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Lv 56,507 points

Staszek G

Favorite Answers11%
  • what does it mean if girls are forcibly rejecting you in dreams?

    Often whenever Im trying to have an erotic dream I get to bed scene just for some random guy to appear and tell me to go home or the girls either reject me stating that Im disquisting or dissapear ...Or are either very uggly or old and look at me mockingly what does that mean ?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • a dream about my class mates rejecting me?

    I was at my class and the students were sitting in pairs a boy and a girl but when I was trying to sit with a random girl the boys pushed me away and they forced me to sit at front without the desk , than the teacher brought all the ststudents except my self food while they eated theire meals I had no meal given but I had one made by my self thought smaller in my back pack but was unable to eat it as I had no desk for my self and only took out an empty tea cup pretending to drink Invisible tea and everybody laughted at me and told me that I sould return that book (which also was in my back pack) to the library than for the remainder of dream I was pretty much ignored and mocked

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Contrast on CRT monitor?

    Im using an old CRT monitor and tried to adjust the contrast and brightnest values to get the most realistic picture the result is that the image appears a bit dimmefd not much but its kinda annoying

    my values are for Contrast 100

    and for brightness 79

    basically the image appears to be either to dim when characters stand in shadow or to bright when the sun shines other than that there's no huge issues but I was wondering what are the correct values for both Contrast and brightness Im a newbie in this

    5 AnswersMonitors7 years ago
  • Do Japanese Idols get intiimate in any way with theire fans?

    While Im aware of no dating rule is there a way fans can form an intimate erotic relationship with an does an Japanese Idol reward theire fans ? and how exactly they form an relationship with them ?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • What would you think about the things discussed by my characters ?

    I love writing in riddles but only today discovered an interesting significance in the words said by my characters

    Mystica comes closer and bends over the remainings

    of the table: indeed its not an ussual sight

    ...but who than ?

    who else could be involved..

    and on the foot note I don't think its wise

    to discuss such matters with them around my dear Stan

    ( Mystica giggless and walked away

    smiling to the hero's while Stasek sighted and followed her)

    Stasek whispering : true its best to take care

    of the bigger mess ourselfs

    but since it was suppose to be theire assigment a

    ll along I didn't think having them here now

    would be avoided

    Mystica whispering and smiling: I know ...

    I must admit this suprised me you know ....

    I thought you'll be the last one to call

    the system for help

    Stasek whispering and following behind her: as I said

    this was theire mission all along

    don't forget the Justice League of America

    just like the Avengers have a world wide

    jurisdiction and these two groups are what we must watch out for

    Mystica looks back at Stasek: if Im not mistaken

    there are several dimensional timelines where Justice League

    and Avengers co-exist together

    ( Stasek watches at the Justice League members

    investigating the compound )

    Stasek: we exist in a dimension thats not seperate

    from the material world we merelly combine these

    worlds and all what we find interesting

    and merge it together forming our own reality

    these two teams are real but they both don't know about

    theire existence...

    because its not that we dissapeared from the material world

    ,we just transcended our own realities to include unlimited


    into one dimension this is the true power of spiritual beeings

    to exist in all realms at once

    Mystica: true for us the dimensions are one and the same

    but for them parts of our realities form seperate worlds

    hence they don't see each other but all of them can percieve us

    who exist in all these worlds simultaneously .

    ..perhaps the only worlds we don't exist are these

    where we used to exist in a different form....

    when we both were alive

    Stasek: thats right so its not that they exist in different

    timelines its

    our world that combines different timelines into one...

    for each of them we exist and manifest in theire worlds

    as something that existed there all along

    althought we do play a smaller role in theirs world than we do

    in ours ...

    its all a trick of perspective

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Going for a dare I want to meet a Japanese female idol?

    But there's a catch Im not interested in ONES with Succesfull carriers, nope I want the ones that either became ordinary people after ending theire carrier, or quited it because of certain reasons. The thing is Im not looking the ones that make the most money or have a huge large fan base Instead Im curious about these that fallen into obscurity and eventually became forgotten and they should speak english

    3 AnswersJapan8 years ago
  • Is there a difference between an Idol and profesional Japanese **** actress?

    I wonder are Idols the same as western **** actors or is there also A PROFFESIONAL INDuSTRY like in the west and the Idols are more of a thing thats country specific and a local fenomena

    2 AnswersJapan8 years ago
  • ls it possible to meet an ex female Japanese Idols Im doing some research?

    I want to ask questions about whats it like to be one, and how do you become it, also does it impacts theire lifes in a like serious manner or is it just a side work ....Im also interested whether they are isolated from the society and what happens once they're popularity is over it even possible for someone ordinary to meet and know a Real Japanese Idol just like you know and encounter ordinary people or are they more isolated the way Celebrities are ....also what happens to them once theire carrer die out , do they go into druggs , fall in depression , get into Enjo kosai or brothels or simply return beeing normal girls whats the toll on theire psyche and are they aproachable like normal people ?

    5 AnswersJapan8 years ago
  • What are Japanese Idols ?

    What are these Idols is it another fancy word they used for actors ? They appear in a lot of Tv programs but I don't kinda get why....

    5 AnswersJapan8 years ago
  • Im curious about Japanese sex videos who are the actors ?

    Im curious about the actors from these vids, who are they and what ussually happens to them after these vis are these girls prostitutes or somekinda celebrities ? Or are they forced to it by the Japanese mafia ?

    Who is this girl ? also is it possible to meet them online ?

    3 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • Japanese new awesome trend is celibacy now I want to die?

    Why don't Japanese like sex seriously I thought Japan was the most awesome place in the earth why is it that my dreams always get crushed in this manner, its like you can't depend on anything nowadays. Its no bigge I can't get any Japanese online seriously this is what making people rich does with a country if I had to choose beeing rich or beeing poor and have sex I would choose sex nevertheless, betraying intimacy and pleasure for money is stupid. I wish the world ended at times , its so frustrating thats its so hard to make friendships and love and even so more because everybody thinks Im a kid since I talk about these stuff Im 26 years old and is it really that weird Im not interested in a billion dollar carrer ? even if you're rich what does it matter if you die alone... Well System Whores you might not think the situation is serious but were on a good path of dying out as a species nice work system if people start detesting sex and only attribute it to violent acts soon people will start detesting any form of co-operation and trust me that won't end well even if you use you're technology into mass producing clones or creating humans, You wealthy coporate bastards think you can play GOD Go AHEAD whatever happens with the world will be in you're hands it won't be God's fault or even the DEVILS but you're own and thats fine with me because depraved of all pleasures I will take delight in watching you're fall , you will soon stab yourself in the back you have done so with you're own rules

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Internet and TV can we on the Internet compete with Hollywood?

    What is the best type of content the Internet can make or does make that complete with High Quality television services like HBO ?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Facebook issue an accounts deletion?

    Hi Mark Zuckerberg,

    We've determined that the owner of this account isn't old enough to maintain a Facebook account at this time. You must be at least 13 years old to have a Facebook account, even with adult supervision. We were also not able to reevaluate your case as none of the documents you had provided us with, met our criteria for being clearly visible.

    As a result, this account has been already permanently deletion. This decision is final and can't be appealed. We're sorry for any inconvenience this policy causes.



    User Operations


    Now I wonder if thats a problem

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • Do you guys know how to call Barack Obama ?



    He's BETTER THAN JAMES BOND and he's black

    He's the first black american spy that is also a PRESIDENT hows that for Espionage BEAT THAT BOND OBAMA OWNS THE GOVERMENT XD

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • Are the TOP CONTRIBUTORS Corporative agents undercover?

    Im curious why is it that certain questions that I ask AGAINST policies of CERTAIN corporations get the attention of the so called "Top contributors" anyone likes conspiracies I think theire the employers of said corporation trying to ensure we don't start questioning certain policies and I still think that EVEN IF THE SERVICE IS FREE I still have the right to demand legal actions ! People should take part in forming policies theire forced to obey and if the people DON'T LIKE THE POLICIES THEY HAVE TO GO !

    5 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why can't we Pressure our Goverments to take action against Facebook ?

    What are legal laws that state that people cannot appeal to court or any national institution in case when our accounts became pernamently deleted despite the fact we provided all the information requested by Facebook. Since when Corporations can make theire own User agrements and own laws that are in defiance of the laws provided by the goverment's. I don't think we as a people shouldn't just permit ourselfs be humiliated just because corporations think theire own theire customers as far as Im not mistaken in the end if there are conserns about policies employed by Global corporations like Facebook we should have a public debate and not have the issue closed behind doors after all we should agreed to ACTA since we don't own the Internet and USE THE INTERNET technology provided by the US goverment ? I don't think that just BECAUSE the corporation owns the servers or any technology it dosen't mean it can infridge on our consumers rights especially or take arbitary actions against our will even if they used security conserns as justification after all what does stand in the way of internet beeing blocked because of the same concerns

    3 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • why is it that according to certain legal folk its ok to abuse civil rights?;_ylt=Ao...

    Im actually thinking of the answer given in that question could someone provide me LEGAL information as to where there is written thats just because the corporation owns the servers it can decide who can use the service and who can't.....besides how does it look in case of social networks which are owned by private corporations .... give me one reason I cannot LEGALLY sue a company for deleting my account in case I PROVIDED all the information requested and my account was blocked because my reply was ignored ....any REAL reasons why we the PEOPLE CANNOT DEMAND OUR RIGHTS ! because for me it sounds awfully ignored we live in democracy and I think we have the right to have a public debate about Facebook's policy and its not just an internal matter of the corporation in case when a corporation uses data provided by us to make money

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Interesting FB fact corporations are above laws?

    Hi Stanisław,

    We've determined that the owner of this account isn't old enough to maintain a Facebook account at this time. You must be at least 13 years old to have a Facebook account, even with adult supervision. We were also not able to reevaluate your case as none of the documents you had provided us with, met our criteria for being clearly visible.

    As a result, this account has been already permanently deletion. This decision is final and can't be appealed. We're sorry for any inconvenience this policy causes.



    User Operations


    It seems that if you don't have a scanner and they feel like it you can be under age even if you're 26 years old and this is after I even given to them an ID CARD number which could be EASILLY checked via a POLISH GOVERMENTAL INSTUTION , second question if Facebook is a private company what kinda LEGAL basis they have to even demand me to verify my age , they broke my civil rights as blocking my account just because of the reason they provided and the fact they DEMANDED MY PERSONAL INFORMATION IS ILLEGAL , I think I can write about it to Legal institutions Facebook operates with personal data and its illegal to do anything without my consent I DEMAND a restoration of all deleted accounts

    Im not sure how the law is in USA but the fact is that Facebook is an international organization that broke Polish law as no corporation or private enterprises can demand legal documents such things should be settled with the LEGAL INSTITUTIONS IN POLAND and Goverment of POLAND ... The corporation from the United states demanded a personal information from a person living in Poland and that means I should report to it to my authorities , people check you're rights no corporation is above NATIONAL LAW even IF THEIRE OWN USER AGREMENT sais so ITS THE NATIONAL LAW WERE SUBJECTED TO AS PART OF THE DATA GATHERING TAKES PLACE IN YOU'RE COUNTRY AND NOT IN USA plus I thing the European Union law is also against these practices so I wonder if Facebook didn't enfridge on things that are only allowed to local Law enforcment

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • In real life legends how frequent were sexual relations between female yokai's and humans?

    Now based on REAL LIFE legends what was the general relations between the Yokai's and humans were they always on negative terms or were they any friendships between the two kinds is it possible to establish somekind relationship between the two kinds in "real world" XD

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore8 years ago