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  • Can a liquor store refuse to serve my alcoholic mother if i give them her name & picture to keep behind the counter?

    My mother has been an alcoholic for 2 years now and yesterday I poured out a 2nd bottle of vodka. She drinks and drives and I know if she ends up hurting someone shes just gonna feel worse and drink more. She drives drunk to the liquor stores and it's a big hazard for innocent people on the road AND her. If I give all of the local liquor stores her picture and her name, can they refuse to sell to her?

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years ago
  • Bloating right after eating?

    I keep bloating immediately after I eat. My stomach will be bigger depending on the size of the meal. If I eat a snack or bowl of cereal I'll have a small "pooch". I just ate a plate of spaghetti and it looks like I'm 3 months pregnant or something. I normally have a flat stomach. When I wake up hungry in the morning you can see my abs. I work out every day, I do pilates and yoga. I've been on birth control for maybe half a year. Could this be the reason? I used to be able to eat until I'm full and I think the bloating started after I got on birth control. How can I avoid this? I need to eat. I have lingerie shoot coming up this Sunday and I obviously need to eat before my shoot.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Jobs that allow you to go to school?

    I currently have the perfect schedule at my job to go to school but I hate it here. I also hate that I've been here almost two years and still get treated like I'm invisible. No raises, I've been shot down for promotions (none of them being to my face, they just hire someone and move on with out saying anything to me), my coworkers and boss are all pigs. On saturdays I have to sit 10 hours with no break because nobody ever wants to watch the phones. I'm not trying to complain, just giving you some backstory as to why I want to leave.

    My college counselor I see for anxiety management really wants me to find a new job. The problem is I'm scared that no one will work with my school schedule. I'm great at office jobs, I have class Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8AM-1:30PM.

    Where are some offices that you think would be able to work with that schedule?

  • creating a new youtube personality, need names?

    I'm a big fan of youtubers and I know that if you're good enough you can join the partner program and it would be so nice to have the extra money. I've already got a game plan and now i'm considering names. I know Grace Helbig, Jenna Mourey, Ryan Higa, Shane Dawson etc all obviously gave out there full names. Should I? I also thought about the youtube user name "allikatonline" but i don't know if i want to call myself allikat in the videos even though it is my nickname. The videos would be just a random mix of things that get a lot of views, comedy, vlogging, and crafting tutorials. Any suggestions?

    YouTube9 years ago
  • Best places/ways to make friends?

    I've been out of high school for 2 years now and all of my friends have scattered off. I haven't had a best friend in a really long time and it's made me kind of an introvert. I live in the cabot, AR area and even if you don't know that area where are some general places and ways to make friends?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • I did not sign up for early voter registration, can I vote monday?

    I live in Arkansas, I'm going to vote in Saline County, I have my new voter card they sent me in the mail and I did not sign up for early voter but I have a class on Tuesday and I can't afford to miss it, can I vote on monday morning?

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What would sell better at a crafts fair?

    I sew and I am considering entering a crafts fair next month if they aren't booked. My first idea was to make dog bandanas like the kind they give your dog after a day at the groomers but now I am considering maybe barbie clothes (I have the patterns and tons of scrap fabrics) or something for people to wear.

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Will spirit gum adhesive work with attatching fake fingernails to the face?

    Question sounds odd, I know. I've been wanting to be Mileena from Mortal Kombat as sort of a cosplay so I've been getting together a costume, wig, etc. As you may know she is half tarkatan so she has the tarkatan teeth. I looked online to make them and everyone used liquid latex to attatch sharpened and pointed fake fingernails to their face. I went to party city and because it's not really halloween season all they had was spirit gum adhesive and the remover. Instead of being white and looking like elmers glue it looks yellow, a little thick, and somewhat transparent. The back of the cover doesnt say much but that it is for attatching hair and prosthetics. Is there anyone with costume and makeup experience that can help?

    2 AnswersHalloween9 years ago
  • Best hobby to make friends in? How to make non-mooching friends?!?

    I'm 19, been out of high school for a year, going to college in the fall. I have one friend at my work who's my brother's girlfriend. I've hung out with her a couple of times and I always see her at my family's get-togethers. She's got other friends who are older so I can't always see her. I have one friend from high school who's still good to me. The other ones are too busy trying to get married or get high. She's got a bf and other friends too so I can't always see her. My bf lives a few hours away so we see eachother every 2 weeks usually. I spend most of my time pretty lonely.

    I work 2-7 during the week and 8-6 saturdays. Sundays are my only day off but I got a second job so sometimes I have to work sunday. I really want a hobby where I can meet more people my age. I love to act and dance. I also like sewing but that's mostly older people. I live in little rock arkansas and I work in north little rock. Help :( i'm sick of calling everyone in my phone friday nights trying to go out. I do like to go to this one 18 and up nightclub but I'm a girl so I can't go by myself and everytime I ask one of my "friends" they don't have any money.

    Tips to making trustworthy non-mooching friends!!!!!!!

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Need help with making a Carmen Miranda costume!?

    I want to choreograph a dance in a tribute to Carmen Miranda. I'm wanting to make the long skirt and the cropped top she usually wears. Making the hat is not a problem. I do know how to sew with patterns so if you know of any costume patterns or skirt and top patterns that would look like her please let me know! Also if you know anything about Carmen Miranda and what songs she'd dance to let me know. I was thinking one that she's sung before and maybe "Jump in the line". If I were to perform it it would be to raise money for my former high schools drama team.

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting9 years ago
  • How bad are the lines at six flags over texas during spring? For rides?

    My boyfriend and I want to go. I get sunburned badly so I want to go this may. How bad do the lines get in the spring time? I know places get crowded in the summer but what about spring? I don't really want to spend the money on a flash pass but I want to visit the whole park. I don't want to have to buy tickets for two days.

    1 AnswerAmusement Parks9 years ago
  • I need help planning a trip to texas?

    My boyfriend and I took a trip last summer to Branson and it was great except for the hotel air going out. I'm a redhead and I burn A LOT in the summer. I'm thinking I want to go in spring for this trip and I want to go to six flags over texas. Theres really nothing else there that I want to do but I want another few day vacation instead of just a one day. If I can I want to split the cost with my boyfriend. I'm just extremely unsure of what I should do... Has anyone had a trip to texas before? We're both 19 so..

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation9 years ago
  • Should I do a teen pageant?

    I'm 19 and I live in Arkansas. I'm from Akron, OH so it's a little bit obvious I'm different from the other girls here. My mother and I are liberals. We support gay rights, women's rights, and I am an animal rights activist. My talent is acting and dancing which is different from Arkansas girls because they usually sing. I'm a redhead with very pale skin and freckles, most girls here are blonde or brunette with tan skin. Instead of the big hair I would be different, and I would also have a different dress. I want to change up the game, I'm always looking to do that. Should I do it? I don't care about winning, I care about getting Arkansas to see more than christianity and hunting. Is this something I should do? Be an underdog?

    4 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • Best ruler for quilting?

    I already sew clothes and I wanted to get into quilting. I already have the directions for the project I want to do and I work at a fabric store so I have a big selection of rulers. I just have no idea which one i'll need. I don't want to buy 10 of them. I have a cutting board with measurements and a rotary cutter. Theres so many different ones, what's the cheapest best one? My book says clear rulers: 6" x 12"; 10 1/2" square

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Iron melted fusible interfacing? What to do?

    My mom was helping me make a purse that called for interfacing. I got a package of medium weight fusible iron on and when we tried it either wouldn't stick, or would break it. It didn't really melt it but when we ran the iron on it it kind of pulled apart in that area. We tested various temperatures and none worked. It said use at medium steam and we didn't have any water in our iron. How are you supposed to use the steam of the iron on the interfacing?

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Best vegetarian ingredient items?

    I'm thinking of making a trip to whole foods. What are some great vegetarian items that can be used in recipes or for snacking? I once ordered vegetarian jerky online and I loved it. I live in arkansas though so most of our stores don't have the vegetarian items other stores have. I also want an item similar to that jerky if I can find it. Help?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Where can I find 1950s bathing suits that aren't expensive?

    I can't seem to find any instore so I looked online. has a lot of cute ones but they can be up to over a hundred bucks. I'm not sure if I want a one piece or two piece. I'm just looking for some that are affordable. I'm not paying 50 bucks for a top.

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving9 years ago
  • Hot Springs, AR, stuff to do?

    My boyfriend and I (we're both 19) live in arkansas and though I've been to magic springs (which we plan on going to for a little while this sunday) I want to know what there is to do there for 19 year olds on a sunday. I heard theres a national park, is it any good? I kind of wanted to go swimming if possible or maybe hike. Also how expensive are the spas? Theres a ton of them there and I'd like a massage or something but I don't want to spend too much money.

    1 AnswerOther - United States9 years ago
  • What should be my stagename?

    Im going to be a stagemaid for a burlesque show tonight. Basically I dress like a sexy maid and pick up the clothes and props after each song. Im 19, good body, nothing too big or small I guess, I have light red hair. Kind of strawberry blonde but definitely red. There's already an act named red snapper so I don't want her name. Ginger would probably be a little overplayed. What do you think? Nothing too glamorous. Just something cute.

    3 AnswersGovernment & Non-Profit9 years ago
  • Question for other Arkansans, best campsites?

    I live in Mabelvale, (a few minutes south of little rock and a few minutes north of bryant) and my boyfriend is coming in from Rogers (a few minutes past fayetteville) to come visit me. I suggested we go camping because I've never been and I hardly ever go view the nature side of Arkansas. Where are some good places not too far away from little rock (little over an hour away is fine, gas is expensive) to set up a tent and see maybe some national parks or other tourist sites?? I want it to be private and a place where tents are allowed, not an RV park. I may even want to go swimming IF possible. I have an Arkansas tour guide packet if that helps. Thanks.

    1 AnswerCamping9 years ago

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