does anyone know if it contains a calibration feature so that you can use a mic to set the speaker dB levels? I have a mic w/o a display that tells me the dB levels so I need the receiver to have a setup feature to do it for me.

    1 AnswerHome Theater1 decade ago
  • How can you simplify this summation?

    from i = 0 to k - 1 Σ 2^(k-i)

    Is there a way this can be simplified to remove the summation?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago