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  • Getting a six pack ASAP?

    I am 5' 10", 175 ish pounds, with a decently muscular build. I've never had a chiseled six pack and so that has become one of my goals before heading back to school. As I am rite now, I am not fat at all with flat abs, problem seems to be that all my fat is concentrated around my abs.

    I guess question is how do I get those abs chiseled?

    So far what I am starting to do is run about 5 miles every day in the morning, then in the evening lifting weights (more to maintain strength, I don't want to lose much muscle cutting down), and eating a lot healthier and less to go with it. Does this sound reasonable or does any one out there have a better workout routine for this?

    Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How to get back with ex-girlfriend?

    Long story short, my girlfriend of like two months broke up with me like 3 weeks ago. We recently started hanging out again and its been good. I still want her back, and ultimately cannot accept being just friends. What should I do?

    Like she invited me to go the movies with her. I said sure. Should I like attempt to kiss her, should I talk about us before attempting anything like that, etc. How should I go about trying to get her back?

    Thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ebay buyer does not want to pay?

    So I sold an item on Ebay. Buyer, however, does not want to pay because she erroneously bought the wrong game. That's fine. I figure I'll just relist it. However, does ebay still charge me the Final Value Fee or do I have to make a claim in order for it to be waived?

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Scratched xbox game that won't play anymore? Install to HD?

    So my Call of Duty 4 for XBox 360 is scratched to the point where the system won't read it anymore. Would it be possible to borrow a friend's game disc, install that to the hard drive, and then be able to play COD4 using my disc again?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Ebay Dispute: Am I okay?

    So I just started Ebaying recently. I have sold like 9 used video games. 8 of the transactions went just fine. However, one person has not received their item and is opening a dispute for non delivery.

    I have my receipt indicating that I shipped it and e-mailed a copy of it to the person complaining, but I do not have any tracking confirmation. Will I be fine if the buyer escalates it?

    It's only 12 dollars so in the worst case scenario, I lose 12 dollars, but still.

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Vista freezing up for no good reason???

    Aside from a few compatibility issues here and there, my Vista lap top has been working great for the past 4 months or so. However, all of sudden since last week, my computer has been freezing every once in while. For example, I will be using my computer and 10 mins later it will completely freeze for like a minute and then resume normally. My computer works fine for about the first hour after turning it on, but after a while it will begin to freeze irregularly here and there. Also, the laptop gets very hot. I really do not think it is a virus. Is it possible that something is wrong with the cooling fan or the internal hardware itself?

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Question about affirmative action in college admission?

    I am just wondering how exactly race figures into a college admission process. On the college apps, there is an additional information section that asks for ur ethnicity if you would like to be identified as such. My question is whether or not it realistically improves your chances of being accepted if ur black or hispanic for instance. If so, how much of a boost does it give or how so would it help?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • U Penn application advise plz.?

    I am applying to U Penn this year. On their application, there is a short answer section (about 200 words) asking me to "name a Penn professor with whom you would like to study or conduct research and explain why." Problem is I do not know any Penn professors. I have tried looking on the UPenn website for professor names, but I got nothing. I tried wikipedia and found some but the information about them is very limited. Does anyone know where I can find names of notable profs at Penn or , better yet, the names of some good profs as is (preferably from the Wharton School of Business since that's where I am applying)?

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • College Application Help??

    Ok, so I am filling out the common application. For the writing part of the app, I have to write a short essay which I have done. However, after the essay, it has an optional section where you can "include any additional information that you would like to provide." It doesn't state a minimum nor maximum amount of stuff you can write on it.

    1) Is it reasonable to write a ton of additional info on it (2 pages persay) or would it look bad, even if it is good info?

    2) What kind of information should I include in that section that would help the college admissions people know me better or help my chances of getting in? (right now, all I have in that section is all the community service I have done since none of the essays really ask about it)

    3) Is it wise to try to explain any deficiencies in my application on this section or would it sound like I am just making excuses? (ei. I got 2 B's in high school).

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • How good of a shot at getting into Harvard do I have or should I not even bother apply?

    Class Rank 1 out of 665

    4.75 GPA (weighted)

    3.95 GPA (unweighted, I got 2 B's overall)

    2180 SAT

    SAT II: 790 Spanish, 730 Math II, 740 US History

    Wrestling 4 Years

    Football 3 Years

    Black Belt Kenpo Karate

    Speak Spanish and Italian In addition to English

    Active member key club

    100+ Hours Community Service

    I am of Mexican/El Salvadorian ethnicity. Don't know how much that'll help.

    Took Programming Methodology and Moral Philosophy Courses at Stanford Summer College. Aced them both for 8 units.

    I don't hold any positions within a club like president or anything, I don't have any work experience, and I really haven't done extraordinary like win a state championship. I am a pretty decent athlete, but I am not particulary amazing. I am just wondering whether I should bother pay the 65$ app fee and go through all the paperwork to apply.

    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Why won't my vista laptop connect to the internet through my wireless network??

    My desktop computer at home is connected to my ATT DSL modem/router combo. That comp can use internet just fine. However, I recently purchased a Vista laptop, but it won't connect to the internet even though my router works. The laptop says it has excellent signal strength, that its connected to the internet in the network settings, but whenever I try to actually use the internet it says its not connected. I know its not the router because my desktop and my PSP both connect to the internet just fine. I've checked my firewall settings and thats not the problem either.

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Heartbreak help????!!!?

    theres this girl i honestly and sincerely love. I told her the wrong thing though. I said "that ive dated chicks better looking, but that ur the only one i ever really loved cuz i fell for ur personality". She got extremely offended by the better looking part and now she wont have anything to do with me. How can i change her mind? I really like her, and would do anything for her. I am a ****** moron and didnt mean to make it sound like that. Even if she wont ever like me again, what can i at least do to make her forgive me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I convert .VOB and .IFO files into a DVD?

    I am using DVD Decrypter. I have one large .VOB file for the entire movie, and one .IFO file for the entire movie. How can I turn these two files into a DVD-Compliant disk, even though I do not have the .BUP file?

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Plz answer my Political IQ Survey? Can u plz also list whether u r right or left winged? for stats projec?

    Political IQ Test

    1: When can the Vice-President vote?

    a. When the President cannot vote

    b. Only when the vote concerns national interest

    c. Only when there is a tie vote in the Senate

    d. When the President is being impeached

    2: Senators must be:

    a. Born in the USA

    b. American citizens for at least 9 years

    c. American citizens for at least half of their life

    d. None of the above

    3: When can the President declare war?

    a. Only when the Vice-President and the Secretary of State agree

    b. Whenever he wishes

    c. Only Congress can declare war

    d. When Congress in undecided

    4: Where must tax bills originate?

    a. From the President

    b. In the House of Representatives

    c. In the Senate

    d. From the Supreme Court

    5: A person cannot be punished for an act unless

    a. They are at least 18 years old

    b. There is a law against it

    c. They confess to committing it

    d. They wish to submit to punishment

    6. Of the following current politicians, whom did not vote for or support entering the war in Iraq?

    a. Hilary Rodham Clinton

    b. Jonathon Edwards

    c. George W. Bush

    d. Barack Obama

    7. Which of the following is the most secure border in the world?

    a. Mexican-American

    b. North Korea - South Korea

    c. Rwanda - Ghana

    d. Chinese - Russian

    8. As of 2007, how many amendments are in the US constitution?

    a. 30

    b. 25

    c. 22

    d. 27

    9. The United Nations was organized after which war?

    a. The Civil War

    b. World War I

    c. World War II

    d. The Vietnam War

    10: The right to change the Constitution is retained by

    a. The President

    b. The States

    c. The Supreme Court

    d. The Vice-President

    11. Which one of the following protections is NOT provided by the Constitution?

    a. Right of Appeal

    b. Salaries of Federal Judges

    c. Right to Remain Silent

    d. No Treason Trial for Politics

    12. Freedom of religion, press, and speech were guaranteed by which amendment?

    a. The First Amendment

    b. The Second Amendment

    c. The Fifth Amendment

    d. The Eight Amendment

    13. The war on Iraq was ostensibly and originally for what purpose?

    a. stop weapons of mass destruction

    b. fight terrorism

    c. liberate the people from Saddam Hussein

    d. reduce oil prices at home and abroad

    14. Who of the following is not running as a republican for the next election?

    a. Mitt Romney

    b. John McCain

    c. Rudy Giuliani

    d. Johnathon Edwards

    15. To what religion does Barack Obama belong?

    a. Protestant

    b. Muslim

    c. Jewish

    d. Catholic

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can U Plz Fill Out this Political IQ Quiz for my STATS project? List whether u r a repub or dem also?

    Political IQ Test

    1: When can the Vice-President vote?

    a. When the President cannot vote

    b. Only when the vote concerns national interest

    c. Only when there is a tie vote in the Senate

    d. When the President is being impeached

    2: Senators must be:

    a. Born in the USA

    b. American citizens for at least 9 years

    c. American citizens for at least half of their life

    d. None of the above

    3: When can the President declare war?

    a. Only when the Vice-President and the Secretary of State agree

    b. Whenever he wishes

    c. Only Congress can declare war

    d. When Congress in undecided

    4: Where must tax bills originate?

    a. From the President

    b. In the House of Representatives

    c. In the Senate

    d. From the Supreme Court

    5: A person cannot be punished for an act unless

    a. They are at least 18 years old

    b. There is a law against it

    c. They confess to committing it

    d. They wish to submit to punishment

    6. Of the following current politicians, whom did not vote to enter the war in Iraq?

    a. Hilary Rodham Clinton

    b. Jonathon Edwards

    c. George W. Bush

    d. Barack Obama

    7. Which of the following is the most secure border in the world?

    a. Mexican-American

    b. North Korea - South Korea

    c. Rwanda - Ghana

    d. Chinese - Russian

    8. As of 2007, how many amendments are in the US constitution?

    a. 30

    b. 25

    c. 22

    d. 27

    9. The United Nations was organized after which war?

    a. The Civil War

    b. World War I

    c. World War II

    d. The Vietnam War

    10: The right to change the Constitution is retained by

    a. The President

    b. The States

    c. The Supreme Court

    d. The Vice-President

    11. Which one of the following protections is NOT provided by the Constitution?

    a. Right of Appeal

    b. Salaries of Federal Judges

    c. Right to Remain Silent

    d. No Treason Trial for Politics

    12. Freedom of religion, press, and speech were guaranteed by which amendment?

    a. The First Amendment

    b. The Second Amendment

    c. The Fifth Amendment

    d. The Eight Amendment

    13. The war on Iraq was ostensibly and originally for what?

    a. stop weapons of mass destruction

    b. fight terrorism

    c. liberate the people from Saddam Hussein

    d. reduce oil prices at home and abroad

    14. Who of the following is not running on the republican platform for the next election?

    a. Mitt Romney

    b. John McCain

    c. Rudy Giuliani

    d. Johnathon Edwards

    15. To what religion does Barack Obama belong?

    a. Protestant

    b. Muslim

    c. Jewish

    d. Catholic

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will I be accepted into Stanford?

    I have a weighted 4.7 GPA, unweighted 3.95 GPA. I am taking Spanish Literature AP, Chemistry AP, Statistics AP, US History AP, PreCalc Honors, and English III Honors. I do varsity wrestling. Im involved in CSF, Key Club, FBLA and do community service regularly for key club. I am the valedectorian of my school for 2008. I only have 2 B's ever in my high school career. My SAT score is 2100.

    8 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago