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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceGender & Women's Studies · 2 weeks ago

Why is the male gender always doing mass shootings?

You hardly ever see women doing mass shootings. Mentally ill or angry women talk to people about their feelings. Men are backwards

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    "The male gender".  Untrue.  Males.  True.  You see it isn't the entire male gender working together conspiratorially to perform mass shootings.  You may not believe it but there ARE males out there who haven't even committed a single mass murder.  It isn't MEN plural.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Latina Williams, Laurie Dann, Amy Bishop, Brenda Spencer, Jennifer San Marco, Tashfeen Malik, and Nasim Aghdam would all disagree with you.

  • 2 weeks ago

    "Why is the male gender always doing mass shootings?"

    Is the female gender always aborting their children, or are those that abort their children always of the female gender? There is a big difference between those two.

    The male gender is not always doing mass shootings. In fact, a very few infinitesimally small number of men are mass shooters. 


  • 2 weeks ago

    No; that is false. Women do not always talk to people about their problems; not all women are the same. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Supposedly because men are more violent. Women have done it, but it's rare. I can only think of 2 cases by women, and it was not on the scale of what men do.

  • 2 weeks ago

    (Eyeroll) You left out "and boys have cooties!"

    And just "disappear" the YouTube gun woman, she doesn't fit your  narrative, so she never existed. Neither does Amy Bishop, who murdered her brother, got away with  an "accidental shooting" ruling, and then went on a few years  later to blow away three of her colleagues on the faculty of the University  of Alabama at Huntsville, and wound three more, as well as planting a bomb in her lab supervisor's house, and describing it to a child and threatening if she told anyone the next one would at her nursery school.

    I'm GLAD this dump is closing, Finder/Sam/SpeakingAs etc. If I have to read too many more of these bullshlt "men/women are bad" rants that you psycho children post, _I_ could go nuts in a public place.

    I'm an atheist,  but still, as a species partisan,  I'm tempted to thank Yahweh or Siva that your ilk isn't common, and neither are the sexist idiots you try to argue with, so very, very badly. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Shootings are committed by shooters, not a gender.   The vast majority of males never pointed a gun at another person, let alone shot another person.   

  • Sandy
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    men are natural born killers. most women don't kill that way. we're more subtle murderers. we use poison or some mean and evil like cyberbullying.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Women can't hit a barn door.

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