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  • Have irregular periods can i still get pregnant off birth control?

    I normally ask questions on other things and love to get peoples opionions,well today its about myself. I have irregular periods like I can get my period every 2 months. My doctor gave me low dose birth control to regulate my period. I was suppose to start them on Sunday, but i started them this past friday because my period came 04/20/12. I take the pills every day so far I finshed a weeks worth of the pills. I wanted to know if any women have a cycle like mine did you ever get pregnant of bc?

    The birth control pills I'm taking is called: Mircogestin

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Which island is better Dominican republic Jamaica Puerto Rico or Cuba?

    Had to ask again do to a few snobs complaining about americans so(grouper goapery) don't answer this question. This is for people which one of these islands which you perfer to vacation at?

    Best answer 10pts

    @grouper goaper don't bother

    I've been to 3 out of the 4 islands.

    5 AnswersOther - Caribbean9 years ago
  • Who's Hotter Puerto rican Men or Mexican Men?

    Is it the boricua'a (puerto ricans) or the chicanos,cholos (mexicans)?

    I mean the averange ones 5'7 or taller.

    I mean the "typical ones" we all know its an enthnicity just like a typical african is brown skinned. No I'm not talking about women I'm talking about men I don't expect men/ little boys to answer this. Also not asians ethnic group etc black/white group etc.

    Which do you find sexy muy caliente?

    I'm black and I love me some mexican :-P. If you are a black woman (any woman in general) and you date outside your race/enthnic group and you date hispanics/latinos(culture) who would you perfer?

    Also I would like to add no jelious mexican or puerto rican women saying stop taking our men I've seen that on a few post like this one lol.

    Colombians and Venezuelans are hot as hell(some). So no contest for them and besides they're next door neighbors :-)

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Which island is better jamaica dominican rep or puerto rico?

    Where would you perfer a vacation at and why?

    Best answer 10pts

    5 AnswersOther - Caribbean9 years ago
  • Which country is better dominican republic or colombia?

    I had to ask because dominicans and colombians fight over who's country is best for tourist(americans). Which country likes to party the most? And which country would be the best tourism spot. I heard the capital bogota colombia got it going on and the repubic so so. I always loved south america the carribean too. So if you was gonna go on vacation which would it be? Dominican republic or Colombia?

    No other places like europe just between those 2 ;-)

    2 AnswersOther - Latin America9 years ago
  • Which age do you perfer to get pregnant?

    Its on youtube all the time 16&pregnant, teen mom. Why are girls tryin to get pregnant? There's a few dumb hoes on there stating " they rather be a young mom 15 than an old mom 30. So you want to be a grandma at 28? Its a disgrace. I'm not bashin all teen moms its just its over populating and my checks are getting small.

    I got another question for the ladies: would you rather be a first time mom at 16 or 23?

    You can explain why you choose that age and what is the differce. No teen moms talkin mess or pregnant 12 year olds.

    Best answer gets 10pts so what do you think of this? Should teens that are pregnant should have forced abortions like in china? Should they be shot up with birth control? What's your response I know sounds crazy bbut that's what people have stated some people.

    No offense intended.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Why do some blacks mostly men get mad at interracial dating?

    I wanted to ask because I like to read these stories on this topic. This one woman on here keeps making a big deal about it . User name is "tasha" she keeps saying she'll remain single till her black prince,king or whatever comes. So you would rather be single than to date a white asian or indian tsk tsk tsk. Do you know or had any experences with people that are so pro-black its annoying. Also if you're black asian indian or white would you care about what people say if you date interracially?

    *one race human race*

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Ladies which men are hotter puerto rican or mexican?

    The typical puerto rican black/white mix(taino dissapeared) or mexican (mezito indians). Not mexican or puerto rican women not white women. This is based on black women only white women can respond IF they find either of these men appealing to them. Best answer get 10 pts. Remember MEN ONLY MEN WHICH IS HOTTER NOT WOMEN ITS A WOMAN ASKING THIS.

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • Ladies which guys are hotter Mexican or Puerto Rican ?

    We all know its ethnic groups anyone can be mexican or puerto rician. I'm talking about the typical puerto rican(black/white mixed for decades) . As the typical mexican(mezito indian). How you normally see them,

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • Who's Cuter white babies or Kittens?

    People ask strange questions all the time. So why not some woman claims animals are cuter than human babies period. Then people put race into it so this is a question. I'm pretty sure some one will do a asian babies or kittens black or indian. Which is cute to you.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Need advice on getting pregnant?

    Does having a high metabilism helps concive faster I weigh 197lbs and I'm 5'6 I'm 22 years old. I also have irregular periods, (once every other month). So would losing weight help me regulate my periods then I can concive with out hassle? I've been trying for awhile now nothing seems to work

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Can i concive if my metabilism is high?

    Hi I'm 5feet 6inches tall and weigh 197lbs(don't look it)

    Yay i m having a hard time conciving. I want to know if I have a high metabilism. Or it doesn't mattter I just want to know. I have irregular period once every other month. So can losing weight regulate me and help me concive faster?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Losing weight help me concive faster?

    I'm 22 years old I'm 5'6(5ft 6inches tall) and I weigh about 197 (but don't look it |:-)

    So I wanted to know if this is true in most cases because I've been trying for a while with no sucess. My periods are jacked up to few months ago I had a 66 day cycle. Then it skiped 2months and now its every other month. I want to know if I lose weight will I ovulate normally? Has everyone been through this? I'm gettin fustrated. I just want to get pregnant already

    I'm finacially stable have an apartment an all but no baby

    And I also wanted to know what kind of foods did you'll eat before and during pregnancy that may help. I'm not giving up hope I can't wait to have my bundle of joy.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago