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I just found out I'm awesome. You might want to get yourself checked.

  • Is this insulting to children?

    First, I would be absolutely fine with being a househusband and someone I greatly admire is one.

    Does this sound insulting to you?

    "I would rather spend time at a place that I (probably) don't like, doing work I (probably) find boring than be with you, the child I chose to have and claim to care about more than anything else. I know that you REALLY don't want me to leave you, but I think that you are overreacting and being foolish about the whole thing and cannot have a worthwhile opinion about it because you are little and inexperienced."

    Children who are abandoned by their mothers and children who are left at daycare experience the same exact trauma. (

    To say that being a housemother is unfulfilling and boring is offensive and insulting to children, am I wrong?

    7 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • What is the null hypothesis of patriarchy theory?

    How does one know that patriarchy theory is false?

    Opposite propositions are often attributed to patriarchy. Take for example the following:

    - Women are underrepresented in a field and it's because of patriarchy, and if they are overrepresented in another field, it's also because of patriarchy.

    - If there is anti-woman bias in the family courts then it's because of patriarchy, but if there is a pro woman bias in the family it's because of patriarchy.

    - If men are the more violent ones, it's because of patriarchy, and if women are more violent, then it's because of patriarchy.

    Lots of people critical of feminism and patriarchy theory have had this experience where they are given a standard that says that X proves patriarchy and when that is disproven the opposite is also proof of patriarchy.

    That's not to say that two opposite things cannot have the same cause, but it does make it an insane task to have the goal post constantly moving. So instead of chasing this mythical beast known as proving patriarchy false, why don't feminists provide some kind of standard by which people can disprove patriarchy theory?

    What would convince you that patriarchy theory is bunk?

    3 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Is there any research on the differences in sexual appetite that...?

    Is there research anywhere that demonstrates that men actually _do_ think of sex more often than women that isn't based on self reporting?

    The self reporting stuff smells fishy to me. Men are generally more open to sharing how much they think about sex in my experience and I would imagine that skews the results quite a bit.

    I've known women who were way hornier than I am, so I'm skeptical.

    5 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • what constitutes statutory rape?

    I understand that it differs in many areas, but pretty much universally the minor has to be older than 14 (or something like that) in order for it to be SR.

    What I am curious about is what kind of sexual activities fall under SR. Is it strictly penetration or does it also include oral sex and genital touching?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • what is passive aggression?

    Is passive aggression the same thing as being snarky or b*tchy?

    I've asked lots of people and they either don't know or I become even more confused.

    7 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Please explain to me the concept of "equality"?

    Obviously people are not equal in most respects, in fact in every respect I can conceive of all people are not equal.

    People say all the time that people should be treated equally and they will promote their pet issues and I may agree or not agree, but it appears as if nobody actually knows what "equality" actually means. They will pose a single issue as the measure, that men and women will be equal once women make a dollar to a man's dollar.

    There is a famous quote by (I think) Aristotle where he says "democracy is the idea that because people are equal in one respect, they are equal in all respects", but I am missing that one exception, the one respect where people are actually equal or deserve to be equal.

    So please tell me, what is equality, and how can you determine that equality has been achieved?

    1 AnswerGender Studies8 years ago
  • How do you justify your right to "equality"?

    I hear very often that people should be "equal", and that "equality" is the overarching goal of any progressive society.

    But it's just portrayed like it's a given. It necessarily implies that people actually ought to be "equal" (whatever that means). So tell me, on what basis do you suppose you have earned "equal" treatment?

    Because you breath air? Because you are a human being?

    9 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Why should boys excel in school?

    Maybe your school was much better than mine, but I constantly got the impression that nothing I was learning was going to be relevant or useful to me. I started out a straight A student in elementary school and then gradually started getting F's because everything was just so tedious and boring and had nothing to do with me, my values or my goals. It was all about following orders which I'm completely uninterested in. And this was the attitude of all my male friends.

    If they are planning to get some kind of degree they probably ought to do well, but they could get homeschooled or have no schooling at all and they would be in a better position (statistically speaking) than public school students.

    I think it's a worthwhile question and I got reported for asking it before.

    What do you think?

    1 AnswerGender Studies8 years ago
  • What kind of an effect have mothers had on adult men who become misogynists?

    Why is it no one thinks to ask what kind of influence mothers have on boys who grow up to hate women?

    I think we understand this well enough when women grow up to be man haters that her father probably had something to do with that, but I've only ever heard one person make the reverse connection before.

    My completely shallow and narcissistic mother couldn't possibly have anything to do with the reason I would grew up to find women shallow and narcissistic, right?

    The explanation that floats around whenever people are challenged to come up a reason men become misogynists is that fathers teach sons to hate women. I didn't have a father, nor did any of the misogynists that I know. And it makes like next to no sense even if I did have a father that hated women and taught me to hate women because what in the hell kind of a woman gets involved with a man who hates women? Certainly not the pinnacle of virtue.

    6 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Have you found more men or women claim that the sexes are too similar to make generalizations?

    I don't think this is very true, but obviously lots of people do for whatever reason.

    5 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • How true is this: what women want is not what they say they want?

    That women say that they want a nice guy but date the jerk is one example.

    I've heard this a lot, and I think it could very well apply to guys just as well. I'm not trying to make women look bad or anything, I'm just curious what'cha'll think.

    6 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • how are misogynists made?

    What is it that would make a person hate and fear women so much?

    If your answer is "society" then please be very specific. I've never found that answer to be particularly compelling.

    8 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Equality of outcome vs Equality of opportunity?

    How is an opportunity NOT an outcome? For that matter, how is an outcome NOT an opportunity?

    8 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • On equality, do you agree?

    Here's a quote:

    "Equality, effectively, means anything people want it to mean"

    Do you agree with this quote? I do.

    If I had a nickel for every time someone used the pretense of "equality" to segway into whatever their own pet issue is I would have a large collection of nickels on account of how often this happens.

    But maybe I'm missing something…

    3 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • Is feminism the pursuit of gender equality?

    I hear people say all the time that feminism just means a desire to have equality, but since women are so unequal that means our focus should be on women's issues. That they are interested in women's issues BECAUSE they are interested in equality.

    I can also say that the moon is made out of cheese. That doesn't make it so.

    So please, help me out here, if you believe the above about feminism, what is the basis of this belief? Where is the evidence?

    And to be clear, I'm referring to the idea that this definition accurately describes what it is feminism is. I am not referring to the idea that there are legitimate women's issues. That I perfectly accept.

    11 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • strange leak when driving and cooling down?

    95 Chevy S10

    I'm assuming it's radiator fluid but it leaks when I'm driving and as my truck is cooling down. The leak appears to be coming out of the spot a metal line to the radiator meets a large black plastic box.

    When I park and let the engine cool the leak drops on a hot part of the engine and a little steam comes up from under the hood.

    That radiator fluid level does not seem to be dropping, or if it is, it's doing it very slowly. But I only noticed it yesterday.

    Any ideas what the problem is?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • How do you feel about people saying they love lots of different people?

    I have had a very ambivalent relationship with the word "love" my whole life and have had lots of people claim to love me. They have all been women and it all seems to lack any meaning. My step grandma, girl acquaintances, women I've rented from and worked for and these kinds of relationships.

    I always hated that. It was like they were spitting on love and making it this meaningless thing, or even worse that they were trying to establish some kind of obligation I had to them in this sort of creepy way.

    I get really angry thinking about that, but maybe I'm overreacting.

    What do you guys think about that kind of thing? Does it bother you too?

    6 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago
  • why do women think that people hate women?

    I've heard lots of people, both men and women, say that they really don't like women, that they are crazy or exploitative or otherwise cunning in negative ways.

    I know there are some really ridiculous questions/answers from trolls online who condone violence against women, but in my real life, among the people I've talked to about it, it seems as if women have the most negative feelings about women (just my experience).

    So I'm wondering why women think that this happens?

    I hear people say that hatred of women comes from the fear of women, and maybe that's the case, I don't know, but then why are they afraid of women? It seems as if everyone I've heard said this was suggesting that not only are these men inhuman, but weak as well.

    If you aren't a woman then please do not answer (you can email me if you want).

    8 AnswersGender Studies8 years ago