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Gender Studies


  • 48
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    What lessons should we learn from the false rape accusations made against the Duke lacrosse players?

    Favorite Answer:

    The lesson is that colleges and others shouldn’t presume guilt based upon unproven accusations.   Guilt should only be presumed when an objective jury has carefully considered all the relevant evidence.  Similarly, we are supposed to practice innocent until proven guilty, but that is often thrown out the window when it comes to allegations of sexual assault.    

    In this case, the evidence exonerating them was conclusive.  ATM video footage proved they were elsewhere when the crime allegedly took place.    It later came out the false charges were made by the accuser because she was in danger of losing custody of her child and believed if she was seen as a victim she would retain custody.   

    20 Answers2 weeks ago
  • 13
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    Should people who disagree with feminism on social media be cancelled?

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    This is one of the tragedies of the loss of Yahoo Answers. We have a degree of anonymity here. This means people who post politically incorrect views can do so with fewer consequences.

    On many forms of social media (eg Facebook) posting politically incorrect material can lead to consequences in your personal life. But today's politically incorrect material maybe tomorrow's truth.

    No, they should not be cancelled. The prevailing politically correct view should be robust enough to withstand public criticism and divergent views.

    8 Answers2 weeks ago
  • 34
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    What is patriarchy theory?

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    "What is patriarchy theory?"

    "The Patriarchy" is a feminist conspiracy theory that asserts that every society has been, and continues to function under GENDER rule with men essentially ruling over women as opposed to the reality which is that we have always been ruled under CLASS rule.

    Feminists tend to see a "male power" in common, equal men with no such "power", just because it is mostly male leaders that are in power. But this would be like children thinking that all adults have the same authority as each other, and wondering why their own parents can't change the world properly to share that "power" with them (the children), and give them exactly what they want, when they want it.  This simpleton concept also ignores the very reality that male leaders do not share power with anyone, especially other males.  Men are competitive creatures.

    Feminists insist that we still live under a patriarchy today in the first world, even though all adult women have the exact same set of legal Rights and opportunities as men do. Also, no man has any authority or dominion over any woman. A feminist defined "patriarchy" cannot exist in the West. It does not.

    "The Patriarchy" as a concept was stolen from actual societies that have existed in the past, such as a rule by religious Patriarch as was the case in the Byzantine empire ... and somewhat (not exactly) like some of the Islamic Caliphates of today. But in our Western, representative democracies, to claim we live in any kind of Patriarchal rule of any type at all, is a fool's assertion.


    11 Answers2 weeks ago
  • 72
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    How can a guy know if a woman might withdraw sexual consent after the fact?

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    I man can't know if a woman will later regret having sex and will later claim her consent wasn't valid.  While this happens in the real world, it is most common at colleges as you mentioned.

    1.  Until this is changed, college men should not have sex with women at their own institution.

    2.  More men who are accused of sexual assault due to consent being withdrawn after the fact, need to hire lawyers and fight such cases, rather than just accept their fate.  Only by colleges getting sued will this unreasonable practice get changed.

    3.  Just as women have #MeToo, men need to start publicly calling out women who consent to sex, but later claim it was sexual assault.   The problem now is women are rewarded for this immoral behavior.  

    30 Answers2 weeks ago
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  • 18
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    What are some examples of systematic or institutional sexism in the U.S.?

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    "What are some examples of systematic or institutional sexism in the U.S.?"

    Systematic or Institutionalized sexism, otherwise known as legal discrimination, or state sanctioned discrimination, only occurs against men today in the US (and pretty much all Western nations). In the US, we have the selective service military obligation where all men must register or face legal restrictions on their Rights and benefits. Women are exempt from this entirely. Men also face affirmative action whereas women do not. There are many taxpayer funded "women's only" programs that are denied to men just because they are men. There is also restrictive wording against access for men in VAWA and Title IX. This is just a quick list.

    Institutionalized sexism against women was dealt with pretty much entirely by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Only the spotty toplesness laws that vary by state can be considered legal discrimination against women. For actual equality, it is time to give men the same protections against systemic sexism here as is afforded women. Equal Rights AND equal Responsibilities should be the mantra now.


    5 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Straight women, how do you view breasts?

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    My wife tells me that she simply sees them as lumps of flab.  No different to a fat stomach.  There is absolutely nothing sexual about them to her.  In fact she confides that the idea of touching someone's is similar to how I would feel about touching a male.  Quite revolted by the idea.

    10 Answers2 weeks ago
  • 19
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    Why is the male gender always doing mass shootings?

    You hardly ever see women doing mass shootings. Mentally ill or angry women talk to people about their feelings. Men are backwards

    9 Answers2 weeks ago
  • 42
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    Why is there a glass ceiling in the U.S.?

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    They are allowed.  It's  just that most either don't want it, or don't legitimately make it to the top, just like most men don't.

    Jordan Peterson explains it very well.  Those high powered, driven people (mostly men) who compete  like crazy to keep other men out of the top positions aren't just gone to suddenly roll over because feminist suddenly expect women to take their positions.  It doesn't work that way.  But when women are treated equally harshly to men by the top men, feminists have the gall to call that "sexist" rather than equality. at 3:20

    22 Answers2 weeks ago
  • 21
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    Why do middleschool girls have to be considered underage when thats the time girls are most sexy?

    Its all downhillfor their beauty from highschool and onward

    11 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Is claiming the U.S. is run by a patriarchy that oppresses women an example of a conspiracy theory?

    Favorite Answer:

    Yes.   Conspiracy Theory:   “a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.”

    Feminists claim there is a magically influential organization called the patriarchy that is responsible for oppressing women.  (Never mind that women are privileged, not oppressed)

    7 Answers2 weeks ago
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    My girlfriend gets pissed off by "sexist" jokes, is this normal?

    My girlfriend will read something she considers sexist or offensive - even a joke that simply references periods - and she'll be pissed off for the rest of the day. I try to talk to her about it and she'll say such things as "It's not ******* funny," and bitching about how sick she is of "all the **** that women take on a daily basis."

    8 Answers2 weeks ago
  • 23
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    Does the fact that old/ugly/modestly dressed women get raped prove that all rapes are exclusively about power and not sexual attraction?

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    No, not all. Crimes can have a number of different motivations. 

    8 Answers2 weeks ago
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    How mad are feminists that the innocence project has exonerated so many men wrongly convicted of rape...?

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    "How mad are feminists that the innocence project has exonerated so many men wrongly convicted of rape...?"

    It's certainly doubtful that they're happy about that.  Prominent feminist are so gynocentric on this issue that they would rather have men go to prison for false rape allegations than to have any false rape accuser have to bear any responsibility for her criminal actions.  They are on the public record saying this exact thing;

    "Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience."

    -Catherine Comins

    "If anyone is prosecuted for filing a false report, then victims of real attacks will be less likely to report them."

    -David Angier

    False rape allegations are way more common that we'd all like to believe.


    6 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Are feminists proud of their speakers at womens marches?

    If a man who murdered a woman spoke at a ‘Men’s March,’ it’d be national news.

    “There was a speaker at the women’s march on Washington named Donna Hylton. She got up on stage and talked about how she had spent 25 years in prison (not mentioning why of course), and the audience cheered.Turns out, she spent 25 years in prison because in 1985, she and a handful of other people kidnapped a 60-year-old man, tried to ransom him for $435,000, tortured him for three weeks (Hylton personally sodomized him with a metal rod), strangled him, and stuffed his body into a chest to decompose.I can’t help but wonder how a man with an equivalent record would be received at the same event.”Brief article about how feminists see men and the heroes they applaud that speak at Womens marches. Is this another proud moment for feminists?

    13 Answers2 weeks ago
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    When will all bathrooms be gender neutral to accommodate those of us that are gender fluid such as myself?

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    I believe society needs to think of the majority rather then the minority. I feel safer as a woman knowing women’s toilets are for natural born women only. 

    7 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Why do some men oppose laws advantaging women that are needed to create a level playing field?

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    There is nothing level about advantaging some people over other people.   Advantages for women tilt the playing field to women’s advantage.  That’s the whole purpose of such advantages.  

    6 Answers2 weeks ago
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    This is the end?

    5 Answers2 weeks ago
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    G.S. users:  What is the top thing you would like to see happen in the near future that would benefit gender relations or a gender issue?

    Share your key parting thought.  I will give no thumbs up or downs and will not select a BA.  Answers will stand (briefly) on their own merit.   

    I haven't been as active lately as I was once, but it's been a very long ride here for me.  I wish you all the best and a fond farewell.  

    5 Answers2 weeks ago