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  • She asked me a question and I need help coming up with an answer?

    Long story short I had this thing with this girl the whole summer. She asked me to wait and my naive self did so. Things started taking a turn for the worse and she decided it was better off to go our separate ways. One thing led to another and she eventually asked me to promise her everything will be okay. I want to say that I can t make that promise but i dont want it to be awkward in the future because our families are very close so I will see her again. I just dont know

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I ve been single my whole life, how do I fix this?

    I ve never been in a serious relationship, never. I know I m still young at the age of 19, but I always ask myself why things never work out. Many different scenarios play out such as, she has a boyfriend, I m moving away, she s moving away, I like her but she doesn t feel the same, she likes me but I dont feel the same, etc. When things seem right, they fall apart. Should I just lower my standards? I feel like I m wanting someone who doesn t exist, but at the same time I m not going to commit to someone who I don t share strong feelings for. I just, I just don t know what to do.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I didn't get anything for Christmas?

    I don't know, I'm a bit salty right now. I spent 200 dollars on my family members this Christmas and I only got vitamin pills from my older cousin. The only gift I actually got was from my grandma, who doesn't even work, yet still was able to muster 20 dollars. A card would've been nice, or a hanes shirt but nothing. I know this time of year is about giving, but it seems no one spent the time to give anything to me.

    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • What do I do if a girl didn't give me her number?

    We'd been talking a good amount on tinder for the last three days, and each conversation has gone really well, so now I'm a bit perplexed as to why she didn't give me her number. I did set it up in a weird way asking if she liked to text or call and she said call. Since I do as well, I thought it would have been reasonable to ask since I actually got to know her. She said, "I'm with a friend rn haha". I waited it out to see if she would message her number to me but nothing so all I responded was gotcha, she then said sorry, I then responded don't worry and lastly she said, "okay cool".

    I do genuinely like talkng to this girl, but how I feel like it's awkward to continue this. What do I do to fix it?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • My roommate already wants me to switch rooms?

    So basically my roommate is on the basketball team and apparently they told him that it would be better for him to room with all of the guys who are in basketball. So instead of him switching with the other guy, he is asking me if I want to switch out. I don't know the guy since he will be my future roommate and I don't want to be anyone's enemy on the first day but what in the actual F@#$!@#$. Should I tell him straight up no? Should I tell him that I don;t want to get in trouble. Should I tell him that maybe he should switch out? I'm trying to be as diplomatic as possible without ranting/exposing my true frustration right now.

  • Is this my fault?

    So basically there is some prom drama happening at this moment as we speak.

    I, being the main target, have been criticized for not purchasing something that I never agreed to buy.

    So basically everyone wanted shirts, and I actually did not want one except I never made it known. This is only because no one ever asked me if I actually wanted one and because of that they ASSUMED I wanted one without my recognition. Now they are arguing that I must pay my dues.

    I know in the court of law I shouldn't have to pay. There was never a verbal or written agreement yet they are blaming me for not saying otherwise (Even though I never knew I was on the list) and calling it common courtesy.

    Like what do I even do? I still don't want a shirt.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Is it appropriate to message a girl before college?

    So basically there are Facebook groups made by the administrators of any given school with the purpose of social interaction between students.

    But lets get serious here.

    There is this girl, who I find pretty attractive. I want to know more about her and who she is as a person yet there is no way I can communicate with her without looking weird since I would have to wait up until the fall of 2015 to actually see her and have a decent conversation with her.

    I just wanted to know if messaging her on Facebook would be the way to go about this or to just wait.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Can my landlord do this????

    My parents and my landlord have a verbal agreement of paying rent for at least 1400 every month. It has been like this for the last 7 years yet my parents keep giving in to this asswhole. So first off, our heating system has not worked for the last 4 years (and I live in Chicago so this gets real bad real fast) and I am sure landlords are supposed to provide fundamental living conditions for their tenants. Also our landlord comes in uninvited many times (and I'm sure he is supposed to give us a 24 hour notice before barging in, am I right?) and just recently he locked the basement, so now I can't even get my backpack for my homework! I for one am certain he can't just lock the basement even though it was within the verbal agreement that we could use it. So should I file a lawsuit against my landlord, or at least inform my parents right's as tenants. What do you think? Has anything that I have said so far not true?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Can my landlord do this?

    My parents and my landlord have a verbal agreement of paying rent for at least 1400 every month. It has been like this for the last 7 years yet my parents keep giving in to this asswhole. So first off, our heating system has not worked for the last 4 years (and I live in Chicago so this gets real bad real fast) and I am sure landlords are supposed to provide fundamental living conditions for their tenants. Also our landlord comes in uninvited many times (and I'm sure he is supposed to give us a 24 hour notice before barging in, am I right?) and just recently he locked the basement, so now I can't even get my backpack for my homework! I for one am certain he can't just lock the basement even though it was within the verbal agreement that we could use it. So should I file a lawsuit against my landlord, or at least inform my parents right's as tenants. What do you think? Has anything that I have said so far not true?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago

    If you like disney maybe you ll like this

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Should I go to this party?

    I'm underage, I have been straight edge my whole life (which means I haven't done any illegal substances), but I'm curious. Not necessarily for the effects of alcohol but the overall environment of a small party. It's not supposed to be this HUGE event, but mainly a gathering of 20 people...MAX. Here's the thing...I'm scared because I really do not want to get in trouble, or anything of that sort. But is it true? Can I get in trouble if I'm not drinking at all?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Should I go to this party?

    I m underage, I have been straight edge my whole life (which means I haven t done any illegal substances), but I m curious. Not necessarily for the effects of alcohol but the overall environment of a small party. It s not supposed to be this HUGE event, but mainly a gathering of 20 people...MAX. Here s the thing...I m scared because I really do not want to get in trouble, or anything of that sort. But is it true? Can I get in trouble if I m not drinking at all?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Girl Problems, anyone have any advice?

    I'm already near the end of the road. Senior year.

    With all the parties that are happening on the weekly and the amount of girls that just "want to get down", I am here, on the internet, grieving about my problems.

    The purpose of this post is to ask for advice. But maybe a little background information would be fitting.

    Like i've said before, I am a High School student who basically has not kissed or has even become intimate with a girl since...freshman year.

    My friends call me, "the one who equivocates but does not finish." What that basically means is, I have the potential, the looks, the confidence and the maturity for a quality girl, but I always have a tendency of not capitalizing. I'm sorry if i'm making this sound like a game, but honest to God, it does seem like a game...and i'm losing.

    But really, any suggestions? Should I just wait till college? Should I become the flirtatious kid I once was? Or should I just forget about it and just focus on my grades?

    Side note: (not sure if this helps your response)

    I don't drink or smoke

    I believe oral sex is not pleasing and I am willing to wait to have sex till marriage

    I have introverted qualities (but I am no where from being shy)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago