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Mrs. B

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  • I have an English Mastiff, and I was wondering if there is anything I can do about...?

    how completely rancid his gas is....I know this is gross to talk about, and I'm sorry, but OH MY!!! It has to be THE mose foul smelling thing I have ever enountered. Is there some type of "doggie beano" or something that anyone knows of that I can give him? We feed him Purina Puppy Chow (the dry kind), if that makes any difference. Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry to post a question about something so gross, but I am hoping someone will know how to fix this!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Halloween memory from when you were a kid?

    Mine is that my dad would dress up every year and go trick-or-treating with us. He would carry a pillow case (lol) and say "Trick or Treat for Dad, too!" People would usually look at him all crazy, then laugh and give him some candy....we would end up with so much candy we never could eat it all!

    1 AnswerHalloween1 decade ago
  • Question about when to do a vow renewal ceremony?

    My husband and I eloped to Vegas last year. Prior to that, we had a big wedding that we were planning out here in our hometown. However, some of his family really doesn't like me, and I decided that I just wanted to elope rather than run the risk of someone ruining my wedding day with a bunch of unnecessary drama. that we've been married just over a year, I am REALLY feeling sad that I didn't end up with the dream wedding I truly wanted, and that the family members that DO support our marriage were not able to share in our joy. So, I was thinking that we might do a vow renewal ceremony on our 5 year anniversary. I realize that's 4 years away, but I wanted to have enough time to plan and not feel rushed, as well as give my self time to stretch out the expense factor.

    Does anyone know if there is a "standard" time frame for doing a vow renewal? Or is it just whenever the couple wants?

    1 AnswerWeddings1 decade ago
  • Co parenting question?

    I have this question posted in the parenting section also, but apparently the thoughful answerers have taken the evening off and left behind nothing but trolls, so I am asking here as well. Thank you in advance.

    My ex and I have 2 sons together, ages 5 and 8. We do not have any court ordered visitation, but the boys usually go over there every other weekend, sometimes more, depending on what everyone has going on. My ex and I are able to co-parent pretty well, without much arguing. So today, my ex calls me and tells me that my oldest has done something pretty bad, and that he thought I should know about it, but that he hadn't really disciplined him, because he only has the kids on the weekends and doesn't want to have to damper their fun with him by disciplining them. I completely understand where he is coming from, but I really think he needs to find some way to discipline them when they need it, without feeling like he's ruining the time they have together. Also, I would like him not to depend on me to discipline them when they are in his care. I went to his house to see what my son had done, and after I came back from looking at the damage, my ex asked me if I spanked my son. I did not, and told my ex that I was not going to discipline our son for something that happened at HIS house, that HE should be handling. I sort of feel like he always wants me to be the "bad guy".

    So my question is this. How do I help my ex find a way to be both parent and friend to our kids, not just all fun all the time? Again, I totally understand his point, but at the same time, I think he's opening himself up for a lot of trouble to come, and it doesn't teach the kids anything good.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question about co-parenting with the ex?

    Hi. I have a question. My ex and I have 2 sons together, ages 5 and 8. We do not have any court ordered visitation, but the boys usually go over there every other weekend, sometimes more, depending on what everyone has going on. My ex and I are able to co-parent pretty well, without much arguing. So today, my ex calls me and tells me that my oldest has done something pretty bad, and that he thought I should know about it, but that he hadn't really disciplined him, because he only has the kids on the weekends and doesn't want to have to damper their fun with him by disciplining them. I completely understand where he is coming from, but I really think he needs to find some way to discipline them when they need it, without feeling like he's ruining the time they have together. Also, I would like him not to depend on me to discipline them when they are in his care. I went to his house to see what my son had done, and after I came back from looking at the damage, my ex asked me if I spanked my son. I did not, and told my ex that I was not going to discipline our son for something that happened at HIS house, that HE should be handling. I sort of feel like he always wants me to be the "bad guy".

    So my question is this. How do I help my ex find a way to be both parent and friend to our kids, not just all fun all the time? Again, I totally understand his point, but at the same time, I think he's opening himself up for a lot of trouble to come, and it doesn't teach the kids anything good.

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • A dog found us what?

    This morning my husband told me that a puppy was in our backyard, lying there asleep. I had left the gate open yesterday, so that's how he got in. I went out and led him out of the yard, and closed the gate behind us. About 10 minutes later, I go back outside to find that he has dug himself back INTO our yard. I put him in the car and drove around the neighborhood, hoping to see someone looking for him. Tomorrow I will be putting up posters around the neighborhood. So my question is, how long is an acceptable time to look before resigning to the fact that his owner may not come forward? Really, there is no way for me to tell how far from his true home he even is, so I can't guarantee my efforts will even make a difference. The problem is, my husband and kids have all voiced their opinions that if we are unable to find his owner, they want to keep him. I just don't want to feel like I'm some dog thief, so I thought I would see what others would view as a resepectable time to look before telling the kids they can keep him?

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I found a dog today...or rather, he found us. Now what?

    This morning my husband told me that a puppy was in our backyard, lying there asleep. I had left the gate open yesterday, so that's how he got in. I went out and led him out of the yard, and closed the gate behind us. About 10 minutes later, I go back outside to find that he has dug himself back INTO our yard. I put him in the car and drove around the neighborhood, hoping to see someone looking for him. Tomorrow I will be putting up posters around the neighborhood. So my question is, how long is an acceptable time to look before resigning to the fact that his owner may not come forward? Really, there is no way for me to tell how far from his true home he even is, so I can't guarantee my efforts will even make a difference. The problem is, my husband and kids have all voiced their opinions that if we are unable to find his owner, they want to keep him. I just don't want to feel like I'm some dog thief, so I thought I would see what others would view as a resepectable time to look before telling the kids they can keep him?

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know much about Boxer puppies?

    My ex mother in law called today and said that her dad has purebred boxer pups, and that she will get one for me if I want it. The only thing is, I am normally not much of an animal person, so I know very little about them. Does anyone know what the main personality traits of a boxer puppy normally are? Are they roudy, destructive, what? I only work 5 hours a day, mon thru fri, so I will be home some to take care of it, but not around the clock. We have a big fenced in back yard, but I am afraid it would dig itself out and then be gone. I just want to make sure I have a lot of information before I tell her yes, becuase I know that even though her dad is giving her a pretty big discount, she isn't getting it for free, and I don't want her to waste money just for it to run away, or me not have the right amount of time to spend with it. Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Has anyone here gotten pregnant AFTER a tubal?

    Just curious as to how often something like this would actually happen. I know it somewhat depends on the type of procedure you had done, as tubals can be done several different ways. But, lately I have been experiencing some odd things. My last period only lasted 3 days and was extremely light (I usually bleed like a stuck pig for at least 5 days - gross, I know. sorry.) My back has been hurting more than usual, and the last couple of weeks I have gotten up every morning with a bloody mouth.....the only other time I've ever had that happen is when I was pregnant. I think it's something to do with the vitamins being taken from my body. What do you guys think?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever gotten their hair done at the beauty school instead of the salon?

    I am asking, because I would like to have a few things done to my hair, that I know would cost a small fortune at the salon. I have heard that I can get the exact same services at half the price by going to the school and letting the students do it. Is that true? And if so, has anyone done it? Would you care to share your experiences? Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Good morning all. Who is glad it's Friday?

    Happy Friday to you all! Any big plans for yourselves and the kiddies for the weekend?

    We are going to a city wide yard sale in the morning, my youngest has a soccer game tomoroow afternoon, and then I get the night off from my momminess to go play Bunco with some firends.

    Any fun plans for your family?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Question about adopting my husband's daughter?

    A little background info: my husband has sole legal custody of his daughter (from a previous marriage) who is 6. Her mother is supposed to have visitation with her, but chooses not to.

    Well, we went to see our lawyer yesterday, and the main goal at hand for the time being is terminating her biological mother's rights. Her bio mom has made no effort to see her in the last 17 months, and we don't even have a clue where she is. This is all voluntary on the part of her bio mom, and not the first time she's done it. She and my husband split up when their daughter was 8 months old, and didn't come back until the child was 2 1/, hopefully you can see why we feel that her not floating in and out of our child's life is in the child's best interest.

    The lawyer said that the ONLY way we could terminate the right of her bio mom is if I am willing to adopt the child. Now, I take care of her as though she's my own anyway, so in reality, it's nothing more than a piece of paper that says I would be her mother legally.

    My question is this: Do you think that the child will someday realize that what we did was what we felt was best for her? Or do you think that she will feel that we were wrong in terminating her mother's rights in the event that someday she gets her act together and wants to see the child but is no longer able to?

    I am so torn here, because I want to do what is right for the child, but have no idea what that is in this situation. Any thoughts? Feedback from someone who was the child in a situation like this would be especially helpful. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Help with Myspace, please?

    Ok, I am helping a friend with setting up her first Myspace page. However, it is nothing like my Myspace page. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get layouts on there, etc. On mine, all I have to do it copy and paste. But on hers. it's a total bunch of crap. Help me please. And thank you.

    22 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Parents, when you see this, what do you think of it?

    Now, I'm not one to speak badly of others most of the time, but....

    There is a woman that I work with, who is just slightly over weight, but she dresses in clothes so tight you can see everything. I mean, her pants are always so tight it causes her to have the "muffin" effect, and she wears some pretty revealing stuff sometimes too. She has a small child, and I often think to myself when I see her, "I hope someday her child doesn't think this is the way people are supposed to dress, especially not in a corporate environment".

    Do you, as parents, feel like people are just not setting good examples for their kids as far as how they dress, and that this is probably why we see girls these days running around in skimpy clothes? Or do you think girls dress that way for some other reason? I'm just curious as to how others view this. Thanks.

    22 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Ok, husbands (or wives that know about cars), I need your help, please!?

    I just posted this in "maintenance and repairs" like half an hour ago, but for some reason it's not showing up there, so I thought I'd ask here. I'm sure one of you lovely marriage and divorce answerers will have the wisdom I am looking for! ;-)

    My hubby's bday is this week, and he has asked for paint and clear coat for his car. I guess he's planning to do the painting himself. *I personally am questioning this idea, but hey, I don't drive it, so whatever I guess lol* Anyway, me being the un-mechanical type that I am, I have no clue where to find this paint. Do I go to the hardware store? The auto parts store? The dealership? Please help me out guys! I wanna give him what he has asked for, seeing as how it is his birthday and all. ;-)

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • For my 30th birthday party, do you think this would be way too fun or way too stupid?

    Ok so my 30th birthday is coming up, and I am planning to have a big party. I am thinking it would be fun to have an 80's themed party, and have everyone dress like they did in the 80s and me and my sister were thinking it might be fun to make up a dance. My favorite song when I was 5 was "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham!, so we were thinking of doing a dance to that for the party.

    So, if you went to a party where that was the theme, and you saw the birthday person and her sister making fools of themselves doing that dance, would you think it was awesome and completely hilarious, or would you think it was stupid and lame? And, if I was your wife, would you be embarassed that I did it in front of all our friends?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Don't you just freakin hate it when?

    You go to answer a question, and it gets deleted while you are typing out your answer? Damn, that makes me mad! LOL

    I was just answering the question about being on welfare. It was a good one too, and because I put so much thought into it, I thought I would share it anyway, so here it is:

    "There's no question here. However, in response to your little rant, it may not be your fault about whatever happened when you were 15, but then again it may. Most 15 year olds know what sex is, and if you willingly engaged in it with this man, then yes you are just as much at fault as him. If you were raped, I am sorry that happened to you.

    Furthermore, to have 5 MORE children when you know damn well you cannot afford them is completely ridiculous! That is NOT what welfare is intended for!! If you cannot support them yourself, stop having them. It is not the responsibility of society to care for the kids you keep having because you either don't keep your legs closed or don't choose to practice safe sex, or a combination thereof.

    Lastly, I have no tolerance for people who say that they "cannot" work because they are "bipolar". Well, bullcrap. Bipolar is nothing more than the excuse you are using so you don't HAVE to work. There are many, many people out there who have been diagnosed with bipolar, and who manage to lead normal, functioning lives. And, how is it that you are soooo bipolar that you supposedly cannot work, but yet somehow manage to be together enough to be a good mother? Yeah, right. If you are mentally unstable enough that you can't work, then I see no way you could possibly be stable enough to raise kids in a safe and good way.

    Just my opinions, not intended to offend."

    Ok, that was my answer. Sorry this is so long. So, since I have to ask a question,

    Do you guys hate when that happens to you too? ;-)

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks this is COMPLETELY messed up?

    Ok, so as some of you know, I have recently started a new job. Yesterday and today, we had our orientation meetings in which all of our benefits were explained to us, we were given the option to join the union if we wanted, blah blah.

    So, as I was reading through the material provided, I saw that the insurance coverage WOULD NOT include coverage/payment for any prescriptions, doctor visits, or surgeries related to weight loss and/or obesity. It WOULD, however, cover an abortion, whether elective or medically necessary. Are you freaking kidding me!?!?! I think that has to be the most whacked out thing I have heard in quite some time.

    What do you think of that?

    26 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How do you know if you are going through a "rough patch" or if you should really just call it quits?

    I'm just wondering what others think about this. How long would you go through a hard time in your marriage before you decide it's time to throw in the towel? How much of yourself do you give before you decide you have given enough?

    My husband and I are having a really hard time. We have been going to therapy with his daughter (from a previous marriage), as she has some pretty serious issues that we're dealing with (she's only 6 btw). This week the therapist told me that she thinks I need to have a psychological evalutation done on her, and that she probably has a personality disorder.

    My husband has really been acting like a butt to me, and I don't know if it's that he's really angry with me, or just angry with our situation in general. I am doing the best I can to try to be a good wife, but I feel like I am trying so hard, but getting nothing back but a bunch of attitude. I can only do this for so long by myself. A marriage takes two people who are cooperating with one another to really work.

    So, how long is long enough? Is there a general time frame, or just when you literally can't take it anymore?

    Please no hateful answers. I'm already feeling bad enough about it as it is.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Working parents, (even those that aren't at work for that matter)?

    Doesn't if feel like today is just DRAGGING on? OMG I am sooo ready for this day to be over. And, my youngest starts soccer practice today, so I will have a long evening too.

    Thank goodness I have you guys to entertain me during the day! LOL

    YAY for Yahoo Answers!!

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago