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  • Help choosing the best streaming service?

    I want to buy a Roku box for a family member, but figuring out what shows streaming services actually provide for no additional cost WITH SUBSCRIPTION, is really opaque and difficult.

    1) The shows the person in question loves are Once Upon A Time, all of the Star Trek TV series (TOS, TNG, DS9, etc.,) Hannibal, Game of Thrones, and Downton Abbey.

    2) I see all of these listed on Amazon Prime, but I cannot tell if they are FREE WITH SUBSCRIPTION, or cost additional money. Do they???

    3) Is there any service that has all of these shows for no additional fee beyond a monthly or yearly subscription? (One annual lump sum would be preferable, hence considering Amazon Prime.)

    Please answer each question individually for clarity and organiation's sake.


    4 AnswersTiVO & DVRs7 years ago
  • Friend is seriously ill, immobile, poor, & without recourse.?

    He is super morbidly obese, and largely immobile (requires assistance and great exertion even to use the restroom, making it impossible for him to attend medical appointments, etc.)

    He suffers from hypothyroidism, and what doctors say is hidradenitis suppurativa but at this point sounds more like complex fistulizing disease with multiple abscesses and tracts. He has been without wound care for two years because he cannot make it to wound care appointments. His physician has abandoned him, writing him off as "non-compliant" because he cannot attend these appointments.

    He has increasingly labored breathing, and symptoms that sound to me like they may be the early stages of kidney failure, though I can't be certain (darkening urine, less frequent urinary output, etc.) He may also suffer from congestive heart failure. Again, I can't be certain (edema, labored breathing, etc.)

    He will soon be made to leave the home he has lived in for years due to mutual agreement by others who live there, and his only income at the moment is $700 a month from SSI (he has been disabled all his life.) He was told by an adult welfare representative during a home visit that if he goes into a nursing home, he will be left with only $40 a month for his other needs.

    He has had staph infections, and may or may not harbor MRSA (there were conflicting medical opinions about this in the past.) His open wounds combined with this fact have made most facilities wary of accepting him.

    Any hope for him???

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • Where can I find Neverending Story film memorabilia, displays, knickknacks, etc.?

    As a child of the 80s, today I like many collectors am assembling walls and shelves full of iconic goodies evocative of the wonder of my youth. (Masterpiece Transformers, statues, knickknacks, etc.)

    One of my most beloved childhood films was The Neverending Story (the first film, not the second.) I know some disliked the adaptation re: the original story's integrity, but I just LOVED this film and still do to this day.

    However, I've found that few if any collectibles and items were made available with regard to this film. Does anyone know where one might find statues or other displayable items depicting Falcor (the luck dragon in the film,) the Ivory Tower, or other iconic elements of the film? So far all I've found are some handmade items on etsy and similar places (some of excellent quality, others not so much.)

    My shelves feel incomplete without at least a Falcor sitting on them. Thanks.

    1 AnswerToys7 years ago
  • What is the name of a children's book about baby eagles learning to fly?

    I remember reading a book as a child about baby eagles in some craggy mountains high in the sky. All but one gradually learned to fly. Then one day the others got lost in a storm, and the one who couldn't fly had to overcome his fear to go and rescue them.

    Does anyone recall the title or the author? Thanks a lot.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Why can't I start Dawnguard in Skyrim?

    I can start the quest, and get the overworld map marker (but no compass marker) for "Speak With the Leader of the Dawnguard," There is absolutely nothing at this marker. I've looked everywhere and am standing right on top of it.

    I can see Fort Dawnguard on the world map (but again, no compass marker.) So I try to go there, and reach the end of the world at the gate where the road leading to it says, "You cannot go that way." I've tried to circumnavigate it every way I can imagine, and I always get the same thing: "You cannot go that way."

    Version: Xbox 360 1.6 title update w/Heartfire and Dawnguard installed.

    What I have tried: Deleting title update and redownloading. Deleting Dawnguard, redownloading. Deleting Skyrim, all DLC, and the title update. Clearing cache. Reinstalling, redownloading DLC, reupdating. Ensuring that the Add Ons are properly listed (they are.) Loading previous saves (I have hundreds and have tried at least 50.)

    Nothing works.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • How do you unlock the bonus "Toy Gotham" level in Lego Batman 2?

    How do you unlock the secret level in Lego Batman 2?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Is low grade fever normal following incision and drainage of anorectal abscess?

    My mother, 59, with history of RV dysplasia (no evidence of arrhythmia despite multiple 24 and even 48 hour monitors,) congestive heart failure, and urinary retention recently had a large anorectal abscess drained (February 29th, nearly two weeks ago roughly.) She has two thus far well healing (but still very open) wounds in each buttock as a result, as well as a smaller incision directly adjacent to the rectum due to removal of necrotic hemorrhoids.

    It is believed that the abscess was present for a matter of months up to a year before it became apparent and was treated on an emergent basis. It is also believed that the abscess may have originated in the colon, and that the possibility of a chronic fistula exists and should be assessed following recovery via colonoscopy.

    Additionally, she has a cathetar and foley bag in place due to urinary retention (believed to be associated with the now drained abscess) which will be removed on a trial basis under the supervision of a urologist this Friday (after being in for two weeks.) So we are also concerned about the possibility of a UTI.

    That said though, she has been on Augmentin (amoxicillin-clavunate) for 8 days, and her wounds and the surrounding superficial cellulitis looks much better. We have been doing wound dressings with aquacell under the direction of wound care professionals for a period of one and a half weeks following the procedure. They believe she is healing well. Again, her wounds are still quite open, but are shallower and look good. Minimal exudate, no pus, no foul odor. The color of the interior of the wounds is "beefy red," which we were told was good. There is some minor warmth to the touch, but this has been present since the procedure. There is no greater induration in any one area of any of the wounds than elsewhere, which is a marked improvement as well. Her last dose of Augmentin will be tonight, due to this progress.

    Before tonight, her temperature has consistently been no higher than 99.3 sublingually, and 98.3 axially. Tonight it is 99.8 sublinguially, and 100.3 axially. Is this normal for someone continuing to recover from such a procedure, with persisting open wounds? Could this be an early sign of additional or persisting infection? She is also experiencing mild chills.

    Naturally, she will continue to be assessed by her doctor as well as the wound care clinic, however I felt it couldn't hurt to ask here as well.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Is it safe to sprinkle food grade diatomaceous earth indoors?

    I have asthma and tend to develop bronchitis easily when ill. However I have a flea infestation despite having no pets and an otherwise clean, small (but carpeted) apartment.

    I have read that DE can cause lung damage if inhaled over long periods of time (even the amorphous, fresh water variety.) Is it safe to sprinkle food grade DE around the edges of my apartment in small amounts? Will I be inhaling enough of it later if, for example, I vaccum etc. that it could harm me?

    Should I limit its use to outdoors?

    Or are these warnings just out of an abundance of caution and not really something I need to worry about? Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Could I have vertebrobasilar insufficiency?

    I am a 30 year old male. I live a largely sedentary lifestyle, although I am working hard to change that. In any event, for years my favorite and most comfortable position had been laying on my left side on the floor, with my torso bent, my neck bent, and my head supported by my left hand, holding my head up. This forced my neck into what I now fear was a dangerous position after having done some reading on vertebrobasilar insufficiency.

    Sometimes after sitting or laying in this position for long periods, I would feel tingling or pins and needles in the left side of my neck (in the area of the carotid artery) and sometimes this would extend to the left side of my chest, the ribs, etc. I have always had a bad back and a stiff neck, and the aforementioned position contributed to it, so I always assumed it was neuropathy from my bad back and/or neck.

    A little over a week ago I stood up and felt a strong head rush and my left arm began to experience severe pins and needles. Since that time this has continued, and at times also includes the right arm. The back of my neck becomes hot and flushed feeling, and I experience pressure and tightness in my face, to the point that my face turns uncharacteristically red and flushed. This is alleviated somewhat by ibuprofen and ice to the back of the neck, as these were the doctor's instructions following a diagnosis of cervical neuropathy.

    However this does not feel like neuropathy. When it happens it feels like a head rush, and feels decidedly circulatory in nature for lack of a better term. It feels kind of like the area of my shoulders, part of the left arm, and the left back of my neck are falling asleep, or like they have been deprived or circulation and then suddenly circulation is restored or improved, causing the flushing and other sensations.

    I also experience vertigo when all of this happens, along with the facial pressure. I told all of this to my doctor, and pointed out the possibility of vertebrobasilar insufficiency. They said it is just radiculopathy and associated anxiety, because my physical reflex/motor/neurological presentation is completely normal (no weakness, etc.)

    But when this happens I feel very dizzy and clumsy. My question, to anyone qualified to answer, is this: is it possible or at all probable that someone can have vertebrobasilar insufficiency with only these symptoms? Would I be experiencing something more or worse if I had this? Can TIAs be this mild? Can they happen every day? Can insufficiency be chronic and happen repeatedly throughout the day, or be only slight or mild such that one never has a full blown stroke or TIA but has the symptoms I am experiencing? The vertigo in particular worries me, as it is one of the hallmarks. That and the fact that posture affects the symptoms.

    Secondarily, can radiculopathy be widespread and severe enough to cause all of my symptoms? The vertigo, the flushing sensations, the feelings of lack of circulation?

    I have an echo and a CT with contrast scheduled (no MRA, which is what I wanted to rule this out, incidentally) but I may have to wait for more than a month for the CT. I am terrified that they are missing this, and have no means of obtaining a second opinion due to my financial situation. Both the ER attending and my PCP called it radiculopathy with no imaging.

    Basically all I want to know is: am I safe? Will I be okay? Or could this be something much more serious i.e. vertebrobasilar insufficiency?

    Thank-you so much to anyone who can ease my mind or point me in the right direction.

    Additional Details

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases10 years ago
  • What was the name and author of this children's book about a train?

    All I can remember about this book (which I read frequently as a very young child) is that it was about a boy with a train set, which he enters and conducts as if it's real. The train is modern in nature. It isn't a steam engine. It looks like a "bullet" train, or like a basic Lionel electric train set (red and grey.) I remember there being oval shaped windows on the train. The illustrations are more literal and straightforward than most children's books.

    Can anyone remember any books from their childhood that feature similar details? Notes: it was not "Polar Express," "The Little Train," or "Steam Engine."

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How often do I need a DPT shot to remain immune to pertussis?

    I received a DPT shot about 9 years ago. With the current epidemic of pertussis in CA, am I still covered or should I seek another one?

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Are there keyboards that allow tremolo by vibrating the keys themselves?

    This is likely a pipe dream lol. I was just wondering if keyboards or synths exist that would allow the performer to create tremolos simply by vibrating or rocking the finger on the keys themselves rather than using a pedal, ribbon, or mod wheel?

    I would really love to be able to do things with keyboard that are more expressive than I currently can while still keeping both hands on the keys.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Does the speed of light actually slow down during refraction, or does it just "take longer?"?

    I keep hearing two seemingly contradictory things which are in reality probably not contradictory at all, but I have yet to have anyone explain it to me in a way that I can understand.

    The speed of light is theoretically constant (though some new dissenting data suggests it may be variable and some theories hold that it is variable.) Assuming that models which explain the speed of light in a vacuum as being constant though, why do we also say that refraction is caused by light's velocity changing as it passes from one medium to another?

    Put another way: Does light actually change speed as it passes from one medium to another, or does it just "Take longer" for light to get from one point to another in that medium due to things like changes in direction, internal reflection, etc.?

    4 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Would the properties of a vacuum differ if NO matter or particles existed in the universe?

    There are two different ways to ask my question, so it requires some elaboration. Please read this thoroughly.

    As a layperson, the concept of space being a medium in which particles are just quantum fields, and that quantum perturbations at very small scales, virtual particles, non-zero energy values, etc. occurring even in an ideal vacuum fascinates me greatly, and raises an interesting question, which I can pose in two ways.

    Wikipedia says: "An ideal vacuum cannot exist even inside of a molecule. Each atom in the molecule exists as a probability function of space, which has a certain non-zero value everywhere in a given volume. Thus, even "between" the atoms there is a certain probability of finding a particle, so the space cannot be said to be a vacuum.

    More fundamentally, quantum mechanics predicts that vacuum energy will be different from its naive, classical value. The quantum correction to the energy is called the zero-point energy and consists of energies of virtual particles that have a brief existence. This is called vacuum fluctuation."

    So my question(s) is/are:

    Put one way:

    What if our universe was merely empty space, and NO matter or particles existed ANYWHERE within the entirety of that space? Would these fluctuations and non-zero values still exist? Or would there only exist a true vacuum i.e. total absence of anything?

    I ask this because the idea of even empty space being merely a medium in which particles are quantum fields suggests that empty space is not really empty at all, but on some level, a tangible field or medium itself somehow. But if those fluctuations and non-zero values do not exist in a universe where no mass or particles exist, then is that really inherently true, or is it only true of our universe as we know it?

    So, put another way:

    Is the layperson's interpretation that space is not really empty but some kind of quantum medium really just an ILLUSION created by the presence of matter and particles in our currently observable universe, or would it REMAIN a medium even if all there was were absolutely empty space?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • How do I reach someone who knows what they're talking about at Comcast?

    All I ever reach is a call center which can only:

    1)Reset my modem

    2)Run a loop check

    3)Dispatch someone to my home.

    I have a very specific, highly technical issue, and they never know what I'm talking about. They keep telling me to call within certain hours and they will "escalate my call" to someone who can assist correctly, but every time I do they tell me I should never have been told that - that they do not have the authority to do so.

    Is there another number other than 1-800-Comcast that I can call to reach someone who actually knows what they're talking about? Please? For the love of God?


    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How do I determine the correct IP, DNS server, subnet mask, etc. for my Xbox 360 while using a router?

    The IP address of my Xbox 360, when set to automatic, always changes. This means I cannot forward ports to a specific IP address in my router settings, because the IP address is always different. (My router does not appear to give me the option to forward ports to a range of IP addresses, only one IP per port or port range.) Therefore, I need to enter a static IP for my 360 using manual network configuration.

    How do I determine the correct static IP and other network settings for my 360?


    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Are there any free applications that test hard disk stability?

    I'm an experienced system builder, but only as an enthusiast/hobbyist, not as a professional. As such, I'm familiar with the usual stress testing and benchmarking procedures (testing temps under load with Furmark and Prime95, checking for memory errors under memtest, etc. etc. etc.) but one thing I don't know is whether there are any free apps designed specifically to check for seek errors, bad sectors, etc.

    (I mean apart from chkdsk of course.) Suggestions are both welcome and appreciated, as I'm doing a build for a close friend for a change and I want to RMA any HDDs that show the faintest hint of instability. They don't have money to spare and I don't want them to have to replace their hard disk for some time.


    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can coccygeal pain be secondary to spinal stenosis?

    I suffer from coccygeal pain, however the pain presents similar to lumbar stenosis. It radiates to the thighs, is exacerbated when walking, alleviated when sitting, and less severe when walking down hill while being more severe when walking up hill. I always have a forward posture, as this alleviates the pain to a degree as well. This matches everything I read about spinal stenosis, however the pain (apart from when it radiates) is midline, directly on the coccyx. It presents more like stenosis or levator ani syndrome (closer to the former than the latter) than typical coccyx pain, though.


    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to tell if a product uses tantalum capacitors?

    I read an article today about how many electronic devices (particularly small form factor devices such as cell phones, laptops, notebooks, video game consoles, etc.) contain capacitors made with Congolese ore mined by children and involved in the conflicts there.

    Is there a way to tell if a product contains tantalum capacitors short of taking them apart and examining their internal electronics? I'd like to know that I'm not enjoying video games at the expense of childrens' lives. It would be easier to keep my head in the sand but, alas, that darn conscience keeps eating at me...

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago