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  • My friend always called me flat chested?

    I've always had a really petite body which means I have really small boobs. But really they aren't even that tiny. I've never really minded it because I don't know, it just doesn't bother me.. But lately my friend won't stop saying I have no boobs and says she doesn't believe me when I tell her my bra size. A couple days ago she said it so loud during class and I felt really uncomfortable. (By the way we're in high school). She has really big boobs because she just has a bigger build.

    Is being a 32B really that small? And is being "flat chested" a bad thing? She just started saying all of this.


    11 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • (Guys opinion) Can I ask my crush if he thinks I'm weird?

    Long story short, my friend talked to the guy I like and made me seem crazy. I never talk to him but I want to this week. At this point I don't care if he likes me or not but I don't want him and his friends thinking I'm crazy.

    If I ask him if he thinks I'm weird and also try to straighten the misunderstanding out will it just make matters worse? I don't get how guys' minds work haha. What do you think? Thanks :)

  • How to talk to my crush who thinks I'm weird?

    My friend told my crush (who barely knows me) that I told her that we used to talk a lot. I don't know why she told him that because I never said anything even close to that.

    So now I'm guessing he thinks I'm weird and his friends all stare at me when I walk by. I really want to talk to him and straighten all of this out but I have no idea what to say! I don't care if he likes me or not but I just don't want him to think I'm insane. What could I say to him? Thanks in advance!:)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Pretty sure my crush thinks I'm really weird?

    I really like this guy who barely knows who I am. But I have a feeling he thinks I'm really awkward and weird. A little while ago one of my friend went up to him and basically told him I like him and his response was "I don't really know her". And then to make matters worse my friend said "oh she told me you guys used to talk" which I DID NOT say. So he probably thinks I'm making things up about us. I think he told his friends too because when I walk by the all stare at me and nudge him.

    Basically my question is, how should I go about showing him that I'm not a freak? I figure I should talk to him but what should I say? I'm so nervous!

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I constantly feel ugly?

    No matter what I always just feel like I'm ugly. I used to actually feel confident until I became friends with all of these gorgeous girls who get asked out all the time. I can't help but feel like a mess next to them. I'm not going to ask how I can look prettier or even compare to them but how can I build more confidence about my appearance? Thanks.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to look less Mexican/ more white?

    I'm not Mexican but for some reason people always think I am! I know there is many many beautiful Mexican women, but it's kind of annoying when people think I'm lying about my race when I say I'm not Mexican.

    I have brown hair and I'm kind of tan so I guess that's why.. Any makeup/hair tips? Again, there's nothing wrong with being Mexican at all, but I'm not and personally it bothers me.

    Thanks and no rude answers please!

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • Why do girls at school hate me?

    So theres this group of girls at my school who aren't the most popular but everyone likes them because they're supposedly really nice people. But the second I met them they gave me dirty looks and wouldn't give me a chance to talk. This is the case with most other girls at school too.

    (By the way I'm in ninth grade and I'm a girl)

    I only have a few girl friends who I feel actually like me. I've also been told that I look like I'm bitchy but I have no idea what that even really means??

    So yeah, does anyone have any suggestions? I want to make more friends but all the girls ignore me.. :(

    8 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • My friends told my crush I like him :(?

    Today at school my friends told my crush I like him, but not in a normal way. He was walking by us and one of my friends said "hey she likes you" loudly and he just kept walking (I think he was uncomfortable). Then, another friend did the same thing.

    The thing is, we barely ever talk. In fact we've only talked like three times and we don't have classes together. Should I talk to him next week and say like sorry about my friends, I don't know why they did that.. blah blah blah, or is that weird since we never really talk? I don't want him to think I'm creepy and too insecure to say something. Also what should I say? Thanks:)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My friends told my crush I like him?

    Today at school my friends told my crush I like him, but not in a normal way. He was walking by us and one of my friends said "hey she likes you" loudly and he just kept walking (I think he was uncomfortable). Then, another friend did the same thing.

    The thing is, we barely ever talk. In fact we've only talked like three times and we don't have classes together. Should I talk to him next week and say like sorry about my friends, I don't know why they did that.. blah blah blah, or is that weird since we never really talk? I don't want him to think I'm creepy and too insecure to say something. Also what should I say? Thanks:)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My friends told my crush I like him?

    Today at school my friends told my crush I like him, but not in a normal way. He was walking by us and one of my friends said "hey she likes you!" loudly and he just kept walking (I think he was uncomfortable). Then, another friend did the same thing.

    The thing is, we barely ever talk. In fact we've only talked like three times and we don't have classes together. Should I talk to him next week and say like sorry about my friends, I don't know why they did that.. blah blah blah, or is that weird since we never really talk? I don't want him to think I'm creepy and too insecure to say something. But I'm also really scared to talk to him. Thanks:)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My friends told my crush I like him?

    Today at school my friends told my crush I like him, but not in a normal way. He was walking by us and one of my friends said "hey she likes you" loudly and he just kept walking (I think he was uncomfortable). Then, another friend did the same thing.

    The thing is, we barely ever talk. In fact we've only talked like three times and we don't have classes together. Should I talk to him next week and say like sorry about my friends, I don't know why they did that.. blah blah blah, or is that weird since we never really talk? I don't want him to think I'm creepy and too insecure to say something. Thanks:)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why do other girls always hate me?

    Almost every time I meet a girl, they automatically seem like they hate me. Once they get to know me they normally start to like me but it's hard to even get them to talk to me. Guys are pretty much always nice to me so I don't understand why other girls hate me! For example, this girl who everyone's voting for for homecoming princess, she's always been so rude to me and completely ignored me when I'm around. But everyone says she's such a nice person and id like her so much. I really don't get it!

    By they way I'm a girl, and I'm in high school:) thanks!

  • I miss my dog so much?

    Today I lost my dog and best friend.

    I've had her since I was born and I could never imagine life without her. She would wake me up, greet me at the door, and sleep in my bed. I didn't get to see her the past five weeks because I was staying at my dads house and she was with my mom. And now, I'll never see her again. I keep replaying a video (the last one I'll ever take of her) of her high fiving me. Every time the video ends I start sobbing.

    I don't know how to deal with this. I've never lost a close family member or friend, and she was both.

    Please give me some advice.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How to start raising my hand in class?

    I'm always too scared to raise my hand in class and it's starting to affect my grades. I have social anxiety so it's very hard for me to participate sometimes. I usually know the answer to questions but I get nervous and let someone else answer it. I want to start answering questions but I don't know how. I feel like everyone will say "wow you actually volunteered" and that makes me really nervous!

    Please help me! Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • I can't handle doing oral presentations?

    I've always, since kindergarten, dreaded any kind of oral presentation. I'm not necessarily bad at them, I'm actually a pretty good reader/ speaker, but they cause the most severe anxiety and depression inside of me. I get nauseous and can't think of anything besides the presentation.

    How can I begin to feel more confident and less anxious when it comes to presenting? By the way I'm in ninth grade :) thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • School anxiety and depression?

    I've struggled with severe anxiety and depression for two and a half years now, and I'm only in ninth grade.

    Everyday I wake up nauseous and worried about going to school. I'm scared of being judged, having to speak in front of the class, and making myself look stupid in PE. But mostly, it's the talking in front of the class/giving presentations. In fact I gave two last week and it stressed me out so much I felt like committing suicide (I'm not even a suicidal person).

    Ive tried therapy, medications, pretty much everything there is to try, but nothing has even remotely helped. I'm scared that I'll always feel like this. Please give me advice, encouragement. I can't take this feeling anymore.


    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Oral presentation!! Freaking out!!?

    I have an oral presentation tomorrow that I'm so nervous about! Whenever I present, my face gets red, my palms sweat, I feel dizzy and nauseous, I stutter, and I can't see straight. I really want to start facing this fear but it's still really nerve wracking.

    How can I feel less terrified leading up to and during the presentation? Thanks:)

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • Please help!! So nervous for a presentation on Thursday!!?

    I have an oral presentation on Thursday that I'm DREADING! I have some social anxiety and depression so this is extremely difficult for me to face. I've had a couple small presentations in other classes that I'm overcome, but this ones much longer and I'm already panicking. I know the basic tips like practice as much as you can, don't look at the audiences faces, and so forth but I need some more useful ones! Particularly from people who face or have faced the same challenges as me. By the way I'm in high school!

    Thank you! :)

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • How to not feel awkward around a guy who likes you?

    Tomorrow I have a class with a guy who likes me, but I don't like him. I'm not sure if he knows that but I really don't want to talk about it with him. The thing is, I can't avoid him because he sits at my table in math.

    Please help! Thanks :)

    4 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Please help! I don't like this guy who likes me?

    Today at school, my friend asked if I would go out with this guy who was going to ask me out. I told her I wouldn't because I just really don't like him. We have absolutely nothing in common and I'm not physically attracted to him (I don't mean to seem shallow but I think it's more important than people think). Plus, we don't even really know each other which to me is weird. The only thing is, he sits at my table in math and I'm scared everything will be really awkward tomorrow. I'm not sure if he knows what I said but if he does, the entire class will be insanely awkward.

    Have you ever been through something like this? What should I do? By the way I like this other guy right now so that factors in as well.

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago