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  • 16years old going out with a 24 year old?

    Im 16 and my boyfriend is 24. I met him when i was 15 and living on the street. I was pregnant at the time and had no family or friends helping me , so he let me come live with him. While i was pregnant he took me to all my ultrasounds , cooked me dinner every night , helped me get back into school , and eventrully we started going out. We had so much fun together and he made me feel so special and happy. We even started setting a room up for the baby.

    He helped me get the courage to talk to my mum who I hadnt spoken to in nearly 2 years because i beat up my little sister and i was too embarressed to go back. But mum forgave me and let me move back in with her because she wanted to be apart of my daughters life and she could see that i had changed. But after 3 weeks she told me i had to either break up with my boyfriend or find somewhere else to live... Purely coz of his age. And i dont want to lose him, but i reeaaally dont want to lose my mum again.

    What do i do here?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • My newborn baby feeds every ten hours.?

    She is only 4 days old. She just sleeps all day and only feeds every ten hours. Im breastfeeding and everything else is perfect. Her skin is fair, shes healthy, all her checkups have been fine. So whats wrong with her feeding. I am really worried. Is it worth a trip up to the hospital if she doesnt start feeding soon??

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Guys.. Will this be romantic or would it piss you off?

    We broke up 7 months ago, and we have only seen each other by accident twice since then. The breakup was my fault.. I cheated. I don't know why i did it because i honestly wouldn't want anybody in my life except him.

    I want to say sorry so i was thinking of sending him flowers with a letter apologising for the way i acted. The problem is i don't know his address because he moved house. So i was thinking i might send them to his work. He works in a cafe. Would that be too wierd??

    Or can you think of any other ideas??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why do parents give kids stupid names!?

    Someone from near where i live named thier daughter la-a (pronounced ladasha). This is aweful!! It's child abuse!

    Do these people think theyre smart or something!!??!! These kids have to grow up with ridiculous names and probably get bullied at school, just because thier parents don't even have the decency to give thier child a propper name.

    11 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • I neeed to calm down!! HELP!?!? :D?

    I have 28 days till my baby is due. It's a little girl!!! Ava Rose shall be the gorgeous little baby's name :)

    I have the baby's room set up, ive got everything i need and i washed and even ironed all my baby clothes (even the singlets.. Haha yes im over the top).

    I don't know what to do now!! Im going crazy just waiting. Even worse im on maternity leave now, so all i do all day is sit talk about babies.

    Im so excited and im going crazzyyyyy!!! Please help!! :) haha

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What are those chocolate flavoured jelly babies called?

    You buy them in australia (not sure if u get them in other countries) i think its like chokio or something. But iv got no idea

    2 AnswersEntertaining9 years ago
  • Is this classed as cheating..?

    Im bi (im a girl) and iv been with my girlfriend for just over six months. I love her more then anything and would never cheat on her.

    But what about flirty texts to Boys?? Is that cheating?? Iv always said that if its so bad that i wouldnt show her... Then its cheating. And i don't want to show her these. They arnt overly bad or anything im more just embarressed. Am i being a bad girlfriend?? :(

    Also, iv stopped sending them now. I just want to know if what i did was wrong and should i confess and apologise.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • opinions on baby names?? :) xx?

    Ava Rose

    Hailey Rae

    Indiana Elise

    Isabella Faith

    Thomas James

    Addison Zachary (named after daddy :)

    Oliver Jackson

    9 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • How do i apologise to my ex..?

    At the beggining of the year i had the most amazing boyfriend in the world. But he deserved alot better then me. I was taking drugs, sleeping on trains every night, and having sex for money... Which resulted in me cheating on him alot of times. In the end i didnt know what to do so i ran away to the other side of australia, left him a letter telling him i Was having sex for money and that i was breaking up with him. Then after that i didnt speak to any of my family or friends for 5 months because i was too embarressed. While i was away i found out that i was pregnant. And i knew it was my boyfriend's because when i was working i was a safety freak when it came to protection.

    When i came home, he was the only person who would still talk to me. I still didnt tell him about the baby, but He helped me get drug counselling and got me into a reffuge. Then we got back together. While i was at the reffuge, a guy i knew black mailed me into sleeping with him coz he knew my past. He didnt force it on me so i know it was my fault, but i did it. And lost my boyfriend again.

    Okay so now its october, iv been sober for 3 months, iv let my past go, and im 36 weeks pregnant. Iv finally got my life back on track and i feel like the only thing in the world that could possibly make it better is him. He works at a cafe so iv gone in there a few times but its really awkward. I just want a way that i can apologise. Iv got a fair bit of money and pretty much all the time in the world to do something special for him (assuming i dont go into labour).

    What can i do to say sorry?? And should i tell him that baby is his??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Im hornyy... ;) zzzzz?

    Where can i find a guy who i can just root and then never have to see again. Im pretty horny and just wanna go at it, but i don't wanna do it with anyone iv gotta see again coz then things just get awkies..

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How should i write a letter to my dad?

    Okay so Hes only been my dad since i was 8 but i have always called him that because he is more of a father to me then my real one ever was.

    As a teenager my real dad was taking alot of cocaine and eventually commited suicide, and i blamed my dad for all of it. I would threaten him, through glass bottles at him, steal his car, and blame all my problems on him. When i was 13 i started taking a few drugs, my parents tried helping me but like every teenager, i thought i knew more then them. I was turning violent towards and eventruly they kicked me out and i was sleeping around for money.

    2 years later i fell pregnant and i really needed my mums help. But she wasnt willing to help me until i started helping myself. So i got drug counselling, got help at the hospital and after alot of hard attempts i finally quit or good.

    So iv been living with my mum and dad for a few months now but dad still doesnt trust me not to hurt them the way that i did before. I dont blame him But i havnt even spoken to him since iv been here and iv finally decided that i want to make the first move. So i want to write a letter explaining how much i regret the way i treated him. Because even though he isnt my real dad, he did absolutly everything for me when i was younger and i threw it all back in his face. I need help!!

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Why does everyone still judge me? :(?

    When i was 13 i started taking acid and smoking cones pretty often, i was living on the streets, sleeping around for money, and i had my daughter when i was 15.

    About a year and a half ago i decided that it was time to get my life on track so i went back to school, got drug counselling and now im actually a really happy, fun and normal person to be with. But now iv lost all my family and friends because everyone still judges me on what i did in the past.

    Iv made a few new friends but i really just want my family and my old friends back. But i hurt them pretty bad and i dont know what to do now. If anyone has any advice that would be really appreciated because im getting desperate. I just miss them.

    And please dont even bother leaving abussive comments.

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • My bestfriend is cheating on his girlfriend..?

    Okay so iv just found out that my bestfriend has been cheating on his girlfriend, and it has been going on for a while now. If i tell his girlfriend the truth then i will probably lose him as a friend, but i feel just as bad if i dont.

    Do i tell the poor girl who he is screwing over or do i let it go??

    7 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Best rapper/hip hop artist?

    I like kerser, eminem, hiltop hoods, bliss n eso... All that kinda stuff. So what are everyone else's favourites??

    17 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Worst movie of all time?

    Seriously i have seen ALOT of terrible movies, what does everyone think the worat one of all time is??

    12 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • How do you teach a 15 year old how to read?

    She is actually a very bright and intelligent girl... brilliant at maths, art and music. But she can't read very well. She can read some words, maybe at the level of a 7 year old. How do you teach a teenager this??

    9 AnswersSpecial Education9 years ago
  • How do i see what question i did a 'best answer' on?

    Okay so i feel heaps special and all that i was picked as a best answer, but i dont even know what it was for. How do i find this out??

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • How do you go up a level on yahoo answers?

    Is this like a game?? First person to get to level 10 wins?? Lol nah seriously what is it and how do u do it??

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Need a hobby... Any ideas?

    Im 16 and my mum has only just recently let me come back home. But one of her conditions for me being at home is i have to have a hobby.

    Also im pregnant so preferably no sporty things.

    And dont leave stupid comments about my age and stuff because im getting my life on track... Hence needing a hobby.

    K thanks :)

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts9 years ago