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  • I think that my guppy might be sick?

    I have a 5.5 gallon tank with three female guppies and a pleco in it. I have had the guppies for about a year and the pleco for about 5-6 months. A friend took care of my fish while I was away on vacation, and when I just recently got back I noticed that one of my guppies is acting weird.

    The guppy will float straight up and down (head facing the bottom) and also on it's side with it's body bent almost in half. It is far skinnier than the other two female guppies, and the other two seem to be picking on it a lot. I used a piece of Plexiglas to separate the two larger guppies from the sick one they are picking on, and the smaller one has been eating a lot (algae grazers and flake fish food)

    I take good care of my fish, I have a 5.5 gallon tank with a Tetra Whisper filter and a bubbler, I also do regular weekly water changes of about 20% of the water. The only thing I do not have is a heater, but the tank stays at a consistent 76 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Does anyone know what I can do to help my guppy?

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • I moved my gauge up and it got infected...?

    I moved up from a 10 to a 8 and I am pretty sure it was infected. I took out the gauge and cleaned it out. It was bleeding and i think there was some pus. so i put the 10 back in but it still has blood when I clean it out. Also there is some scar tissue i think...

    what can I do about the bleeding and the scar tissue?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • I caught my boss looking at porn at work...what should I do?

    I was at work today and I went to ask one of my bosses a question. I walked over to his cubicle and saw some porn open which he quickly closed. I don't think that he realized that I saw since he was acting completely normal afterward.

    This boss is a great guy! He has been super nice to me and always kind (definitely not in a sexual harassment way though). I don't usually work directly for him I was just assigned to a project that I was working in his department for. I do work in the same building and same general area as he does though.

    I don't know if this incident was just one of those spam e-mails or pop-ups and could have been purely accidental so I just don't know what to do.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Makeup for freckles? (not to cover them up)?

    Here is a picture of me

    I don't know what sort of makeup to use for my skin. I have strawberry blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin with a ton of freckles (which range from fairly light to very dark). My skin is normal/dry.

    I am trying to find a good makeup to use and what colors would be best. I have heard from some that I should use powder foundation and others that I should use liquid foundation. Also I don't know what colors I should use for my eye makeup and blush. Some have told me that brown in the best color for making blue eyes pop while others have said that I should not use brown because it matches my freckles too much. As for blush I have heard that I should not use pink colors because it will not look good with my hair color...

    What do you think?

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago