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I need help with a wedding cake?
So, my brother and future sister in law asked me to make their wedding cake for them. The only problem is that I have a very basic knowledge of decorating. I know how to roll out fondant and things like that, but I have no clue on how to make decorations or anything for the cake. Are there any good online tutorials that would show me how to make their cake as awesome as they are?
6 AnswersWeddings9 years agoI need help figuring out how much this instrument is worth?
Alright, here's the story. My mom's friend has a really old alto clarinet. He got it from his grandfather when he was 12. The clarinet is metal and was made in the 1800s. He wants to sell it but doesn't know how much it is worth. A woodwind instrument store in my city told him that it was made by the Moening Brothers, and I'm pretty sure that I spelt that wrong. It also has four numbers on it.
Can anyone help me figure out how much this clarinet is worth?
3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade agoEasy exercise routine to do at home?
I'm not looking to lose too much weight, I just want to get in shape. I'm at home almost everyday because of issues with the college I'm enrolled in and have plenty of time to exercise so I can actually keep my resolution this year. What are some easy exercises to do while I'm home?
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWhat is your favorite....?
What is your favorite Greek name? Any Greek name; mythological, ancient, or modern. I'm just curious as to what other people think of Greek names. I personally find most of them beautiful and would more than likely use the names for my own children one day.
5 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhy are there so many homophobic people answering questions on here?
A question came up a little while ago that had basically asked if this girl did the right thing by kicking her soon to be husband out of the house and calling off the wedding because he told her that he was in fact bisexual. He tells her the freaking truth, says that before they even dated he did have relations with other guys, and mentions that he doesn't want there to be any secrets between them. And she freaks out, makes him leave the house, and calls off their entire wedding....but she "loves him". Everyone that answered the question was telling her to go get tested because he's gay, he's not bi because he has sex with men and women, he's straight up gay and you're his cover. WTF??? If you love someone, don't you accept them for who they are? For all their faults and weaknesses to all their strength and good qualities? Am I the only one who thinks that all the hate that is spread around on here wrong? The LGBT community are not aliens, they are people just the same. They bleed the same blood, they feel the same pain, and they freaking deserve the same respect.
I am aware that this does not belong in this category. I am placing it here because this is where all of the hate is at.
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoWhat do you think of these names?
I've always liked unique names and these are a few that I have thought of. What do you think? All opinions welcome and if you can think of better ones please tell me.
Astraea Lynn (Astraea = Greek Goddess of Justice, became constellation Virgo)
Anastasia Lee
Selene Alexis
Kyrian Hunter
Steven Nikolaos (Greek spelling of Nicholas)
7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoAny suggestions on the following names?
My boyfriend and I were both talking and the subject of future kids came up. We're not planning on having any as we're both 19, in school, and I don't have a job. But he had a few names he really liked and I had a couple that I liked.
His were:
Matthew David
Harlie Quinn
Sora (needs middle name)
Mine were:
Robert James
Astraea Lynn
Any suggestions?
4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat do you think about this name?
So my boyfriend and I were talking the other day and the subject of kids came up. I found out that he wants 8 kids and already had a couple names picked out.
For a boy, he picked out the name Matthew David.
And for a girl, he has two names picked out, both of which I think are unique and pretty.
Harlie Quinn and Sora (he couldn't think of a middle name for this one)
What do you think of these names? Could you maybe think of a middle name for Sora?
By the way...we're both 19, this was just casual conversation about where we see ourselves in 10 years. We're not in anyway thinking about having kids right now.
9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoHaving a party and need advice?
Okay, so in a few weeks I'm having a party with some of my friends. We're all pretty big gamers and such, so I was thinking about doing game controller shaped cookies. I figured that if I did this, I'd use the shape of the PS3 and Xbox 360 controllers. There's two problems. Problem one is that I would have to hand make the cookie cutters for these because I highly doubt anyone sells them. And problem two is that the cookies have to be chocolate chip. My friends won't eat them otherwise because apparently they are the best cookies that I make. So, I need help. How can I make these cookies using chocolate chip cookie dough?
4 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agoHow to shape certain kinds of cookies?
Now, I already know that you're supposed to use cookie cutters to shape cookies with. But, I want to make video game controller shaped cookies, like the ones used for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Also, I don't want to make sugar cookies, I want to make chocolate chip cookies. This is all for a game night party that I'm throwing and all of my friends love the chocolate chip cookies I make, so I want to make them unique. Any ideas????
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoBoyfriend's family wants me to go, he wants me to
I live with my boyfriend and his family, have been for over a year. So when the invite came in he mail for his cousin's wedding in North Carolina, it had my name on it as well. All 7 of the people that had a name on the invitation were planning on going and have been since I moved in. Things have changed in this year since we all started planning. One of the main drivers (my boyfriend's dad) cannot get the time off of work. My boyfriend started a job and cannot take a vacation. His older sister has to take one of two children with her, and a bunch of other things too.
So, we were discussing the trip tonight and I brought to the attention of everyone going, that I do not have the money to pay for my food or for anything else. His mom, both of his sisters, and his nephew all still want me to go. They feel like I need to get out and have fun with out my boyfriend being around. Because I didn't do too well during my first semester of college and am now taking these courses again for credit, my boyfriend feels that I should stay here in Michigan with him and go to class (even though my professors agreed to excuse me from class and give me the work to take with me if I went).
I guess that the real issue here is that I'm super confused. I really want to go because I love to travel and I don't really get to that often. But at the same time, I don't because I feel like if I do I'll be a financial burden to those that are going. Advice please?
3 AnswersFamily1 decade agoSo confused? Should I go or not?
I live with my boyfriend and his family, have been for over a year. So when the invite came in he mail for his cousin's wedding in North Carolina, it had my name on it as well. All 7 of the people that had a name on the invitation were planning on going and have been since I moved in. Things have changed in this year since we all started planning. One of the main drivers (my boyfriend's dad) cannot get the time off of work. My boyfriend started a job and cannot take a vacation. His older sister has to take one of two children with her, and a bunch of other things too.
So, we were discussing the trip tonight and I brought to the attention of everyone going, that I do not have the money to pay for my food or for anything else. His mom, both of his sisters, and his nephew all still want me to go. He wants me to stay here in Michigan with him and his dad so that I can still get to my two classes on campus (even though I'm excused for those days I'd be gone) and so that the people going don't have to pay for an extra person.
I guess that the issue here is that I'm super confused. I really want to go because I love to travel and I don't really get to that often. But at the same time, I don't because I feel like if I do I'll be a financial burden to those that are going. Advice please?
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoTo go to North Carolina or to not go?
I live with my boyfriend and his family, have been for over a year. So when the invite came in he mail for his cousin's wedding in North Carolina, it had my name on it as well. All 7 of the people that had a name on the invitation were planning on going and have been since I moved in. Things have changed in this year since we all started planning. One of the main drivers (my boyfriend's dad) cannot get the time off of work. My boyfriend started a job and cannot take a vacation. His older sister has to take one of two children with her, and a bunch of other things too.
So, we were discussing the trip tonight and I brought to the attention of everyone going, that I do not have the money to pay for my food or for anything else. His mom, both of his sisters, and his nephew all still want me to go. He wants me to stay here in Michigan with him and his dad so that I can still get to my two classes on campus (even though I'm excused for those days I'd be gone) and so that the people going don't have to pay for an extra person.
The issue here, I guess, is that I want to go but at the same time I want to stay here. I'm really confused as to whether or not I should. Advice?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoGood Idea for Valentine's Day?
My boyfriend and I are both 18 and pretty much jobless. We clean his older sister's apartment every weekend but it isn't for much money, so we don't really have the ability to buy something for each other. We've been together for almost one year but have been best friends for a few years and things escalated a few months before we started dating (so pretty much we've been serious for about a year or a little longer).
I really want to do something special for him, something that he'll never forget and more than likely will make him plan something amazing for our one year in April. So I've decided to cook him a very special meal full of foods that I know he loves.
On the menu (so far) is:
Garlic Chicken (he gets jealous when I make it and he can't have any)
Mashed Potatos (made from real potatos and not instant because thats how he likes it)
An undecided vegetable (he doesn't really like vegetable that much, so it is either carrots or green beans - the ones he likes)
Also he loves the baked goods that I make, especially my chocolate chip I was thinking about making some of those or maybe a cake or something for dessert.
I'm not really a good person when it comes to romance, so I would love everyone's opinions on making it more romantic. The only thing I can't do to add to the romance is anything involveing chocolate covered strawberries since he refuses to eat any fruit, but other than that opinions very much appreciated. Thank you for taking your time to read this =)
20 minutes ago
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoGood Idea for Valentine's Day?
My boyfriend and I are both 18 and pretty much jobless. We clean his older sister's apartment every weekend but it isn't for much money, so we don't really have the ability to buy something for each other. We've been together for almost one year but have been best friends for a few years and things escalated a few months before we started dating (so pretty much we've been serious for about a year or a little longer).
I really want to do something special for him, something that he'll never forget and more than likely will make him plan something amazing for our one year in April. So I've decided to cook him a very special meal full of foods that I know he loves.
On the menu (so far) is:
Garlic Chicken (he gets jealous when I make it and he can't have any)
Mashed Potatoes (made from real potatoes and not instant because that's how he likes it)
An undecided vegetable (he doesn't really like vegetable that much, so it is either carrots or green beans - the ones he likes)
Also he loves the baked goods that I make, especially my chocolate chip I was thinking about making some of those or maybe a cake or something for dessert.
I'm not really a good person when it comes to romance, so I would love everyone's opinions on making it more romantic. The only thing I can't do to add to the romance is anythinginvolvingg chocolate covered strawberries since he refuses to eat any fruit, but other than that opinions very much appreciated. Thank you for taking your time to read this =)
20 minutes ago
2 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade agoGood idea for Valentine's Day???? (re-post please read)?
* I posted this earlier but decided to re-post it with a little bit more detail as to why I'm asking this question *
My boyfriend and I are both 18 and pretty much jobless. We clean his older sister's apartment every weekend but it isn't for much money, so we don't really have the ability to buy something for each other. We've been together for almost one year but have been best friends for a few years and things escalated a few months before we started dating (so pretty much we've been serious for about a year or a little longer).
I really want to do something special for him, something that he'll never forget and more than likely will make him plan something amazing for our one year in April. So I've decided to cook him a very special meal full of foods that I know he loves.
On the menu (so far) is:
Garlic Chicken (he gets jealous when I make it and he can't have any)
Mashed Potatos (made from real potatos and not instant because thats how he likes it)
An undecided vegetable (he doesn't really like vegetable that much, so it is either carrots or green beans - the ones he likes)
Also he loves the baked goods that I make, especially my chocolate chip I was thinking about making some of those or maybe a cake or something for dessert.
I'm not really a good person when it comes to romance, so I would love everyone's opinions on making it more romantic. The only thing I can't do to add to the romance is anything involveing chocolate covered strawberries since he refuses to eat any fruit, but other than that opinions very much appreciated. Thank you for taking your time to read this =)
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoGood idea for Valentine's Day?
My boyfriend and I will not actually have money to buy each other gifts. So, I was thinking about making him dinner and I was wondering if this sounded good enough for a Valentine's Day Dinner:
Garlic Chicken (my boyfriend loves it and gets jealous when he's not around and I make it)
Mashed Potatoes
Some kind of vegetable (haven't decided)
And for dessert I was thinking that I could make him some homemade cookies just for him because he likes those.
Sound good enough???
Please give me any suggestions that you have!!!
19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoSo I keep having this recurring dream....?
In this dream there is a specific number that is repeated everywhere. It will start off with me getting married and there are 8 people in the wedding party. Then, in this dream, it fast forwards to me having kids and there are 8 kids. It also shows a perfect house for me in this dream. It has 8 bedrooms; each with a different color paint (8 total colors); and 8 other rooms; one living room, three bathrooms, one kitchen, one dining room, one game room, and one laundry room.
And this dream continues to show a different sequence of the number 8 everywhere. Is there something significant with that number? Can anyone help me figure this out?
3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoShould I try to be friends with her still?
I have this friend and she was my best friend for a really long time. During our freshman year of high school things started to change. She would make plans with me and cancel them at the last minute. I just put up with it and figured that maybe she was needed at home since her mom had cancer. After her mom died during our sophomore year, I was there for her and I made sure that she was okay and things got a little better. She had stopped cancelling our plans and we actually were able to hang out like we used to. Then things got weird again. She had found out something during our senior year of high school about me that I didn't tell her. It was a huge secret and the only one that knew about it was the person that was involved. Suddenly rumors started flying around school (really small school so these rumors spread quickly) that I had sex with another guy and that is why I broke up with my ex. This wasn't true, I had never cheated on my ex, it was wrong. I was getting really upset with these rumors and couldn't figure out how they had started. Then someone came up to me at school and told me that my so called best friend had told them that she had started the rumors. And to top it off, the person that told me had forgotten that their digital camera was on the video setting and had recorded her telling him this. He showed me the video and I was stunned that it was actually her voice, even the the floor was the star of the film.
So should I still be friends with this girl?
7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago