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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 2 weeks ago

Disconnecting from straight people as a gay person ?

Are any lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queer’s etc at this point of disconnecting from straight people? I have to protect my family and self from homophobic abuse and heterosexual men who think they can change me. I’ve gotten a shyt load of negative comments from straight people in generally. I’m at the point of disconnecting from straight people and I find ignoring men helps ( sexual harassment, groping , sexism and discrimination mostly came from men) .. who told men they can change lesbians and secondly as a gay person I’ve called sexual harassment on men legally. I’ve had straight men tell me they’ll rape me back straight. Are there laws to protect  the LGTBQ community? I don’t want my kids around straight people at this point.. 


Meant to say general . 

1 Answer

  • 2 weeks ago

    (Yawn) It's been  done. The old lesbian separatists in the 1970s tried that crap. All that's left of them is a pottery and stained glass studio in Sedona and a couple of failed communes in Oregon.

    You would be better off stopping this "get you back" stupidity and working with straight leftists to defend yourself.  Like it or not, you're  a TINY minority, and you NEED  us.

    Of course, if you prefer snide bigotry reversal like this rather than uniting with other oppressed people in self-defense, feel free to commit suicide trying to face down the bigots alone.

    Dumb@$$. Thank goodness most gays and lesbians ain't like you.

    Source(s): All for one and one for all
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