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Lv 59,093 points

♥ mum of 4 ♥

Favorite Answers15%
  • cerezette why has my period still not come back ?

    i need advice really ive been on cerezette for 4 years i came of it jan 25th to try to conceive the plan was to wait for my first few cycles see what happens but still ive had nothing

    every time i think its going to start it doesn't its getting very worrying now im not pregnant done tests all neg

    doctor does not seem worried says i have to give it 6 months before they will look into it ive read so many horror storys wish i had never been on it now

    anybody had experience with this pill or have any tips to get my periods back naturally


    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • dell inspiron 1525 laptops?

    does anyone have a dell inspiron laptop/notbook mine is new and the battery light is flashing red and when you unplug the charger the laptop shuts down and only runs while pluged in only had it a month if that

    please help

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • tommee tippee electric steam sterlizer?

    can some one tell me how much water i need to put in the systerm to do the bottles i was given this without instructions its the closer to nature one is anyone using it that can help


    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Raspberry leaf tea/tablets??

    hi everyone

    im 38 weeks 3 days pregnant with baby #4 im currently taking raspberry leaf tablets i didnt fancy the tea i was recommended by my midwife to help soften the cervix

    my question is people keep telling me i should be having braxton hicks and that thats what its meant to do only ive been on them about a week and a half and so far have had nothing to show that its even doing anything

    has anyone used the tea or tablets and should i be expereincing something?


    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • ladies need some advice please?


    well im just over 38 weeks and my baby has yet to engage which has got me a little concerned i know this could happen right as im going into labor but i was just wondering if my babys position has anything to do with it for the last few weeks he has been lying ROA(right occipito anterior)ive tryed looking it up on the net but there is not alot of info on this position only that there is a small chance he could turn back to back

    any advice would be great or tips on getting him to turn and engage??

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • sharpe pains in breast im 37 weeks pregnant?

    im 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant for the last week or so ive had some sharpe pulling pains in my right breast its not there all the time mainly if i twist or move suddenly it hurts for a second then goes away i have felt no lumps or seen any reason for why this could be happening could this be related to pregnancy and hormones or something else

    im of course going to the doctor about this just thought i would ask for some opinions


    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • sharpe pains in breast im 37 weeks pregnant?

    im 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant for the last week or so ive had some sharpe pulling pains in my right breast its not there all the time mainly if i twist or move suddenly it hurts for a second then goes away i have felt no lumps or seen any reason for why this could be happening could this be related to pregnancy and hormones or something else

    im of course going to the doctor about this just thought i would ask for some opinions


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • nesting overdrive lol?

    well im 37 weeks tommorrow and ive been feeling the nesting instict the last few days

    i went mad saturday and spring cleaned the whole house and if anyone makes a mess i seem to go mad at them

    my OH messed up the cupboard i had sorted out and now its a mess again so i phoned him at work to tell him off lol

    today has been much the same im really trying my best to keep everywhere tidy or i get so stressed

    feel so sorry for my OH and kids

    anyone else like this i feel like im going crazy ive had moments through out my pregnancy but never this bad

    feel like i need to have everything ready within the next week could this be a good sign??

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • nausea in the third trimester?

    i feel so sick today its been on and off all day i just feel sick though its alot like morning sickness which i thought was long gone

    im really tierd too and have a bit of a headache

    should i be worried or is this normal this late in pregnancy i don't remember feeling sick this late on with any of my other 3 pregnancy's

    36 weeks and 3 days pregnant

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • why wont my laptop play dvds anymore?

    for some reason my laptop will not play dvds or run programs anymore its a new laptop not had it longer than 6 months

    you can hear it trying to play it but does not seem to recognize it

    i have vista on my laptop not sure if thats linked but it came with the laptop already installed

    anyone have any idea what the problem might be??

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • braxton hicks?

    well started getting some small tightnings last night they were a little painful but i never thought nothing of them as they only lasted for about 6 mins then went of again

    until this morning they started up again and this time lasted on and off for an hour and half i was not even doing anything i was lying down when they started up

    ended up calling delivery for some advice they said to come in and get checked if they didnt go off

    im glad they stopped as i was getting a little worried as im only 33 weeks

    so what do you think are these just practice labor pains or should i be worried?

    ive never experienced braxton hicks this early on and this is my forth pregnancy

    they keep saying braxton hicks are not meant to be painful but what i was having was definetly painful lol

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • spotting at 32 weeks pregnant?

    i had a small amount of brown blood this morning i have no pain and its since stopped ive been to hospital and everything seems ok with baby

    has anyone had a simular experience this late in there pregnancy is there a reason for it should i be concerned about it?


    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • braxton hicks or something else?


    ive been getting some very mild pains on the top of my bump it feels like it tightens from both sides and then relaxes they only last a second and don't really hurt i just notice there their

    so my question is are these braxton hicks or something else?i know ive had 3 kids already but can't remember that far back as to if this is what i felt then

    thanks to all that answer

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 4D scans?????

    anyone been for one or had any experience with them im just wondering whats the best time to go how many weeks should i be to get the best out of it?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 4D scans?????

    anyone been for one or had any experience with them im just wondering whats the best time to go how many weeks should i be to get the best out of it?

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • parrot name need some ideas??

    i have just got a galah cockatoo its only 19 weeks old i need some good names for it as i don't no the sex im looking for something that would suit a male or female bird

    so that when its older i wont have to change its name if i got the sex wrong(you can tell by the eyes when its older)

    so any ideas 10 points for the best name given!!

    8 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • anterior placenta?

    hello all i was wondering if any of you have anterior placenta?

    im looking for some info and experience with it as i think it might be what i have

    im really struggling to feel my babys movements hardly anything im sure i was feeling alot more by 20 weeks with my others

    i have a scan on friday and im going to ask then

    any info would be great


    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • boys names?

    hello im 18 weeks with baby #4 and im trying to find some good boys names i have lots of girls names in mind just not boys

    so far i have



    and Aaron

    what do you think it needs to go with lucas

    if you have any good ones feel free to mention them


    19 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • hello everyone need your opinion?

    here is a pic of my bump how many weeks do i look and how do you think im carrying high or low

    boy or girl just for fun

    the best answer gets 10 points

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • round ligament pain?

    im 17 weeks pregnant with my forth baby and i have this ache on my left side it starts low in my pelvis and seems to be moving up to my abdomen

    at first i thought spd(Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction )but shouldnt the pain be on both sides or even worse so far its bareable so im not in agony or anything

    so could this be round ligament pain or a possible pulled muscle ive had it since wednesday i was doing a lot that day

    i am going to go to the doctors its bank holiday though so can't get there till tuesday

    has anyone else had this or know what it could be?

    im sure its nothing just wanted to get other peoples opinions

    thanks in advance

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago