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  • Which colour blonde should I use to colour my hair at home?

    My hair is naturally dark blonde, and I have highlights - not bleach, but I decided that a) I want all over blonde colour now, (similar to AJ Cook in Criminal Minds) and b) I want to minimise costs and time and try to do it at home instead of going to the salon.

    I picked a light ash blonde, and the effects aren't disastrous, but my lightest highlights look a bit silver, and the roots, where I had no colour before, is very golden to the point where it's a TINY bit orange. The overall colour seems a bit darker than it was before.

    I only used one bottle just to do the roots and a bit of the body, as an experiment. I plan on doing it again in a couple of weeks, going the whole way (I have extremely thick hair so need two bottles).

    My question is, should I go for an ash blonde again, or a non-ash blonde? I don't want to end up with orange hair. On the other hand, I don't want silver either. :/

    I should probably mention that my hair, while blonde, does have a lot of golden tones in it naturally.

    Any advice would be very, very appreciated.

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • How can I put 'CJ' as my name on Facebook?

    I have seen other people with 'CJ' and 'AJ' as their names on Facebook, but when I try to do it, it says I've used too many capital letters. I've tried putting C as my first name and J as my middle name, but then it says I need to put my full name. CJ IS my full name. I don't go by anything else. I have this annoying 'Cj' at the moment which looks rubbish. I've seen other people do it, so why can't I?? Is there a trick to it??

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • I'm confused about which Mac computer is which?

    I really want to get a Macbook. My current computer is bulky and over the past five years I've been through 3 PC's. I want to get something that will last for a while, that I can invest in. I've done some research on Mac's and although I've yet to go to a Mac dealer (won't be able to until the end of the month at least) I still have some initial questions.

    I'm not crazy about the traditional Macbook. The white one. I was looking at the Macbook Pro or Air. I like something that I can transport quite easily so I'm looking at a 13.3 or 13 inch. I've had a 13.3 inch before and it was the perfect size (it was an Asus). I keep seeing people with silver Macbooks and from the website it looks like a Macbook Pro, however on the computers on the website, it says 'Macbook pro' on the computer. The ones I've seen people using in coffee bars say 'Macbook'. My friend's Dad had one and when I checked the About section, it said Macbook 5.1. So, is that a newer version of the original mac or is it actually a Macbook Pro?

    Also, I use mine for writing documents, email and internet. I don't need really fancy stuff, like editing suites and so on. Which one would you recommend? The world of Mac is very confusing to those of us who don't know it!

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What job should I look for if I hate the rat race?

    I have a degree in Creative Writing and Theatre. I graduated in 2008. I've been in L.A. pursuing acting, somewhat successfully (a couple of TV shows, small roles obviously and some short and independent movies). To pay the bills I've been doing some office work here and there, but I really hate it.

    Now I've moved back home until October when I'll move back to L.A. I need to get a full time job but the problem is how much I hate office work. I'm with a couple of temp agencies and they've been getting me stuff here and there and they called me with a 2 week job, which should have been great. But I was stuck in an office sorting papers all day. By the end of the second day, I thought I just couldn't handle the boredom and could never go back. But then I convinced myself to stick it out another day. However, this morning, I was on my way there and decided I couldn't do it after all. I called in sick and will tell the agency later that I'm not coming back. I get to the question! Is there any job out there that I can do to pay the bills that isn't boring? It seems as though in every job I just watch the clock. I love hard work, I used to love working at Starbucks, but I was working 2 jobs at the time (tutoring English and maths too) and got pretty exhausted with the 4am wakeup calls and then tutoring in the evening. I need some ideas!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What's this movie (Korea/Vietnam/WW2)?

    The ending of a movie has been driving me insane - I can't work out what the movie is! It's obviously a story about either World War 2 or Korea or Vietnam because at the very end a Japanese (or Korean or Vietnamese) man is a chef in a restaurant (or maybe just a customer) and it turns out he was one of the main characters when the story is being told. The white guy sits in this restaurant and is introduced to him after all those years etc etc...


    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What's the difference between Intel Pentium and Intel Core?

    My current computer is Intel Pentium. I'm looking at a much slimmer computer that is Intel Core. But what does that mean???!

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Is there a Canadian Rugby team whose colors are yellow and green?

    I saw someone wearing a striped Rugby shirt with yellow and green stripes and it said 'Canada' with 'Rugby' underneath on the left hand side. Any idea where this might be from?

    1 AnswerFootball (Canadian)1 decade ago
  • Are sugar-free foods really bad for you?

    I work in a coffee place and I notice a lot of people coming in asking for sugar-free vanilla lattes and so on. You can get low calorie, low fat pre-prepared food everywhere these days. But we're all so fat! Well, lots of us are anyway, more than we were back in the fourties and fifties when we didn't have this stuff.

    Now, working in this coffee place, I usually eat breakfast and lunch there and drink these sugar free flavored lattes. I watch my calories and stick to around 1600 a day, but now I'm worried that I might be doing my body damage because of what's in there. Would I be right?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Something is really wrong in my life and I can't figure out what's making me so sad?

    I lived in Los Angeles for five months and while I had a great time I decided to come home for a while. Home for me is England, and I wanted to spend some time earning a bit more money, furthering my modelling career here and apply for permanent residence status. (I'm currently on a US work visa and want to make it a little more permanent.)

    I got home in October and for a while I was so happy with my life. I'd had this great experience in L.A., plans to go back, and I was at home with my family. fast forward two months, and I can hardly get out of bed in the morning. I don't earn money from modelling and acting full time so I need part time work, but every job I've had in the past two months - a restaurant, a clothing store, a desk job, a cafe, I've quit after a while and I don't know why. I'm just generally very unhappy, very low, tearful constantly and finding life back at home really constricting (I'm in my early twenties). There is potentially a job for me in Starbucks where I know the people really well, but that's just a possibility. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. I feel so depressed all the time.

    I've lived on and off in the US for a while - I went to college in the northwest - so a lot of my friends are over there and I only have a couple of friends here. I'm trying to reconnect with people but it's not really happening. I feel very isolated.

    Does anyone have any advice?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is there a newspaper in the Pacific Northwest that can be considered 'National'?

    For instance, the NY Times is considered national, as is the Washington Post, etc. Is the Seattle Times or the Oregonian considered national? If not, is there one up that end of the country that is considered national? Or, what is the most major newspaper in the Northwest?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Trial shift as a waitress at a restaurant tomorrow - any advice?

    The restaurant is kind of upscale, but I wouldn't call it fine dining. I don't have any waitressing experience but managed to get myself a trial shift.

    I'm so worried I'm going to be awful and they won't hire me. I've worked in clothes/boutique stores for years and know how to give good customer service, but waitressing is different.

    I'm thinking that I meet customers at the door, I seat them, (how do I know WHERE to seat them?!) I give them menu's, ask if I can get them anything to drink, bring them their drinks (precariously, on a tray), ask if they would like to order any starters, - do I ask them if they are ready to order their main course or is it too early? should I walk away and come back in a few minutes? if so, do I need to tell them I'll be back in a few minutes? So they order their main course, I write it down, take it to the kitchen, bring them their food when it's ready, keep an eye on their drinks (when they are getting low, say on wine, say "Can I get you another glass of wine?" ??) and then a few minutes later go back and ask if everything is okay, can I get them some water? Am I on the right track with all of this?

    My trial shift is at 5pm - are they likely to want me to start serving right away? I did a trial shift once where I just cleaned knives and forks. I didn't get the job.


    3 AnswersFood Service1 decade ago
  • Should I hand in a cover letter for my first waitress position?

    I'm applying for jobs as a waitress today. I love the resume I have created but as it's my first waitressing job I'm wondering if I should write a cover letter also and hand it in to the restaurants along with my resume to explain that although I have very little experience I am a fast learned, work well under pressure etc etc. What do y'all think?

    4 AnswersFood Service1 decade ago
  • Can anyone recommend a good netbook?

    Okay, so my budget is around $400 and I need something ideally screen size 12 or less, but no smaller than a 10.1 as this is going to be my main computer. I like Samsung, can't afford a Mac, and don't particularly like Dell! Any advice? I really just use it for itunes, internet and the occasional word/excel document, plus pictures.

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How do you break it to your roommate that you can't afford the rent and need to move out?

    So this is my second month in the apartment and I had a job for an individual who hasn't paid me and has disappeared off the face of the earth. it's left me $200 short of the rent and whilst I have another job starting this week, it's too late. I posted another question about this and most people said that I cannot go to the landlord and explain myself because I'm just messing him around. So I need to tell my roommate tonight that I have to move out because of pay issues. Now, I can afford to pay half a months rent - do you think this is acceptable? I really don't know how to make this situation easier on her. I'm going to go and stay with friends for a month until I get my paycheck from my new job. I'm not a bad person, I don't want to screw people around, but I live in L.A., I'm new here, and apparently there are fraudsters everywhere!? How do I make this easiest on my roommate?!

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Problems paying my rent this month, if you were a landlord would you understand?

    I got a new job which is well paid, full time, but won't pay until the end of October, so I know I'll be good then at least. I had previously been working as a personal assistant and got the whole "check is in the mail" runaround for the past two weeks, which leaves me $200 short this month. I've tried everything to make up the amount but I'm out of options. It is my first month in the apartment.

    My only option is to go to my landlord this evening with two checks: One for the rent I am able to pay him tomorrow, and the other dated next month for monthly rent plus the $200 I can't pay. That way, he has both checks in his hands which might ease the blow a little bit?

    What normally happens in these situations, am I likely to get kicked out? Is there anything I can do to make this better?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • If I borrowed $200 from Moneytree, how much would I have to pay back?

    I got screwed over with a job and need $200 more for rent. I get paid from my new job mid October. I looked on Moneytree at their rates but I don't understand it. This is what it says:

    Loan Amount: Fee as a dollar amount:

    100 17.65

    150 26.47

    250 33.30

    So say I borrow $200, as these are based on 14 days, how much would I pay back two weeks later?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • I need to ask someone to lend me money - any tips?

    I've never had to ask to borrow before but I'm new here in town (L.A.) and I've been messed around with an employer so had to find a new job, but it doesn't start for another week - after rent is due. I managed to get about half of it together, but I'm still short $400 and I need to ask a guy I know if he can lend it to me. I just don't really know how to phrase it to him..I'm kind of a shy person and I HATE having to do this but there is no other option. How would you advise approaching it??

    I'm having lunch with him in an hour.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Will I get paid by the end of the month?

    I have just been offered a job to start on the 24th. I'm part time and would be working the 24/25/26. As it's September, the last day of the month is the 30. I really need to get paid at the end of this month! It's too early to ask the boss all these details - when do you all get paid? It's a medium sized company I will be working for.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Which time travel movie is this from?'s what I remember - it's driving me insane!

    I'm pretty sure this guy travels to different places in time throughout the movie. I think that in the future he lost his family - they were all killed (wife, children) when a car they were in exploded. The scene I remember really clearly was an action filled, suspense type scene where he gets to live the moments of the car exploding all over again, and this time manages to get them out right before it explodes. This is what makes me feel that it's an action film more than a "time travel" light hearted movie. I remember it was kind of dangerous, like he was running from somebody, maybe someone that was responsible for the car exploding?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago