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  • negative test, but still no period?

    My last period was March 12th, I had unprotected sex on April 4th.

    I'm a week late though, if I ovulated late and got pregnant on that date would it be too soon to show up on a home pregnancy test? Because I have all the other symptoms possible except a positive test, ugh!

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • No period yet? I'm never late..?

    My last period was March 12th. I had unprotected sex on April 4th (pull-out method). My boobs have been very tender for the past 4 days which never happens. The only sign I get when it comes to me having my period is horrible cramps the day I get my period which I'm always on time for. Is it possible for me to get pregnant so late into my cycle? As of right now I'm 2 days late.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • having very weird dreams...?

    the past few nights i've been having some really weird dreams and all i wanna do is sleep the past few days. i don't know what is going on..

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • fuel pump on a honda accord?

    where is the fuel pump on a 1990 honda accord ex?

    i believe it's the fuel pump because i replaced all the spark plugs and wires and the relay as well. i can start my car and drive it but once i put it in neutral or hit the brakes it loses power and just dies out (doesn't stall) but i can turn it on and it will sit there and idle just fine? help pleasee, thanks :)

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Motor T vehicles... Marine Corps..?

    are Motor T vehicles automatic or manual transmissions?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Period due today, possibly?

    My last period was July 23rd and I had unprotected sex with my ex fiance on July 26th, 27th and 28th then again August 3rd and 5th. My boobs were really itchy after the 28th for a few days but not anymore and for the past week I've had weird pains which I never get before a period and my ex smokes and when we would cuddle at night I could smell the cig smell on his hands which made me sick. And I've gotten car sick a lot easier lately. I feel all bloated and gassy and I can't poop when I feel like I need to (tmi sorry) and I have to pee all the time and also been taking naps a lot more now but idk if the tiredness could be caused by running around cause of the passing of my father on the 1st. Me and my ex fiance aren't on speaking terms right now cause of him being a pos cheating liar. I told him I think I might be pregnant and he says he's infertile which is another one of his lies. He knew what he was doing cause he was the one trying to knock me up in the first place. If I am pregnant I'm not going to get an abortion cause I don't think I could ever go through with one, I would go in severe depression if I ever did that. But I also don't wanna be stuck with a kid with him the rest of my life. Idk what's going on or what I'm gonna do if I am.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Boobs itch and hurt....?

    For the past week my boobs hurt and are really itchy and I have no clue why...Ive already gone through puberty I'm almost 23 years old so idk...

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • can you get kicked out of the military for having HPV?

    some girl i know said she got kicked out of the military for having HPV but i'm not to sure if i believe her for that reasoning.

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Marine and Poolee relationships...?

    Can a male Marine date or have a sexual relationship with a female Poolee that he met during RA?

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • how come Marines say....?

    (insert rank) this (insert rank) don't know

    why do Marines say that

    2 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • some good MOS' in the Marine Corps for females?

    i am female and have enlisted in the Marine Corps..what are some good mos' that i should look into?

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Telling him how I feel tomorrow...?

    So I'm super nervous cause I never tell guys how I feel but we've been talking for 3 months now and friends for 5 months. We haven't told each other how we feel about each other but everyone sees how happy we are, I even have people I don't even really know ask of we're dating and I say no just friends. He still lives with his on/off gf whom he is off with right now from what I hear and the other night we were all hanging out and my best friend called him out on how happy he is when hes with me and how we're both happy and he was like uhh trying to play stupid and was like uh I'm not following you but he was still all over me and he's been way more passionate towards me lately and he's re-enlisting in the military and he was asking me how I felt him going back in... I'm fine with it cause that's what he loves doing. He did 8 years in the Marine Corps and now is wanting to join the Navy doing one of the Navy Seals teams and I will completely stand by him through it and be faithful unlike his on/off gf whom cheated on him during deployments and when he was home also. He's 29 and I'm 22 but super nervous on what I'm gonna say to him...what are some things that I should say to make him feel okay to completely open up to me? Thanks!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Really please?

    So I met this guy in September and he's had this on/off gf whom he is not happy with anymore and everyone is waiting for it to be officially ended. Well in November we started to hang out and hook up. He's a really nice guy, not someone who I usually go for. I'm really starting to like him but he's still with his girl or whatever she is. Everyone knows how he is with me and all can tell that he does like me but they think he's just stuck right now. And they all know me and him would be really good for each other and know that as soon as he ends it with her he's gonna be with me but I just can't wait and get emotionally evolved. He texts me all the time, we go to the same gym n everything so it's hard to ignore him. Idk what to do and he's been a big help with talking to me since I found out my dad got cancer cause his mom had the same kind. I'm too scared to tell him how I feel cause I'm scared to get hurt even tho either way I'm hurting my own self. I wanna back off and I want to send him a text also cause I don't want to be the other girl anymore. I just don't know what to please!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Confused on where this is going ?

    I have this friend whom I like and I know he likes me also and he knows he can be with me at whenever he wants to and well we've been hooking up for a few months. He was there for me when his friend had screwed me over and that's when he swooped in on me. Like when we use to hook up he'd only kiss me once in awhile. He has an on/off gf of like 8 years whom he isn't happy with and has been doing his own thing from what she says when we're all out hanging out with our group of friends (everyone knows what's going on with me and him except her) I always get asked by people at the dive bar we hang out if me and him are dating cause he's always extremely happy and has a smile on his face when I'm around and I always tell them no we're not. I had backed off of him and left when he wanted me to stay later than I normally stay so I can hang out with him. And the other night he was all over me the whole night in front of everybody. Well lately he's been more passionate with me and all over me even more than ever and we go to the same gym and usually I'll go say hi to him first but I haven't been saying hi to him and he now comes to me first and says hi and gives me a big hug and asks me to work out with him. His friends say they know him and his girl aren't going to last much longer and are waiting for it to be completely ended. I just don't want to drop my guard if he keeps being passionate with me cause I already like the guy but haven't let myself get real feelings for him. Should I stay and wait around to see what happens or what? How long would you guys wait around for someone?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Still thinking I may be pregnant?

    Okay, so my last real period was 11/13/11. That month I had all the symptoms to where I was always tired, neaseous, peeing a lot more than usual, weird pains and missing period which I ended up getting 2 weeks later which was only for a few days. I took 3 tests...2 came out negative and 1 came out all weird couldn't tell the result but then I ended up getting what I thought was suppose to be my period so I just assumed I wasn't buy I'm still extremely tired at times to where I like fall asleep at my desk job a few times a day and I've been cranky lately and emotional and having weird pains where my uterus is and in my lower back to where it hurts to move at times and now my boobs are becoming sore to touch but they're not fuller than normal like it would be when I was due for a period. If I was pregnant I'd be 8 weeks today. I know I should take a test but I don't have money for one right now. And when I was pregnant 4 years ago I couldn't tell on a hpt and didn't know I was until I miscarried at almost 3 months along. I want to go see a dr but my dr is in another city and it's hard to go out there cause I work mon-fri 8-5 so dr offices are closed. I had never been late on a period more than 1 day even when I was pregnant before I still got my so called period on time, I'm just confused on how my body has been actin lately and nervous cause I have been drinking but I plan on stop drinking til I find out for sure, hopefully soon.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Repost forgot some info.. Pregnancy hormone maybe too low?

    My last period was November 13. I had unprotected sex pull-out method on

    November 23, November 30 and December 7. (can't use condoms due to I'm highly allergic to them and can't use birthcontrol due to me blacking out on it)

    I'm 9 days late...I took a pregnancy test on December 14 and it came up negative and then I took another one today December 20 and it came up negative but it took a long time for it to show the negative line but no faint line or anything for positive. Could my hormones still be to low to register on an at home test?

    My doctor is in another city and I'll be out there all weekend and Monday but the dr office is closed but Urgent Care is open so I will be going there this weekend. My only choice is to see Urgent Care cause of my work schedule with working at a Medical Office HR dept and work when dr offices are open.

    Just want your guys opinions on what you think. :-)

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Pregnancy hormone too low...?

    My last period was November 13. I had unprotected sex pull-out method on November 23, November 30 and December 7. (can't use condoms due to I'm highly allergic to them and can't use birthcontrol due to me blacking out on it)

    I took a pregnancy test on December 14 and it came up negative and then I took another one today December 20 and it came up negative but it took a long time for it to show the negative line but no faint line or anything for positive. Could my hormones still be to low to register on a at home test?

    My doctor is in another city and I'll be out there all weekend and Monday but the dr office is closed but Urgent Care is open so I will be going there this weekend.

    Just want your guys opinions on what you think :-)

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • how soon in pregnancy..?

    do your boobs feel sore n what not?

    tomorrow i'll be 9 days past the day i was suppose to receive my period. i took a test 3 days past but it came out negative. i'm extremely tired, nausea during the day but mainly at night, light headed and peeing a lot more. i know i should take another test but i'm to nervous too. i've never been late on a period and even if i'm stressing i always get it early and never late.. maybe a day late but that's it.

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I am a Week late on period?

    So today I'm exactly once week late on my period. I took a at home test on Wednesday and it came up as negative but I had gone pee a lot already that day and it wasn't first morning pee so I was wondering if that may of been too soon?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago