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  • How do I log hours as an addiction counselor?

    I live in CT, and I am nearing the end of my BS in Human Services. I need to start logging hours, and my school is not helping. I have looked all over trying to get experience hours and can not find one mention of any programs to use. This is tiring. Can someone who has done this already please tell me where to get started?

    3 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Lower BBT at night can someone please help me?

    Well, this is my first month of charting. I noticed I have a pretty stable temp of 97.6 prior to Ovulation then a stable temp of 98.3 after. I am currently 8 dpo and noticed I have been getting hot and cold so I took my temperature to see if I have a fever. I noticed my temp was only 98.0. Obviously no fever, but everything I read says it is suppose to be higher. Does this mean that tomarrow my temp is going to be lower then 98.3 and I should be expecting my period soon because I am not due until Monday. Any advice would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I don't know why I feel this way?

    I just had surgery to remove an ectopic Feb. 2 2011 after my right tube burst. Doctor said my left looked fine. It is now March 5, 2011 and no period yet although they said I would get my period between 4-8 weeks. However, since Feb. 23 I have been having bad motion sickness (happened with my 1st healthy pregnancy. I am also very tired. Worried I could be pregnant (although I want another baby) because it might be to soon for my body. I stopped bleeding from ectopic on Feb 6th and only had sex on the 7th and the 15th. Is it possiable I could have ovulated that quickly?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Moving from CT to FL with my daughter, can her father stop me?

    Moving out of state with my daughter?

    I am planning on moving to FL from CT with my 3 year old daughter this july. Her father who I was never married to and mentally abusive to me while in the relationship is still in CT. He is on the birth certificate but we have no custody agreements. He has been in jail and I signed a paper stating he is not allowed to see her without a supervisor. He has no job and sits at home in a messy house all day smoking weed. He see's her about once a week and I hate bringing her over there. I am looking forward to this move and think that a fresh start is what I mentally need. He does not pay child support and never buys her clothes or anything like that either. He is a loser. Can he fight me and make me stay here?

    Also, can I file for sole custody and how would I go about doing so? Would I win? I really don't think he is the best influence on her but he is her father and I am seeing a lot of people who have problems with this. In my eyes he is not fit to be her father and she is better off without him. I am also pretty sure he is still selling drugs which is what he was arrested for and did a small amount of jail time in the past. If he is not selling the drugs I am sure some of the other 50 poeple that are in and out of his house do. Please help I need some guidence on this?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I asked this once before but I need for answers to ease my mind?

    I just found out last week I am pregnant. My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage around 13 weeks, and my second was healthy and I delivered a baby girl. (She is now 3) I am terrified I will have a miscarriage or a missed miscarriage especially since I don't have any symptoms except being more hungry and my sense of smell has increased. Anyone else feel this way and the outcome positive?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • So scared I will have a missed miscarriage!?

    Ok I am currently 5 weeks pregnant. I experienced a miscarriage with my 1st pregnancy, and had a healthy second pregnancy both with pretty noticeable nausea and fatigue and acne. This pregnancy, a couple days before I tested I was a little sick after eating and tired but that pretty much stopped after a couple of days. Took a test last friday and got a faint line, then another on Sat with a darker line. The doctor also confirmed my pregnancy.

    Because of this though, I am terrified I will have a missed miscarriage. Anyone have some experiences to share with me? I am worrying myself sick!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 2 faint lines? Am I really?

    I took two first response pregnancy tests, one last night and the other this morning. Both had a very very faint 2nd line. I don't feel pregnant? I have heard that a line is a line, but should I be worried about this pregnancy since I don't feel pregnant and the line is so light?

    My period is also slightly irregular from 28-33 days and this morning was 33 days. What is going on?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Super Faint Line on First Response?

    Right now I don't know what to think. I know you are suppose to take the pregnancy tests in the morning but I couldn't wait so I just took one now. My periods are irregular and range from 28-33 days in length. It will be day 33 tomarrow. The only clue to pregnancy is that I can smell everything. No sickness, no real fatigue, as with my last two pregnancies that both of those symptoms I had to the max a week before I even missed my period.

    So I tested and got the faintest line ever. So faint, I didn;t see it at first, but it's there. I am trying not to get excited because I am worried that because of this, this pregnancy will not last. I have had one miscarriage and I am so scared to have another. Anyone go through this?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Don't know if I am "o" ing?

    I don't know if I am ovulating or not. I can never tell if I have EWCM as it is never really strecthy. I get my period every month though usually 29-31 days. Does this mean I am or does having a period really prove nothing? I have tried to chart my temp but I think I always move to much before being able to take it. Anyone have any advice?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Mystery Dinners in S. Florida?

    We have these where I work and they are so much fun. I wanted to take my boyfriend to one when we were on vacation in Fort Lauderdale next month but can not find it online. The only one I see is on a train which would be fun, but it's in fort myers which is two hours away. Does anyone know of any closer to fort lauderdale and how to book them? Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - US Dining Out1 decade ago
  • Math homework help please?

    Suppose that the credit remaining on a phone card (in dollars) is a linear function of the total calling time (in minutes). When graphed, the function gives a line with a slope of .15

    There is 34.20 in credit remaining on the card after28 minutes of calls. How much credit will there be after 37 minutes of calls?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else worried about the state of this world, and raising their children in it?

    I often worry about my daughter and my future children's well being. With all the war, nuclear bombs, failing economy, violence, disease etc. Being a mother I want my daughter to have an uneventful life, especially childhood like I had. I sometimes worry that the way the world's going she will be exposed to something I can not protect her from. I don't mean everyday things like a cut or scrape, I mean like war on American grounds or some crazy disease.

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Has anyone recently moved to Florida?

    My significant other and I are completely in love with Florida. We have put a lot of time into research and where we would like to end up. Personally, I would like somewhere like Winter Haven and areas like that on the east coast.

    Anyways, my hubby has two opportunities for work. He can either apply for transfer or have his friend get him a job working with him. Great, seeing from what I know finding a job is really hard there.

    I have a Associate Degree and working on my Bachelor's in human services. I have experience working with the elderly in a home, but most of my experience so far is in bartending and serving. I figured I can go there and get a serving job. I am just wondering, how hard was it for you to find work when moving down there? And how do you like it?

    2 AnswersMiami1 decade ago
  • How many woman experience this?

    My periods are a little irregular, so I'm not sure if I can take a test and it be accurate but, I have had weird cramping 2 weeks before my period was due that lasted for about a week. Since I usually get cramps about a week prior to my period coming, I thought I was going to start really early.It didn't come.

    I am on CD31. Cramps are very slight and very far between. Nothing like I am getting ready to start. My periods come between cd27-33 so I only have two more days. It is making me nervous because I don't want to become more irregular. (have already seen a doctor and she thinks it is going to regulate itself in time)

    Prior to my last two pregnancies, I was sick from week 3, back broke out, and sooo tired. I have nothing to signal period or pregnancy right now.

    Anyone go through this and what was the outcome?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Almost no cramping before period?

    I always have period cramps a week before my period is due. This month I have had period cramps earlier and thought my period was coming early. Then they stopped. I am getting them on and off now but not as consistent or as painful. I'm always worried there is something wrong with me, because I want to have more children. I don't think I'm pregnant because with both my others I had extreme symptoms from week three.

    My period has also become slightly irregular ranging from the earliest 27 days to latest 33 days. I am currently on cycle day 30. If it becomes even more irregular I will cry. My doctor said it's just my hormones and it should be back to normal but dont see that happening.

    I know I worry to much but can't help worrying that when I want to get pregnant again I won't be able to. My doctor already tested for STD's, and a test for my thyroid and prolactin and all that was normal.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Very light cramping before period?

    I always have period cramps a week before my period is due. This month I have had period cramps earlier and thought my period was coming early. Then they stopped. I am getting them on and off now but not as consistent or as painful. I'm always worried there is something wrong with me, because I want to have more children. I don't think I'm pregnant because with both my others I had extreme symptoms from week three.

    My period has also become slightly irregular ranging from the earliest 27 days to latest 33 days. I am currently on cycle day 29. If it becomes even more irregular I will cry. My doctor said it's just my hormones and it should be back to normal but dont see that happening.

    I know I worry to much but can't help worrying that when I want to get pregnant again I won't be able to. My doctor already tested for STD's, and a test for my thyroid and prolactin and all that was normal.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Landlord won't sign month to month lease?

    Ok. I have lived in this apartment for 3 years. It is getting way to small and I want to move. The thing is, I live in CT now, but will be moving to FL sometime in the middle of next year. My boyfriend can get transferred there, and we both love it. The thing is, we plan to go down in Feb. so I can look for a nice area and get a feel for the neighboorhood, etc. We want to leave sometime between April-July.

    My lease is going to be up Jan 1st. When I told him of my plans he said he will not sign a month to month, but will sign a lease, and when he comes back (spends winters in FL) he will put the apartment in the paper, and once he finds a renter I can leave.

    Does this sound right to you? I don't want to be trapped here, but I need to live somewhere until I am ready to up and go. Moving right this second is not an option. Sound I have him write something in the lease before I sign it? Don't know how to go about this?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Did anyone ever feel like this?

    Ok, so I am pretty sure I have felt myself ovulate on Nov. 1st. About three days after that, I had cramping like I was going to get my period for a week. It stopped for a couple days and since Nov. 8th I have had this poking feeling on my right side only, with yesterday being most noticable. I have had some cramping also since then feeling like period cramping. I have noticed a weird taste in my mouth, kind of like the taste you get after you get a filling and increased saliva that makes me have to swallow more often, but sort of feel dehydrated. I don't know what it could be, I get nervous that something could be wrong,

    I have had unprotected sex during this time, but with the pull out method. I would love to have another baby now, but my partner wants to wait. Although I don't think I'm pregnant because with my last two pregnancies my back broke out, I was soooo tired and I couldn't drive anywhere without needing to throw up.

    What do you think? Anyone have a similar experience?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is everything just in my head?

    So I had unprotected sex on Oct 31st-Nov 2. I think I ovulated on Nov 2 (felt it). My last period was Oct 20 so that was right on CD14. I am not having cramping like my period is going to start on CD 17. To early for implantation? I usually have a 27-30 day cycle.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago