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  • How to get a man out of paying child support?

    My sons father was ordered to pay child support for him 10 years ago. However he has never seen my son and my husband takes care of him. His real father is unable to work right now and the child support is just adding to his burden. We are scheduled to go to court on the 24th and I know they plan on throwing him in jail. I don't want to see this happen and honestly don't think that he should have to pay child support on a child that he has never seen. please help.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • i'm scared what is going on with me?

    I am a 29 yr old female within the last month my stomach has swelled to where I look 8 months pregnant, (my tubes are tied and hpt's r negative) I have suffered sharp abdominal pain and what feels like fetal movement, but I am not pregnant what could possibly cause these symptoms

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Any other options?? or alternitives to spinal fusion after already having one fail to fuse properly ???????

    I had a spinal fusion in Nov of 2005 after continuing to have back pain I returned to the surgeon who preformed many tests and told me that my spine had not fused properly. He said that he could go in and do the fusion agian but did not offer any other options for controlling my chronic pain if I didn't have the operation done. I am just wondering if there are any non surgical procedures that an offer me comfort if another fusion truly is my only option. I am only 27 years old and have already gone through 2 back surgeries and am really not looking forward to anymore especially since they take so long to heal and I have 3 children to take care of any advice at all is greatly appreciated and i thank you in advance for taking the time to answer

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • what is the best way to get another female to ***?

    We do it 3some style so a vibrator would be pretty much pointless. I have only done it 2 times and really want to learn how to satisfy a woman any advice is greatly appreciated

  • I recently asked a question about neglected 3 month old?

    I had so many questions about weather or not it was legal that I am unsure so here is exactly what happened The baby belongs to my neice she called me and said a social worker was there and needed to speak to me The lady explained to me that if a family memeber could not take the baby she would become a ward of the state I agreed and they had papers drawn up giving me temporary legal gaurdianship I am just unsure if this entitles me to get wic and insurance for the baby or not I am sorry for being so annoying and I greatly appreciate everyone taking time to answer my questions

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I recently took in a severely neglected 3 month old and have a few questions?

    for starters her belly button is the size of her fist what could this be second what is the best way to get rid of cradle cap and thirdly what do I need to do to be able to get insurance and wic for this baby? She can not go back to her mother at 3 months old the baby had no bottles no formula (was not a breastfed child) She was so hungry on our way home that she actually nursed from me (I still have milk from my 15 month old) and she acts like she has no idea how to suck a bottle would it be okay for me to go ahead and nurse this baby?

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • do I need a lawyer to get temporary custody of my neice?

    The mother is going to give me temp custody of her 3 month old until she can get back on her feet what do we need to do to make this legal?? if it is relevant we are in Ohio

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • someone help me?

    First let me say I had my tubes tied in Feb 07 My periods are always regular except for this month it was like 6 days late. I took an Hpt 2 days ago and it was neg then I started bleeding, well I thought ok its my period but like an hour later I had completely stopped bleeding, What is going on I am only 26 so I don't think it could be menopause I am still cramping but nothing is coming out.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • chicken pox????

    my 15 month old and my 4 1/2 year old each have a couple of blisters, but only in the diaper/butt area they are also running fevers but have been for 2 days could this possibly be the start of chicken pox and if not what could it be

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • computer illiterate need help?

    I recently bought a wireless router so I could hook up another cpu in bedroom, I can't get it to work, what do I need to do step by step instructions would be great, thanks in advance for any answers

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Should i get involved?

    My neice is involved in an abusive relationship, She has 2 small children one just turned 2 and the other is 3 months old, I really do not want them seeing this kind of behavior (the police have been involved and there are restraining orders agianst the man) She keeps choosing to go back which is fine she is an adult but my concern is for her children He has threatened hers and their lives I am wondering if I should call CPS.

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • can an ectopic pregnancy be picked up on an hpt?

    my sister thinks she may be pregnant but she had her tubes tied. I know the risk of ectopic is high after this procedure and we were wondering if it would show on an ept or not thanks for all answers in advance

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Childhood depression?

    My son is 7 and he and my father were really close. My dad passed away in December of 2005 and my son still cries at least 3 times a week and has even said that he is going to kill himself so that he can go and be with papaw, I really need some advice on what to do and say to my son to help him deal with this.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • breastfeeding question my daughter is 14 months old?

    I stopped putting her on the breast at 12 months but continued to give her my milk in a sippy cup. Now I miss that bond that we shared what are the chances of getting her to nurse agian???

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • my husband is verbally abusive in his sleep?

    he doesn't even know he does it. I recorded him one night and he was in shock.,If I get up to go to the bathroom or even roll over he curses at me. It is really scary because he doesn't even wake up when he does it. Has anyone else had anything like this happen? What can I do to fix the problem.

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • trying to find a good place for birthday party?

    My son will turn 5 in may and I am trying to plan ahead for his party do you know of any good places in central or southern ohio?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I am trying to find a place to take my 4 year old for his birthday?

    in central or southern ohio. any suggestions the party will be in the middle of May but we are trying to plan ahead

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • why is cheesecake my only friend?? Does any one know?

    I am so lonely. My husband got stuck in tennessee and won't be home till monday. I just moved and know absolutely no one around here and I think I am going to cry does anyone know of any good chat rooms for truckers wives to talk with each other?

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Ladies. what is the rudest remark you have ever gotten about breastfeeding??

    I was called a pervert for nursing my baby at wal mart I was completely covered and this woman walks up to me and tells me that it is perverse to do such a thing and that your breasts are for your husband. Why are people so rude.

    25 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago