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I have been taking vicodeine (2x 5/500) in the evenings for pain over the last 6 months.?
I have been taking vi codeine (2x 5/500) in the evenings for pain over the last 6 months.?
I have recently quit taking them due to broken bones don't hurt now. I took the last ones on wednesday. Even since I have hot flashes and chills, upset stomach, diarrhea, and a bit higher Pulse than normal. I just feel super crappy. Can only taking that small amount of codeine, over a 6 month period cause withdrawal and if so what the heck can I do to feel better? Serious answers please.
4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoNervous please help-Heart Palpitations!?
I went to he hospital on friday night after a week of feeling weird beating sensations on my chest. They did a cbc, basic panel, D Dimer, electrolytes and something else. They also did a EKG, kept me on a monitor, and X-Rays, and urine test. All the tests are fine and they think this is just palpitations. They are driving me crazy and I can't see my real family doc for 4 days. How can I deal and are these just as normal as the er docs said. They acted like O-WELL no biggie, but It is to me. Please give me some insite and would these tests show if I had a major issue?
3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agoWeight Watchers support, I have been doing WW by my self for 3 months, can't afford classes.?
I would love someone to chat/email with to share idea and get support. If anyone else is in my boat please let me know. So far I have lost 32 lbs and am losing my will power.
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoi need cheat codes for Wii games PLEASE HELP?
I need cheat codes for Wii Rayman, mario cart, party 8, and mostly the wii fit games that come with the board. I also have wii play, idol ( both) Rayman the second and the brand new one. And Smooth moves. Are there any cheat codes out there for these???????? THanks
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoHow does the activity part of the weight watchers program work.?
I have the 3 month book, I am just unsure what to do with that part of it. I know how the food points part works. I just need some help.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade agoI am starting weight watchers on my own today, I need help and advice. Is there anyone who can give me hints?
or that will give me their email info to keep in touch and help keep on track. I don't have a meeting place near me.
33 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoMy fasting sugar is 105?
I eat breakfast and then if I take it before lunch (4 hours later) it is about 90-95. Which seems good. I eat lunch ( a small salad, one breadstick and 2 small slices of pizza. Two hours later my sugar is 180 and then three hours later it is 148. It will continue to drop and about 4 hours later it will be down below 120. Is this somewhat normal for all the carbs I am eating. I am just asking because I have had an awful dry mouth for a while now and sweating a ton.(I know it is summer) My doc is gone for 2 weeks. Just seeing if this sounds normal.
4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade agoI am making a cake with light blue and brown iciing. The brown in bleeding into the blue.?
What can I do to my brown to make it stop bleeding in. Will Merenge powder from wilton help.
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade agohelp NEW MOM going nuts.?
I need advice. My baby is 4 months old. Her temp was 102 last night so I took her to the doctor. They said she doesn't have rsv, the flu or phenmonia. They said it is a cold and it will just have to pass. She doesn't feel well and her temp keeps going up and down. I gave her tylonol every 4 hours and they said if needed I could give her motrin. Her temp right now is 101.9 and I have her tylonol 2 hours ago. Is it really safe to give motrin in an hour to control the temp. If I wait it will be 103 or more by the time I can give her tylonol again. And should I wake her to take her temp at night, or will she let me know when she needs me. They said to let her sleep but that worries me too. help
36 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agotwo questions. 3 month old spitting up & eating question?
My daughter is 3 months old. She never used to spit up and now she does quite often. about a tablespoon at a time. Up to an hour after she eats. She doesn't act like she feels bad. She eats betweed 2-6 oz. depending on the time of the day. Do baby's just start spitting up sometimes. She has been doing this for about 4 days. next question First thing in the morning she never acts like she wants to eat real bad. She sleeps all night from about 10 to about 6am. WHen we get her up she may eat only 2 oz. Then a few hours later she will eat like 5 oz. Is it normal for them to not be super ready to eat first think in the morning.
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMy baby is 3 1/2 months old. She coughs some times. She doesn't seem in distress, no temp, kinda plugged?
up nose in the mornings and I run a humidifier for her. The cough doesn't sound wooping like and she has had her shots. Sometimes this is like one little cough sometimes she cough six times all together. But she doesnt' seem really bothered by this. She has been doing for about 1 + month. She sneezes often too. Do babies just cough sometimes. She coughs at least once a day.
1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMy baby is 3 1/2 months old. She was gaining about 1 pound every 2 weeks. but now she has only gained 1?
pound in the last 5 weeks, is changes like this normal?? She is still eating 5 bottles a day ranging from 4-6 oz. each.
10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMy 3 month old has a bump/growth in her mouth. It comes from the cheek and sticks out about 1/8th inch.?
It is pointed. Not white, not red and it doesn't bother her. not even when I touch it. I called her doctor and they said that if it starts to bother her to call and come in. But it is driving me nuts. Anyone else ever heard of this.
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoMy 3 month old, will sleep all night and still wake up with a dry diaper after like 9 hours,?
She has done that a bunch after a 2-3 hour nap but all night worries me. Do babies just sometimes not pee much. She still has about 5 or more wet diapers a day but just not when she first wakes. She eat about 26-28 oz a day. formula sorry i wrote this question wrong earlier
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMy 3 month old, will sleep all night and still wake up with a wet diaper after like 9 hours,?
She has done that a bunch after a 2-3 hour nap but all night worries me. Do babies just sometimes not pee much. She still has about 5 or more wet diapers a day but just not when she first wakes.>>
8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoMy baby is 3 months old, she never spit up till now she does it often, is this change normal. same formula?
and she doesn't get fussy she just spits up.
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agodo you remember watching a tv series on wed night about vietnam? the theme song was "paint it black" by
the rolling stones. i thought it was tour of duty but its not. Then I thought China but still no. Help me out.
10 AnswersOther - Television1 decade agoAll day today my left pinky finger has been twitching on and off. My pinky and ring finger are...?
a bit numb too. This is driving me nuts. I have no other problems. I am right handed, but have had bouts with carpel tunnel before. Can Carpel cause twitching. HELP
2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago11 week old baby, red cheeks, no fever and she doesn't seem bothered.?
One of her eyes has been watering like crazy for 3 days and today I noticed she has very bright red rosey cheeks. This was her first day at a babysitter, but other than that nothing has changed. What can cause this. She hasn't been outdoors, not over heated, no fever and she is happy.
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago