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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 2 weeks ago

In your experience do women generally lack the ability to precisely describe what makes them feel uncomfortable around a creepy man?

I empathize with women who are objectively weaker than men around people who wish to cause them harm.

I have experienced countless instances of women saying things to the effect of, "He was so creepy.", "He made me feel uncomfortable.", "He was so weird." etc.

In an attempt to avoid an awkward silence, I usually respond with something like, "What did he do?" I am genuinely curious about the behaviors these women observed.

Every time they shrug and can't think of a single trait or behavior that he exhibited...

I will continue to support womens' gut instincts, but I don't think they realize what a disservice it is to their cause of bringing awareness to creepy behavior that they can't express themselves.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Some women genuinely have poor expository skills, but many of them realize just how privileged and petty they would sound by explaining how someone made them feel “uncomfortable” (god forbid!).

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