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  • So what am I?

    I am not Democrate and not a Republican. And do not always agree with either side so i guess i am just plain confused or what what is the nick i get?

    18 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Honda Car Help?

    1989 Honda Civic lx 1.5 ltr.

    This is not a trick question. How long is the dip stick i bought the car second hand i fill it with oil it burns it right away like a smoke screen when it is low not empty it runs just fine and shows no visible oil burn. was running poorly replaced the head with a used one from the junk yard. Looked at the old one a valve on number one was burnt bad. After replacing the head i still get a mild oil burn unless i fill it with oil once filled with oil it leaves quite a screen of oil burn. Hopefully i am looking in the right area it was a used car when i got it and the engine was a used engine from a junk yard installed buy some one else so my last guess is rings or a wrong dipstick would like to check the dip stick first and then move on thanks for all answers.

    3 AnswersHonda1 decade ago
  • compaq presario s0000 / 8000?

    tried to run recovery disk now boots to dos screen with ntldr is compressed what should i do?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • 1985 s-10 pickup i put in a 89 engine have problems with intake application?

    i rebuilt a 89 s--10 4 cylinder engine and was assured by a friend that all would fit my truck however the intake manifolds are exstreamly differant anyone know if their is a differant manifold that will use my 85 throttle body and linkage that bolts to an 89 head tried using the 85 head three new heads all came up with the head cracked after a couple of days of running.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago