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chrissy s

Favorite Answers7%
  • Early or late pregnancy during the summer?

    My friend and I were discussing what we thought about either being in early pregnancy in the heat or late pregnancy? We thought it was a bit of a toss up - the heat defiantly doesn't help my nausea at 10 weeks & she said she feels like a beached whale at 34 weeks! Just thought it would be interesting to see what you all thought.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Looking for some experience/insight - Second pregnancy/child birth/etc?

    I'm am current going through the first trimester with our second baby. My son is 2 years old next week. I'm just looking for some insight as to what you went through with your second pregnancy (such as, showing earlier, etc) also, second child birth (such as, I heard that generally the second time around it's faster, but the 'after pains' were worse?). How did you cope being exhausted with another child? Any helpful advice for going through pregnancy the second time around with a toddler. I am also working full time - hoping to work as long as possible through my pregnancy and take the full year of maternity leave. Anything is appreciated!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When is the ideal time to tell work I am pregnant?

    First of - my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 months and instead of asking 'Am I pregnant?' questions I wanted to wait and see if it was true - turns out - We are pregnant - finally!

    But, my question is that I work in a law office and I have been working full time for a year and a half here.

    I'm just wondering when the ideal time to tell work that I am pregnant. I know that generally 3 months is the rule to get past the most likely time for a miscarriage, but do you think that they would think that I waited to long? And what if I start to show before then? This is my second child and I'm quite petite. I think I started showing about 4/5 months with my first child.

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I'm not a senior yet - but, very curious!?

    I saw the question about 'Don't you hate long questions!' So, I'll try to keep it short & sweet.

    1. What was it like growing up in your generation? Compared to my generation - where it seems like etiquette never existed and no one believes in an honest day of work.

    2. What is it like to grow older? Health, relationships, every day life... etc.

    3. Do you have any regrets?


    19 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • 2 year old temper tantrum?

    My son is two years old and I experienced his first temper tantrum.

    We were at a play date, and it was time to go, give back the toy truck to his friend, etc, and he just lost it! He started stomping, yelling, screaming, kicking, hitting, biting, and riping out my hair! I was absolutely mortified! I have never experienced anything like this before with him.

    He is generally very easy to calm down and he is usually patient enough to let me explain why we are going, and where we are now going, etc. But, he would not listen to me. This continued the whole way home - he was just thrashing about in his car seat.

    I understand how to avoid this, for the most part, I know it was near nap time - but still, there are going to be times when I cannot avoid being in public around his nap time.

    Is this common at this age? How should I deal with this? What are some better ways for me to avoid this happening again? What are your best strategies for dealing with this from your experience with your children?

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • At what point did you take fertility drugs?

    Mother natures gift is seeming more and more like a curse after a month of hoping & trying. We have been trying for 6 months and there is nothing "wrong" with us, besides the fact that I have a tilted back cervix which can make things a bit more difficult.

    I just want to know, at what point did you decide that fertility drugs could be the answer to your prayers?

    What are the different kinds of fertility drugs? Are there any kind of side affects?

    Just information and some insight would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What to give my sister for her birthday (Turning 13!)?

    My sister is turning 13. I have absolutely no idea what to get her. I think she pretty much follows whatever trends there are for 13 year olds right now (skinny jeans, obsession with the band with the brothers, wearing make up etc) but, I want something original that she will remember for a long time to come. I want something cool, but that can help her transition into a teenager. Would appreciate answers from everyone, but especially people in her age group.

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Thinking this might be it?!?

    This is our second month trying to conceive. My last period was on December 27, 2008.

    For the past three days I have been feeling very nauseous, actually getting sick a couple of times. My breasts feel tender, and certain foods are bothering my gag reflex. I'm not sure if I am just over thinking it, and perhaps, creating these symptoms.

    It seems like a long wait to try a pregnancy test. But, I was wondering if anyone had felt pregnant so early, assuming I am.

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My son is 18 months old... and still hasn't figured out bedtime!?

    I have asked my parents, my husband's parents, friends etc.. and they think that I should just let him cry it out.

    But, I sit at his bedroom door and cry myself! I can't help but think, what if he is teething, or sick, and I'm just sitting here letting himself cry? It is beginning to bring tension in my husband and my relationship. The late nights of crying and fighting are getting too much for us. We do have a routine, that has been established for a long time which consists of:

    1. Bath

    2. Brush teeth

    3. Quiet time - Read a book

    4. Into his own room - toddler bed

    Is this too young for night terrors? Is this normal? Should he be able to calm himself by now?

    Any and all suggestions appreciated!

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Ready & trying to conceive, but very anxious! Anyone else feel this way?

    My husband and I have a healthy beautiful 18 month old son.

    We recently decided that we would like to try for another baby as we would like our children to be close in age.

    I really enjoy being a mother and love my son unconditionally.

    But, I am really anxious about the whole ordeal of trying to get pregnant, then being pregnant, labour & delivery, and then another set of sleepless nights with a newborn.

    My pregnancy with my son felt like a nightmare. For the first 4 months I was extremely ill - morning sickness - which was obviously made up by a man, because it lasted all day every day. I opted for a drug-free labour & delivery which the most excruciating pain of my life (honestly, thought I had experienced pain before that - but, no, nothing that compares to that). My son had colic - really bad colic. Thought it would never end! He didn't have a full night of sleep until shortly after his first birthday. It just seems like a lot... to do it all over again. I really believe that it was all worth it, but just feeling anxious about everything, really.

    I don't want my son to be jealous, or neglect my son in any way because of morning sickness (assuming I have it again).

    I really am just looking for some reassurance, someone out there must have felt the same way... maybe?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What are your favourite websites to visit?

    I can't play videos, or music.

    I'm interested in pretty much everything. Just tell me all your favourites! I've reached my daily answering limits!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Pop & Milk Curdling in Stomach?

    if you drink pop, and then milk can it curdle resulting in an upset stomach?

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • I'm in college for Legal Office Assistant. Any tips, suggestions or problems?

    I'm almost done my 2 years of school!

    But, I'm nervous going into the workforce.

    I live in British Columbia, Canada.

    Is anyone an LOA?

    What is your salary?

    What kind of jobs do you have on a daily basis?

    What do you love about your job, or hate about your job?

    Do you get a lot of interesting work?

    What kind of law do you prefer?

    I appreciate any and all knowledge in this subject.

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • What should I know about Thai clubs?

    I'm 19. I know that I can purchase alcohol in Thailand. But, the information I found about clubs in Thailand, it says that you must be 20. Is that really enforced?

    I look older than I am, and I'm not a beligerent, "girls gone wild" kinda girl. Should I be alright?

    And if so, what is usually worn in clubs? any club suggestions? what to avoid? best place(s) for night life?


    3 AnswersThailand1 decade ago
  • Going to Thailand in September. Would appreciate some general information.?

    I'm a Canadian 19 year old woman. Going on my honeymoon. I know that it's the rainy season, the currency is baht, and the majority of Thais are Buddhist.

    Would like to know:

    - Interesting facts.

    - What I should be aware of (ex. scams, ect)

    - What are the good beaches and clubs.

    I appreciate any and all help. Thank you!

    7 AnswersThailand1 decade ago