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  • How do I set YouTube to email me when someone I'm subscribed to posts a video on the new interface?

    Before Google Plus, I would get an email in my gmail the moment select people I'm subscribed to posts a video. After the addition of plus and the new comment system, it doesn't do that anymore. Occasionally, now it will only send random conversations I've had with people in the comment section, sometimes. Please help me. I already changed one of the settings to email me to that specific email but it doesn't do it. Could it be the fact that they give you a new email now or something like that?

    1 AnswerYouTube7 years ago
  • Ellie from The Last of Us or Katniss from Hunger Games? Who do you think is better at survival?

    I personally think Katniss has the advantage over her. At first at thought Ellie was (because she can hold her own better) but if you remember **SPOILER**, the only way Ellie saved Joel was with the medicine meanwhile Katniss made her own medicine and bandage wraps MOST of the time (except for when Haymitch sent her that ointment cream for the jackers. So yeah, thats my question, I would like to hear your thoughts on it and also who do you think is an all around bad a**? ALSO what did you guys think of the Last of Us ending???

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Now that Sims 4 has been announced, give me your ideas on what you want to see?

    I would appreciate it if you were very specific in your details. I'm curious to hear what you guys think! Would you change it all completely, or just improve over what they have now? Personally, I would completely redesign the communication system and add more randomness and unpredictability with it. Everything was too centered and focused. Also, I think there should be more interaction than just 'click, click, watch'.

    Also if you guys know of any websites that have some awesome ideas/discussions/thoughts please let me know!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How do I color something to show perspective and distance?

    I know the further something is, the more blue it becomes and the less saturated it becomes. But how do I create this with colorpencils? Here is exactly what I am trying to do. My concentration is mini people that represent us as humans. In this particular piece, I have two mini people standing on top of a wine bottle and it kind of implies that they are stranded. In the background, is the kitchen (fridge and counter and stove) but I want it to seem so far away because they are small people. Toy story does this alot. Would I blur it? If so, how do I draw and color blur? Any help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • Can I sell a picture I did of winnie the pooh and lion king on deviant art?

    Does that mess with some kind of copyright laws or anything? I did colored drawings for both pooh bear and lion king and signed my name. Is it illegal if I create a print and sell it on deviant art? I just made an account and I actually have no idea what that does

    1 AnswerComics & Animation9 years ago
  • If the world were shaped like Pangaea again, how wud that affect our societies and leadership since wud be one?

    How would that affect our government, leadership? how would the aircraft and sea industry be affected since alot of it consists of traveling over water. And most importantly, how would we cope since we would all be together? All types of rare poisonous insects and wild animals in like Australia and South America would now be everywhere? how would this affect our current ecosystems? im not asking for an answer to each question but rather your opinions on this thought and how u think it would work?

    3 AnswersGeography9 years ago
  • If we could travel lightyears the same rate we travel miles on earth, what types of things could we discover?

    I understand that means traveling at the speed of light but suppose we figure out how to do that? In this hypothetical situation there are no other technological advancements except for our ability to fly aircraft at light speed while protected in the craft the size of maybe a passenger plane?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Best Youtube Comments 2012 edition?

    Start by posting the url to the video and then post the actual comment below. If u, instead copy and paste funny/awesome comments to notepad like i do, u can instead just post the comment. By best i mean it could be funny, awesome, makes u think, etc. something that gets a kick out of people.

    1 AnswerYouTube9 years ago
  • What do I put for the 'job experience' section on snagajob when I have never had a job before?

    I have recently became a member of to let me know when jobs are available near me but to complete the registration I need to give job experience but the thing is I have never had a job before so I dont know what to put. Also, if u can, it would help if you also gave me advice on what to put in the "Tell me about yourself" section too. thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Xbox Account Recovery Question?

    Im visiting my mom and I recovered my xbox live account on a new xbox. Do all the achievements, game progress and prestiges (MW3) i aquire on the recovered account permanently increase or will i loose it all when i go back to my dad house and use my original hard drive. Im using the xbox slim and the 250 HDD caused red dot of death so i used a 2 GB flashdrive instead as a data saver and it works so far and i was able to recover my account on it.

    2 AnswersXbox9 years ago
  • Can you help me prepare for college?

    I am currently a junior and the time to start applying to colleges is near! I'm already taking the SAT soon and but what else must I do? Also, I am VERY artistic. I have considered becoming an architect, engineer and tattoo artist and ultimately something that makes a lot of money (using art). Any ideas for what a good college is that meets those standards? I am already applying to SCAD. Also out of those career options, which do you recommend for me where I would be the most happy AND make the most money? or maybe an option I didn't name, tell me what you think, in addition to basic college help.

  • How does Kanye West know so many people?

    I'm just looking at my ipod at the songs he was with people and he has so many! And he doesnt just work with one genre either! He has songs with Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, John Mayor, 30 Seconds to Mars, AND EVEN DAFT PUNK! I think he is the best in the game and he has revolutionized the music industry for the better. He is cool with everyone! People say they hate him but in reality they love him (or at least his music). And you can't say he's not friends with someone just because he made a song with them because that isnt true. You have to know someone at the very least to do a song with them. Plus you see him with Kid Cudi at music awards and BET 106 and Park all the time. And then you see him on stage with Jigga! He definitely knows Kim Kardashian and their who family. I mean this dude has connections for real! DO YOU SEE WHAT HE WEARS? It disappoints me that people dislike him over stupid stuff like expressing his mind or calling out President Bush. WHO ELSE DO YOU KNOW THAT IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO DO THIS! He speaks the truth, if something doesnt quite sit right with him, he speaks his mind, thats what makes him real! But yeah, all the songs he has with people is ridiculous. I know for sure there is no one who has done more songs with anyone than him.

    6 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop10 years ago
  • Who do you think was the best character in Transformers 3?

    I personally think BubbleBee (the yellow car for those who don't know) was the greatest!!!! The scenes where he saved Sam multiple times were freaking AWESOME!!! I hated how after all that, when Bee was about to get his head blown off, all Sam did was watch and cry... LAME. I understand he couldnt have done much against the other robots but at least be a distraction... SOMETHING! But man, those action scenes were amazing!!!! so yeah, who was your favorite character? (Robot or Human) Also, that guy who worked for the decepticons was an illiterate half-wit who obviously was oblivious to the decepticons deception (get it...) The music was also really good!!! Sorta long movie but enjoyable. I recommend to all, especially those who saw the first 2 and like them. Also, what the hell was wrong with chinese guy, you know, Wayne?...LOL

    5 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What is the song Don't Look Down about?

    More specifically, what is Lupe Fiasco's verse about? I understand he is telling a story about a couple in which a girl has to sacrifice herself and in the process she is killed and burned alive. But WHY is she being burned alive and WHO is being burned alive and how does this relate to Not Looking Down (The Chorus) ?

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • What is Shikamaru's intelligence and HOW exactly does he think?

    Can you relate him to someone in real life? I classify Shikamaru as potentially one of the greatest ninjas ever simply because he can find a way out of almost any situation. Now the real question: Do you remember in the Chunin Exams when everyone was cheating off of each other. Ex: Gaara used the eye, Sasuke used the sharingan, Neji the byakugan, and ino, the mind transfer. What did Shikamaru do? Did he naturally know the answers? Did he just not write down anything? Please answer this question.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Can you put custom videos on Sims 3 channels?

    How can I do this? I know it is possible on Sims 2 although I never did that either. Please provide details links anything that may be of assistance. If there is a way please me EXACTLY what must be done and where do I get whole episodes of REAL tv channel shows? Thanks

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How do Sai and Deidara's creations know what to do?

    How do the drawings Sai create and the clay figurines Deidara create know what to do. How do they know where to fly, in what direction and all that. Is it like a mind connect jutsu where they command there puppets through thought? or do they like hold it a certain way much like a horse.

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Will the world end due to a super volcano at Yellowstone park?

    My friend was telling me that Yellowstone park will erupt shortly and it could be in 2012. He told the volcano is actually a few thousand years late in erupting so its definitely coming soon. His exact words were "Its going to happen, the question is when". I heard that the only way humanity can survive such an eruption is going underground. He said even if the lava doesn't kill us, the toxic gas released in the air will surely get any survivors and that there will be so much released that it will block the sun for 3 years. That means we would be underground for at least 5 years. No sun, food shortages, no animals, technology ( except petty things like flashlights which will last till about the batteries die.) so we would also die that way. When he told me this I really got freaked... I live on the east coast and he said the volcanic eruption will hit the coast within 3 to 4 hours! what? that's fair! I asked if we just moved somewhere else like Russia and he said no, it would get there too. Great. He also said super volcano's have a cycle, they happen every 65 million years. If any of you have [short] scientific data to disprove this theory or if you want to tell me what you will be doing when the eruption occurs then please comment below... huh and please say something reassuring. I really want to here what you guys will do though... in the time that any world-ending event occurs?

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Why do girls expect the guys to ask them out?

    I really dont see the social standing there... Im a nervous guy when it comes to girls. Why do I have to ask them first? Why do I have to start a kiss first? Are they scared of embarrasment or rejection?

    To the girls who arent afraid of embarrassment or rejection:

    I envy you a lot and you arent included in the steorotype... Keep doing what your doing!

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago