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  • How late is a "little late"?

    Guy was supposed to come to my house at 3:00. We were texting about it all week, he kept saying how he was so excited and couldn't wait. We were texting and at 2:45 he says "I might get there a little late because siblings". We're both too young to drive, so his parents would have to drive him- not really his fault if his mom is busy, right? I told him it was fine, don't worry about it. It's now 3:50, I've heard nothing. Any help here? What do I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How do you fall asleep when wired/angry?

    I m very upset with my mother, I had a wonderful day and long story short, she found a way to ruin it (as usual). I was wondering if any of you had some tips for relaxing enough to fall asleep, or dealing with anger? Thank you!

    6 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Help choosing a major please?

    I've been writing poetry since I was 13 and I've always dreamed of doing it for a living (meaning publishing and selling those "collections of poetry" books most people ignore in Barnes and Noble). I know that there isn't a lot of money to be made in that, but there isn't very much happiness in money anyway. I'm not crazy though, I realize that I would need a day job, but I want it to relate as closely as possible. So what are my options in terms of majors (and possibly schools?) and "day jobs" that would actually make me happy?

  • Amusement park date help?

    My high school is going on a field trip to Six Flags and my girlfriend and I were planning on making a date out of it since we can't see each other a lot outside of school. I have a few questions:

    1. How much money should I bring if I want to pay for my lunch, her lunch, a stuffed animal or something similar as a gift, and maybe a snack or something?

    2. What should I wear? I'm a girl and we have to follow school dress code (shorts have to be at least mid thigh length, no tank tops/spaghetti straps)

    3. Are there any places to make out in an amusement park because she was hinting at wanting to for the last week XD

    Thank you!!!!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Good lovesongs for my girlfriend?

    My girlfriend of 5 months sent me the song "Sea of Love" by Cat Power at 3:00am last night. She isn't the most affectionate or trusting person and I've worked really hard to get to the level of closeness that I have with her. I love her, as in I am in love with her. I've never felt more strongly about a girl before in my life. I want to show her that I care. Something soft and lyrical, with a guitar maybe. But I'm open to any suggestions you have. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What computer should I buy?

    I'm looking for a fairly cheap laptop computer. I will be using it for social media, school work (so I need Word and Powerpoint), and occasionally running light weight games like Minecraft. I will have to save up for it myself (I'm in high school) so the cheaper, the better. It doesn't have to be aesthetically pleasing design wise, as long as it does what I need it to do. I'm not very good with computers, so it would have to be as low maintenance as possible. Any suggestions??

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Problems with relationship?

    So I've been with this girl for almost 4 months now. I know it's still early, but this is the most serious relationship I've ever had- we both say "I love you", and we both really mean it. She makes me happy.

    But, lately she has been playing mind games with me. (She even admits to it; I said she reminds me of a cat and she said I remind her of a rabbit, and every so often she'll say something like "cats like to play with rabbits". The rabbit thing isn't an insult to my masculinity because we're lesbians.. But I am defiantly more masculine than her if that makes a difference).

    She'll hang up on me and tell me to call back in 8 minuets (always a random number like that, never 5 or 10) and when I do, she'll decline the call and give me a new time over text. This'll go on for maybe 3 missed calls before she actually answers. She gives me double standards a lot (for example, I can't be 5 minuets late without a very pissed off girlfriend, but if she's an hour late I'm "over reacting").

    Also, we talk over the phone for basically the entire day on weekends and breaks (we're in high school) and I don't know how to tell her that I need space without making it seem like I don't enjoy her company.

    Basically, she has 100% of the power in the relationship and I'm sick of it. I really love her though, I want to save the relationship at all costs. What can I do to end the mind games, get some space, and have a 50/50 power balance?

    Singles & Dating6 years ago
  • Girlfriend cheated on me, what to do?

    My girlfriend told me today that last Friday night she got extremely drunk and made out with a gay man. We're lesbians. She said that they kissed and she took her shirt off, but that's as far as it got. She said she's really sorry and she promises to not get that drunk ever again. After school today, she stepped away to take a call and I heard her say "no, we're never doing that again" and I would like to think she was talking to the gay guy. We haven't been dating for very long, and I'm just wondering if I should stay with her. She does seem genuinely sorry but it really bothers me that she was with a man, even if he was gay. Should I ask for a break? Should I just forgive and forget?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • She asked me out, now she avoids me?

    So yesterday this girl asked me out, I said yes and we walked around holding hands for a little bit before her mom came to pick her up (we're both just under driving age). Today she was acting really weird and almost avoiding me? Was she embarrassed about what happened? She said last night was "awkward, but nice", so why would she avoid me? I really like her and I really hope nothing is wrong. I didn't ask her out first because I was convinced she didn't like me, so don't say "you should have grown a pair and asked her"...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Are these panic attacks or something else?

    Sometimes I get this sudden feeling that someone/something is under my bed or in my closet, usually only happens if I stay up late at night but sometimes in the day too. Half of me knows it isn't real and half of me is scared shitless. Also sometimes memories of times when I did something embarrassing/awkward/stupid won't get out of my head and I grab on to whatever I'm holding really right and am just really wigged out. What are these "attacks"? Wtf is wrong with me?

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • I ducked out of a kiss that I wanted?

    So it was the last day of school (a few weeks ago) and we were basically having a party because the teachers let us do whatever on the last day. She was a senior and I was a junior, so it was her last day at that school permanently. I am a lesbian and I hadn't come out to her until approx. 3 weeks ago. She is pan and dating a boy, and to my knowledge was still with him but I don't know that as a fact. She started flirting with me a bit harder than usual after I told her, so I thought she might like me, but again to my knowledge she was taken. She had kissed me on the cheek 2x before this, I was thrilled because I like her. She kind of went in for a mouth kiss but at the last second I thought of her bf and ducked out. I have her #, but I don't know what to do. I do like her, but I'm never really going to see her again because she is now out of school and I have a year to go. Heeeelp?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Going to the movies with my crush, help?

    Tomorrow I'm going to the movies with my crush. It's not really a date, it's just because we both couldn't go on a school fieldtrip so she suggested we do something fun together instead. I'm just wondering what are some subtle ways to flirt with her and some not so subtle ways for if she responds well. Thanks

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • My friend's crush rejected her, what do I say?

    My friend's crush flirts with her all the time and she had been under the impression that he liked her (and so did most of the people at my school, tbh) so today she finally asked him out. But, he said no and was a real jerk about it. I've never seen her this upset. I'm usually the one with the relationship problems (I'm gay, most of my crushes are straight so they don't work out) but my current crush (who's bisexual) broke up with her boyfriend. How do I help my friend? How do I not rub this in? Thanks

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Bi or gay? Please help?

    I'm a girl. I would rank a solid 5 on the Kinsey scale. (For those of you who don't know, 5 means "predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual"). I want to identify as lesbian, but then it would be hard to explain these guy crushes. But, I feel the term bisexual implies that I like guys more than I do. I know I shouldn't try to label myself, but it would make coming out a ton easier. What should I do? Thank you so much!

  • Yeast Infection Question?

    I'm pretty sure I have a yeast infection in both my vagina and my throat, so will one treatment fix both or will I have to treat them separately? Thanks.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Same sex best friend crush?

    So I'm bisexual with a preference for girls (I'm a girl). I've known her for a few years and in that time we've gotten extremely close, I can easily call her my best friend. I came out to her and she's totally fine with that. I know she's not lesbian, but I don't know whether she is bi, but I'm pretty sure she isn't. Sometimes I see her and I just feel like hugging her so bad. She tells me about the crushes she has and it breaks my heart. The thing is, I really don't want to lose her as a friend by sharing my feelings, but it's eating me up inside that no one knows except for me. Hell, she was the very first person I came out to, my own parents don't even know yet. I'm in middle school if that makes any difference. Should I tell her or not? Should I tell a different friend? I'm completely lost. Thanks for reading this far :)

  • Good links to put on a homepage?

    I'm making a homepage as a fun little HTML project and I was wondering some good links to put on it. I have Google, Youtube, and Yahoo Answers. What else should I put? Here is what I have so far, it isn't very pretty yet but just to show you the idea...

    <!DOCTYPE html>




    <hr color= "green">

    <a href="">/ Google</a>

    <hr color="blue">

    <a href="">youtube</a%3E

    <hr color="green">

    <a href="">yahoo/ Answers </a>

    <hr color="blue">

    <a href="http://www.">/



    2 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • What to do about my brother?

    My brother has been being a jerk all day. He's been doing little things like calling my parents every time I curse, not helping me when I ask and it would be easy for him, staring at me and smiling when I'm visibly upset. When I finally blew up at him after an entire day on and off of this, my parents say I'm being ridiculous and they literally laughed at me. I have been trying really hard not to physically hurt him (which used to be all the time to shut him up) and he's taking advantage of it by being a dick! How can I get him to stop without hitting him?

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • What would be a good hobby for me?

    Here's a few things to consider:

    I can't drive (I'm 13)

    I can put in a few hours every day Monday-Friday and more on the weekends

    Nothing too expensive; I can spend $40-$50 maximum but something free would be great

    I play the saxophone and there is a piano in my house

    It would be better if I could do this hobby at my house by myself; I'm looking for something to fill up my time after school

    I have a dog

    I have a bike, but it's a huffy

    I have a ds lite

    I don't want to collect anything

    Any ideas at all? Thank you so much

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • What should I put on my list? I have no idea what I want?

    My grandparents want me to make a christmas list. I'm a 13 year old girl. I am NOT into girly things. I'm pretty nerdy- part of the more popular fandoms except Doctor Who because I just haven't gotten around to watching it. I have a DS lite and not a lot of games for it. Obviously, the games can't be too mature. Nothing too expensive, $0-$20 ish. Online stores would be great. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerChristmas8 years ago