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  • Do my cats have bed bugs?

    Tonight I discovered little bugs on all three of our cats (literally all over, like fleas but they do not look like fleas) but no red bites. We have searched the mattresses and the couches and see no evidence of bed bugs, but these same bugs are all over the litter box too. Also, we have not been bitten by any bugs that we know of.

    The cats and the litter box seem to be the only places they are. Are these tiny roaches? Are they bed bugs, or are they possibly fleas? They look more like roaches/bed bugs than fleas. I'm going to contact the vet tomorrow.

    7 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • Why do people ask YA if they are pregnant?

    Wouldn't it make much more sense to get a pregnancy test than to ask people if a missed period means they are pregnant? No one can tell you you're pregnant or not here, so go get a test!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone have luck with improving naps using the Ferber method?

    To clarify, I am following the Ferber method exactly as written in his 2006 edition. I'm very lucky in that my 5 month old daughter sleeps wonderfully at night, however, she fights naps hard. She would rather cry for the last four hours of the day than take a nap anywhere - especially in the crib. In fact, during the day, the second she gets near the crib, she starts crying. But, at night I can lay her down and she can fall asleep in it no problem.

    I've also tried napping her elsewhere, but once she makes the connection between that place and naps, I get the same reaction. At this point the only hope I have to get her to sleep is to have her fall asleep on a bottle and put her down with the bottle in her mouth. Then, I trade that immediately with a pacifier. You can guess what happens when she wakes up and notices nothing is in her mouth...

    I started trying the Ferber method today on naps (and I plan on following through at night if she starts crying then too as a result). I'm doing it EXACTLY the way it says to in the book. I'm wondering if anyone has had nap time issues and has tried this with success. Or, if there was another method you've used for dealing with naps that worked. I can tell when she's tired, I can see these are almost exactly at the same times of day (so I have a schedule I can create if I can get her to nap!!) - I just can't successful get her to sleep most days and she's really suffering for it.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is bleeding after membrane sweep two days later normal?

    I'm two days short of hitting 42 weeks now, and two days ago I had my membrane stripped. I'm nearly completely effaced, 1 cm dilated and the baby is either at -1 or engaged, depending on who you ask (I've had to shuffle docs due to my doc being out of town).

    Anyway, shortly afterward I started spotting brown which then turned into a dark red. It seemed perfectly normal and expected. However, it kept going. I spotted all through the last two days while having regular contractions that would eventually fizzle out sometime in the night while I was sleeping. Today, I had a pink mucus discharge, which I'm assuming was bloody show since I already lost most of my plug, but that has turned back into the dark red and it is slightly heavier than spotting now (but not enough that I feel I should run to the hospital). Oh, and I'm having pretty bad cramping off and on today all of a sudden, but no regular contractions.

    Is there a point where the bleeding should stop? Or, am I being too easy about this and something sounds like it is wrong? I'm doubting the stripping worked at this point, but I wonder if the bleeding is going to stop at some point! Thanks.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago